Friday, July 29, 2011

Soaking up the elusive washington sun

After a very entertaining evening of chatting with a new friend, and a very "less than tangible" sleep night, I got up this morning and decided to take my friend up on her invite to meet her and her sister at a local outdoor (heated!) pool.

However, I told myself I could not partake in the festivities unless I partook in my household chores.  With Lauren and Joshua's help (and hindrance of Julia by dumping a baggie of cereal on the freshly vacuumed floor), we got the whole upstairs vacuumed, bathrooms cleaned, beds made, rooms cleaned, dishes done, floor mopped, walls in kitchen wiped down, along with molding, and all the garbage out.  After all of that, we were cleared to go.  Along the way, I had to stop at the store for swim diapers (which you know I question the need for), and some lunch for the kids, and off we drove.

Our friends were already there, and the kids had a great time playing together---as well as the adults chatting.  We had a "water-nazi" of a lifeguard, who was like "Keep your kid within arms reach" in reference to Joshua, who I had in a life jacket--------isn't that what a life jacket is for????  But, when Julia was walking chin deep in water without a life jacket, no such warning was made.  Anyway, it was kind of comical because when he would "move posts" we could get away with a little more.  Now, please don't think I underestimate or undervalue lifeguards and their need to adhere to safety rules, however, he also needs to not underestimate my ability to watch my kid-----in a life jacket----in a non-crowded pool---- in 4 feet of water.

However, it was great fun, and we got home and Julia and I passed out, while the other kids read their bibles.  It is hilarious to hear the kids read excerpts out of their bibles to each other.  Joshua, who actually reads EXTREMELY well for his age, trying to read things like "Ezekiel" is super cute.  I will try to record a video to post for you soon. 

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