Saturday, March 31, 2012

Joshua's visit to Children's.

Our house has not been a picture of health by any means..... for 6 days we have had 2 kids (Lauren and Joshua) with fevers of 103+ without meds, 101 with.  Lauren felt better on Wednesday, and tried school, but came home with 103 temp again.  (I am not sure exactly why they didn't send her home, she looked like death).  So, back to the sick kids we went.

And by sick, I mean sick.  Laying bed all day, falling asleep multiple times a day.... falling asleep on the floor, etc.  They weren't puking or rash or anything, just really really lethargic.

Thursday night, Joshua started concerning me.  He wasn't eating, he wasn't drinking, he wasn't peeing..... just laying there.  He had 3 bloody noses throughout the night (which he is kind of prone to them with colds and such, so I wasn't that concerned), but when the morning came about, he just laid there.  He just seemed vacant.  Occasionally answering questions inappropriately, eyes rolling back in his head, not awake for more than a few minutes at a time, sometimes difficult to awaken.  I made an 8:01am (they open at 8) phone call to the Dr office and got him in at 930.  Unfortunately, my actual Dr was not available, and I can say I am slightly (ok, more than slightly) partial to her.  I requested for them to actually ask my physician if she would slide us in, but they didn't seem to oblige.  I don't see why people don't just realize that I am MUCH happier and cooperative IF they give me what I want?  For those that know me well, I don't have to tell you. :-)

Anyway, they did nose swabs (He did NOT like that), and drew some blood (again, not a fan), and then we waited.  I do have to give kudos to my sweet son.  Here he is SO sick, he just had to be tortured with a blood draw (they did awesome BTW) and as we were leaving I made a joke and said "Let's get the heck out of here, it doesn't seem like they want to play nice" and his reply was "But, Mommy, I want to stay and help people...... there maybe another little boy my age that has to have his blood draw and I want to hold his hand, I think that would help him so much.".... OMG, seriously?  I really almost cried.

So, we left, awaiting results that were supposed to come in by lunch time. 

Lunch time came and went, and no results.

I was laying in bed with my lethargic son... eyes rolling back.... nearly impossible to wake up.... and was definitely getting past the "comfort level" of staying at home.  Chris comes in and sees Joshua, and although he is trying very hard to leave all this medical stuff to me, the way he held his little boy, told him how much he loved him, and just cuddled with him with such a tender embrace, I knew my husband was doubting that his little boy would be ok.

The decision was made to go to Children's Hospital to have him evaluated (I knew dehydration was probably the only thing really wrong with him.  He isn't a "drinking" kid anyway, so he probably starts these illnesses of kind of dry anyway, and now without a pee in 36 hrs, I am sure it was bad.  As we were packing to go, the Dr called----he had the "Influenza B" aka  the flu.  Duh!  :-)

4pm, Friday night, I trudged with my super sick son to Seattle Children's Hospital..... not the best traffic time I must say.  But we made it.

The Dr we had seen earlier and given them a heads up and they were ready for us---kinda.  We still got to wait in the waiting room (which even tho my kid was probably the sickest in there, I was all wacky with disease heebee jeebees.  We went through triage (Temp 102.8 with tylenol 2.5 hrs prior) and a little boy who didn't question anything (he is the most inquisitive kid ever usually).  Then we waited a bit more and finally got a room.  Well, kind of a room.  More like a curtain.-------------and of course we had to share with this baby who was brought in via ambulance, oh so emergency like, who was laughing and giggling and playing peekaboo, and who's parents felt that this was an ice cream social in which they had the parents of the child, the grandparents, siblings of the parents with their significant others, some cousins... no lie there were like 15 people there.  I was WTF, just cuz YOUR kid isn't sick, doesn't mean you can come and have some stinking pow-wow.  My kid needs to rest.  And YOU are wasting the medical people's time with your shenanigans and making MY kid wait.

Ok, I get this way when I am scared.  And I was scared.  The medical person in me knew that hydration was the cure-all, the mommy part of me just say a shell of a little boy and wanted him back.

So, he got an IV started (they rock that BTW, hence why we went up there..... they definitely have they lickity-split, no bull-shit, way of putting those things in like butter.  He was super brave and then passed back out!

Long story short (although I don't tell short stories) they pumped 1000ml (a liter) of fluid in him, 2 popscicles and some apple juice, and then he was allowed to go home.

Only 7 hours. :-/

But on the way home, he chatted my ear off.  And after we got home close to midnight, he was running around the house jumping on the couch.  HAHA, I think the little boy is fixed.  :-)

And today?  Jumping off the couch doing stuntman landings.

Welcome back buddy!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My baby is almost 3

I am trying to hustle and bustle to get ready for my baby's birthday party on Sunday.  Now, generally that wouldn't be that hard, however, I have other things I am doing this week that leave me very little time to get ready.  And then, you add snow and cleaning, volunteering, grocery shopping, and dentist appts and and and.  It may just be a little hokey of a party.  I always have such ideas of grandeur... little chocolate baggies of goodies, special candy jars (which I did do!), house all decorated to the nine (which will not happen) special punch and drinks (again, bottled water and juice boxes here we come), and homemade cupcakes (I already ordered them!)... but then reality hits.  Real life things are encountered.  And, the party is scraped together at the last minute!

But, nonetheless, it will be a great gathering to celebrate our baby girl turning 3!  I cannot wait to take a picture of our gift to her all finished.  I think she will SO love it!

Also, with her being 3, she qualifies to start dance class!  She already prances around the house, and practices her ballet moves in the middle of any store we encounter----at least she can have some professional guidance to learn some actual moves.  She is hilarious to watch.  Always posing, acting, and all around drama queen!  Funny funny girl!

Oh, and on the "clean out the crap" front..... ebay has earned me 250.00 thus far.  Not awesome, but no complaints.  I get the junk out and make some dough.  I will take it!  I hope I can get some auctions going today so they can run this week!