Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Yesterday I woke up with the itching to take my kids SOMEWHERE, where they could expend energy and not drive me bonkers..... and after some researching, I came up with this: 

I had a new friend of mine happily join us with her 2 kids, which are sweet little people that I can actually agree to have my kids around (I am rather particular), and then her sister and her sisters friend joined us for a bit.  All the kids seemed to have a great time, with minimal injuries (Joshua slight lip injury and some skinned elbows from slides), and only mild Julia restraining (mainly to sit and eat, rather than take food and run).  Overall, I consider it a success.... me, adult interaction.... kids, energy expension.  We did have to jet when Julia became a melting-in-progress, and then decided that inside such fun playland was the place to "concentrate" and proceeded to stink up the joint.  So, we had to head home. 

Then today, I woke up with a start of a migraine--with piercing pain above my left eye.  A 4am wake up for THAT really sucks, but some caffeine/tylenol/hot shower, has seemed to fix it, and I am hoping to make it through my day unscathed. 

Also, I have my interview tomorrow for facility #1 and I need to ensure I have appropriate clothing.  With my weight fluctuating, I can never tell what I have until I try on clothes.  I did get an interview with a facility #2, however, I believe that #1 (without viewing the unit yet) is a better fit, it is a closer commute, and has more opportunities as far as relocation if need be and has ties to other hospitals if I need more hours.  So, I elected to hold off on #2 until I decide on #1.  I do not want to waste their time (nor mine... plus I hate interviews), but keep the option open if I decide #1 isn't as good of a fit as I anticipated. 

Also, with the for-certain-prospect of me working, even if occasionally, I need to figure out the childcare situation.  I am sure I can find the occasional sitter for here and there, but if it is more frequent than that, I don't want to burn my "helpers" out.  Honestly, I really really hate finding childcare providers.  It is stressful, it is scary, it is time consuming.  *sigh

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