Sunday, July 17, 2011

Oh Julia.... Please be kind.

It has been a very long day with the cherub, Julia.  It started at 4am with her standing at her door screaming her head off, but she put herself back to bed, only to whine at 515 and 535, and then up for good at 6am.

She was in a superb mood this morning, went on the coffee (and subsequent donut) run with Daddy, picked out a super chocolatey-messy one (that her Daddy couldn't say no to, because he didn't want to break her adorable heart).  She had lots of fun making a royal mess with above described chocolate donut, as a matter of fact, I just recently found some more chocolate coated sprinkles on the wall near the kitchen.................

Then the day went down hill.  We are currently going through "5th Disease take 2 and 3", but luckily Joshua and Julia both have the rash, so they are no longer contagious, but I wonder if it is making Lil' J not feel so good.  She screamed, cried, and slammed doors instead of taking a nap.  She dumped cups of water out of the bathtub all over the floor, she almost sat on the dog (on purpose), she calmly climbed on the couch just to kick her sister in the stomach---for no reason.

Then bedtime came.  Which I thought would go super easy considering the 6am wake up, the no nap, and the walk to the park we did earlier today----but I was mistaken.  She turned on her light, read copious amounts of books in bed, and then started screaming bloody murder---like someone was truly harming her.  I went in her room, and took her into our bed (something VERY rarely done).  I had ideations of her just laying down and going to sweet slumber.  I was wrong.  It was 830pm when she climbed into bed with me....... and then she started to scream... and scream... and scream.  She went downstairs and cuddled with Daddy for awhile, and then came upstairs to scream some more.  Even the mention of "Elmo" (the CD she listens to) or "Bedtime" sent her into 2 year old/body flinging/head rammed into my nose/hitting/kicking/screeching fit.   She didn't want milk, she didn't want to cuddle, she didn't want to watch a show, she didn't want anything, but to scream.

Finally, it is 1045pm.  She is in bed (awake still), but quiet and relaxed.

It is nights like this that challenge me.  That make me struggle to find the positives.  However, today, I got to watch Julia tell her Daddy she wanted to be a princess, go get a dress and him attempt to make her as she requested.  :-)  Joshua came to me and stated I was the bestest Mommy ever and he wanted me to tuck him in so he could hug me and smell my hair before he went to bed.  (Ok, kinda weird, but also super cute!)  And watch Lauren hold her brothers hand as they crossed the street and state that she was the big sister and it was her job to keep him safe.

I "think" those 3 things can make up for the all day scream fest I have survived.  :-)

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