Monday, July 18, 2011

Some of the things I would never do---then I had kids

I was reading a friends blog and she was stating how she was never going to be the parent who bent down an inch from their kids face and reprimand them in public------- then she had a son.  There was definitely more to it than that, and she wrote it much better than me, however, it reminded me of today...... I decided to take my kids for a nice afternoon stroll, with the destination of quiznos for dinner (take out, and walk home to eat).  I thought they would enjoy the outing, change of scenery, and to grab dinner on the way---an adventure.

Then we got to quiznos.  Where my eldest child proceeded to run around in circles, my middle child was grabbing chip bags and attempting to pop them (and succeeded on one in which he then got on the floor to eat the crumbs), and my baby was laying on the floor screeching because she wanted to eat chips.  I was thoroughly mortified.  I saw the lady looking at me---but she was laughing---at my kids eating chips off of the floor.  I saw the man look at me when I bent down and told my middle child his behavior was embarrassing, and my son looked me in the eye and said "I am very disappointed in you for saying that to me".  I saw the worker-lady stumble with trying to grasp our order---as she looked at my kids acting like freaks. 

Which leads me to the few things that I swear I would never do. (The first 3 I did today!)
1) Let my kids go out in mismatched/stained clothes--- Julia was truly fashionable today!
2) Have my kid wear a "leash"--- Then I had 3 kids with one of them a non-listening/runner--she has a leash of which we have named "Her Pretty"
3) Have my kids behave like non-disciplined animals--- above stated scene.
--I would never let my kid just "cry"... but then one day I had to actually pee.
--I would never use generic diapers, but HELL it is just there to absorb things.
--I would not sit my kid in front of the TV, but again----- had to pee
--Would only use special, liner-filled bottles with cute pictures---but my baby didn't like them!
--I would never let my kids wear pajamas all day---I have actually on occasion let my kids where pajamas all night, all day, and all the next night... (Very rarely, but it has happened)
--I would bath my child every day....
--I would make all my baby's food, no food from a jar.  (I actually did pretty well with this--about 95%)
--I was WAY beyond hand-me-downs.  Now, Julia is LUCKY if she gets clothes with tags!
--NEVER let them eat a cheerio off the ground.... now, I think I just pour the box there, they end up there anyway
--I would never drive a MINI-VAN.... and then I begged for one.
--No character shirts or parties..... Can we say BARNEY????
--Serve ice cream from dinner
--Use my spit and finger as a washcloth ;-)
--Have a child in public with a messy face...

I am sure to be continued........

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And I sincerely understand why so many things we would never think to do, we know do out of kindness to our bladders. :)
