The funny kids things say....................

4/17/11    Lauren: "Joshua, we are mommy and daddy's secret servants.  We have to get their shoes, get them water, and do stuff for them.... until we are 18.  We are kids, that is our job.  BUT after 18, we can have kids and THEY become our secret servants and we don't have to do anything"

4/20/11   Joshua:  "Mommy, I pooped an arm-muscle shaped poop.  It came out there because I am so full of muscles it is just coming out"........ ummm, ok Joshua! :-)

4/24/11  Joshua:  So he is putting a ring on my finger--a prize in one of his easter eggs from the hunt-- and said "With this ring I'll be wet".... Umm, ok little guy!  :-)  Love him!

4/30/11 (We were traveling in the car, the kids were freshly filled with Slurpees (thanks to Chris) and were being super loud... I had a headache and was plugging my ears)  Chris: Lauren, Joshua... you need to be quiet or Mommy's head is going to explode.  Lauren: "If her head is going to explode, we need to open the sun-roof to let it pop out"  :-)

5/4/11  Joshua: "Mommy, do you want a new car?  Because when Daddy wanted a new car he just crashed his and then broke the other one.... then he got a new car!"

5/13/11  Talk between Lauren and my 3 y/o niece "E" regarding night-time wearing of pull-ups:  "E, you have a pull-up on from when you went to bed?  Did you pee in it?"  "Of course I did, Lauren, chocolate milk has to come out somewhere"

5/19/11  Upon seeing some teen boys playing soccer without shirts on in a field by her school... "Mommy, they are playing without shirts on, can I?"  No, Lauren, girls can't.... "Why not?"  Why do you think Lauren?  "Because we have breasts sticking out and they don't, but then we should be able to play with our pants off because we don't have things sticking out there, and they do".......... :-)

5/22/11  My niece Taylor (11) to Lauren about taking a shower together  "I have to wear a bathing suit if we shower together, because my parts are bigger than yours and you are too young to learn about such things"....... Lauren, "Oh, I see my mom's parts all the time, and NO ONE'S are bigger than hers".... thanks Lauren