Saturday, March 29, 2014

I will feel better if I just blog.........

So, I am sitting here, wanting to blog but not wanting to blog.  I guess more of I want there to be a post, but don't want to sit here and make one.  I have procrastinated by reading my old posts (which I must add are hilarious!!!!!  I was cracking myself up) and looking at my old facebook posts and pics (in which my KIDS cracked me up). I really do love my life---most of the time :-)

Today I had to work a little bit, so I went to see my patients.  It is always a surprise when you walk in the doors, you never really know what the day will hold.  My 1st patient I had to have a family discussion on the end of life decisions and hospice discussions.............. and then the 2nd I was schooled for an hour about Jackie Kennedy Onasis jewelry on QVC.   Very interesting variations.

Then I made my way home and took the kids out to the front yard (cul-da-sac) and let them ride their scooters!  It is a beautiful day in Arizona, a warm 85.  The kids came in all out of breath and putting ice packs on their heads!  I guess they still have some acclimating to do.

And now, I am sitting in my husbands super comfy recliner, blogging, and thinking of all the things I should be doing but am not.

I guess I could also talk about yesterday.... Joshua had to have an appt for his congenital hypothyroidism, and since it has been a hectic year+, I have been slightly negligent in getting him looked at, so we went to his new Dr, and of course she ordered labs and then she felt something weird near his thyroid, so also an ultrasound.  He has not had an ultrasound since he was itty bitty, so I am curious to what is happening in there.  He was so funny, he said to the dr "I need my blood checked every year, and we didn't do it in 2013, so I need a blood draw today".    What he really wanted was the ice cream he gets after blood draws or shots....... but still asking to be poked at the age of 7 is pretty good.  So, after the dr office we went to the nearest open lab for the blood draw.  Joshua, still cool as a cucumber, sauntered on in the office.  No worries in the world.  Then as we were sitting there, a little girl (about 4) had to go get labs done, she did not appreciate the process much, and of course they missed so she had to do it twice.  During all this screaming, Joshua got a little concerned, but still put on his brave face when they called him back.  He sat in the seat by himself, put out his arms, held still and only winced when they poked and got the blood.  He watched the entire time and did great!  This is far better than the last time we did this and I had to hold him down, and they had to try 4 times to be successful.  FAR better experience.  LOL, MAYBE I can handle him having his blood drawn every year now.

I will update you on results when they all come in! 

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