Monday, July 11, 2011

"Put the potty in the right place" week.

I have designated this week as potty training week... for Josie and Julia. 

Now, honestly, I don't think Julia is at all ready (she is 2yrs 4 months) but I am willing to give her a non-pushy trial to see how it goes.  Hey, you may never know---but considering she has been my most stubborn 2 year old yet, and really shows no signs of readiness, I am not holding my breath--but I DO hold skittles :-)

As for Josie, she is ready.  She actually has done pretty well on puppy pads with (I would estimate) about a 75-80% success rate, but in a small (porta crib size) area.  Today, I blocked off the openings to the kitchen and put down her pee pads in a large area, to see if she still was successful.  #2 she seemed to be 100% successful today, #1 only about 50%.... so she is a work in progress, but at least she gets more freedom and can run around safely.  With her being so small, we have had to be ultra careful and monitor her when she is "loose".  Julia loves her, and really wants to carry her around---by her neck.  So, we avoid any unsupervised interactions between the "little J's".

Anyway, today I had a bunch of energy to burn and motivation to boot, so I took the kids on a super long walk.  We walked to Target (while instilling and practicing our road/car safety with "extra safety alert" in parking lots and around cars).... then we walked to Burger King so the kids could have lunch/icees and play a bit.... then went to a store to get diapers for Julia (of which the neglectful mother in me didn't bring any) and then headed home.  I would "guess" our jaunt was about between 2-3 miles long, and with 3 kids and busy streets it was a daunting task.  The kids did really well, and we tried Julia on a "leash" (kid harness---of which before kids I vowed never to use, then I had 3 of them with the youngest being a non-listening runner).  She actually did really well and didn't complain too much at all.  Good to know for any upcoming D-land trips we may have ;-)

Also, at Target, Joshua spent his 25.00 gift card from Grandma Judy and got a new car track he "so wanted"
But, silly me, bought all of our stuff at the beginning of our walk, so we had to tote it everywhere..... We also had to buy all new toothbrushes because the "toothbrush fairy" (aka Julia) hid all of ours..... That girl LOVES her "toobus and uhpaste".

Overall it was a good day with good weather and lots of kid time.

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