Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weekly Wednesday Weightloss

Wednesdays Stats:
Highest Weight "achieved": 11/09
To date weight loss: -60 lbs (-2 lbs from last week)
Goal weight: 86 more lbs to lose
Caloric intake today: 796
Water intake: 60 oz
Exercise: 35 min cardio, 30 min weights

I have had a hard time today.  My lower back has been a little "tender" for the past few days, but today it kind of came to a head.  I noticed on my way into the gym that my back was sore, so I visited the chiropractic guy there.... (he doesn't do back cracking chiropractics, he does this: Activator Method of Chiropractics).... anyway, he did the first stretching and adjusting and I stood up and realized that things were a little more "noticeable" but felt it would work itself out.  I went onto do my cardio, then weightlifting and during my ball squats with weights, my back locked up.  "Olga" decided we should just do some more low impact cardio instead of weights, which we did and it was fine.  On my way out of the gym, the chiropractic guy said "let's re-stretch you", so he did..... after he was done, I went to stand up and all I felt was shooting pain in my back/legs.  This continued the rest of the day with any movement.... getting in and out of the car, stairs, sitting to standing, and I could not bend down to do anything with Julia.  After some aleve, ice, and rest, I can at least "kinda move".... but it has been a very painful back day.  I hope I feel better by my next training appt on Saturday, but I am willing to take it easy rather than make this worse.  I think back pain (and tooth pain) are the worst and most annoying pains EVER.

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