Sunday, June 5, 2011

Update on Summer Bucket List Status

Here is an update of my bucket list---all status (if changed) is in red!  :-)

I got this idea from another blog, however, I have been thinking of documenting such thing for days---but this is much cuter!  :-)  Here they are in random order:  (although I am sure I will be adding as I remember)

  1. Go to Las Vegas!  (date set! :-) ---still working on logistics
  2. Organize my craft room
  3.  Plant a small herb/flower garden to hang off my deck--- built the planter, and actually placed it, just awaiting the new dirt and then I can start planting.
  4. Take the kids to the beach for the day
  5. Take the kids to the Children's Museum (Lauren had been begging for a year!) ---I just bought a year membership, so I have no excuse NOT to go!
  6. Partake in the "free movie days" at the local theater
  7. Lose, at least, 20 lbs
  8. Spend 1 full week at my Mom's Lake House with kids
  9. Secure a new babysitter and make a regularly-planned date nights with my husband ----hopefully have an interview this thursday! 
  10. Let my kids grow their hair out, even if the long-shaggy look bugs the crud out of me ---Joshua's hair did get cut because Chris vetoed it getting long, but the girls hair is getting long/shaggy/annoying :-)
  11. Organize the garage for my husband, so he can do his beloved wood working
  12. Learn how to use my sewing machine in above stated "newly organized" craft room
  13. Go to the zoo with the kids and not be annoyed because I do not like the zoo
  14. Pay off all of our credit card debt (which should be done by July!! :-)) --OMG, I only have 1 more payment to do and this will be DONE.  FEELS GREAT!
  15. Obstain from buying my kids anymore summer clothes--and instead just do more laundry --Holding strong
  16. Teach my older kids to ride bikes
  17. Sign them up for at least 2 extra curricular activities this summer ---All are signed up for swimming lessons for June, and Lauren has volleyball for a week in June.... so, although a week in progress, I am doing well!
  18. Go one full week without any drive thru/fast food --- haven't even tried
  19. Talk my husband into allowing the kids to have a trampoline---Not yet.
  20. Enjoy a weird/special show or fair  (one time we went to a tractor show.. it was fun!)
  21. Go Berry picking and make our seasonal jam
  22. Get my husband a new grill so he can cook at least 3 nights a week ;-)
  23. Make a dream board to hang in my bathroom to view everyday
  24. Go on a bug hunt with my kids
  25. Get our deck painted (our house if I feel ambitious!)
  26. Family day to the Amusement Park that is not too far from us
  27. Take my loud kids to the library
  28. Completely break my baby of watching Barney! :-)---I have thrown away all of the Barney videos, and she hasn't watched any on On Demand.  Now onto the stuffed animals!
  29. Get my kids an amphibian (frog/lizard/etc)
  30. One day without TV/phone/computer/Facebook/Blogging/Email.......
  31. Organize and use my label maker

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