Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time out chair here we come!

Julia Julia Julia.  She is 2..... just turned 2.  And the other kids didn't really hit the "terrible 2's" until more like late 2 or even 3.  But, Julia---she has the desire to excel, and reach this frustrating milestone VERY early.  I considered my self seasoned...... she is my 3rd, I have been through the store fits, I have been through the only wanting to do things their way.  But Julia is more difficult.  She is SO stubborn.  You can tell her to come to you and she laughs a staged 2 year old belly laugh and says "Say it again"... you yell at her and she chuckles....  Yet, no one else sees this----for other people she is angelic.  She is super sweet and charming.  People ask if she ever actually is naughty.  The answer to that is YES---- she whines ALL THE TIME... she throws a fit if she doesn't get the song she wants or the show she has demanded.... she will throw her juice cup at you if she requests juice and you give her water/milk.  She will spit food across the room if you give her something she doesn't like.  She has NO problem in hitting someone who is not allowing her to get her way (Poor Joshua is the prime target). 

I didn't have to implement consistent discipline with the other kids until much later---Julia... look out, here comes the time out chair!  I can see it already---she is going to run us ragged, and due to her being the baby, thus far, she has always just gotten what she wanted to prevent the "crying".   We are creating a monster.  So, my next project?  Making a time out chair. For now, we will start with just a stool we have around the house, but I am going to make an official chair soon and let me creative juices flow.

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