Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good day---Bad day

The day started off so good.... up at 6am, went down and scanned somethings for Chris, got treated to Starbucks by my man, cleaned out the garage and filled up the truck for Chris to go on a dump run, fed kids, took a shower, got kids dressed, and conned convinced my husband to take the older kids out for the day and end up at Cars 2...... and then out of the house with Julia to shop Target and Grocery story-------all before 11am.

Then I got home.  Somehow I got some horrid heartburn and nausea----12 tums later, I was starting to feel better, then I started with some mild lower abdominal pain which very quickly evolved into stabbing pain that radiated to my lower back and I started having sweats/chills.  I have never been one who suffered much from bladder infections, but I know what they feel like, and other than the pain upon potty breaks, I had all the symptoms.....

I called my mom for sympathy (isn't that what Mommy's are for????) and started chugging the cranberry juice.  36 oz of cranberry juice in an hour....... and texting my husband to bring me back some more (along with pistachios :-))  I actually started getting a little concerned... Saturday evening, stabbing back pain, starting chills and hot flashes, it was going to either be 1) a long weekend, or 2) a very expensive "pee on a stick and draw some blood" ER visit.  Now, one thing I need to be ultra careful of is that since my WBC's are so low, a semi-benign bladder infection that I would previously try to self treat, could QUICKLY go very bad......

But after 4 hours, 48+ oz of cranberry juice, and lotsa of peeing, I am doing much better.  I hope it only continues to improve and this is not just a honeymoon period.

On a brighter note, on my Target shopping trip, I was able to obtain stuff for the 3 birthdays I have coming for peeps in my life---in the next 2ish weeks...... Now, all I have to do is assemble and give!  I love giving gifts, it makes me feel good, and gives me an excuse to shop ---WIN WIN!

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