Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My baby boy graduated today.....

From Preschool.  :-)  It seemed like just yesterday that I was praying for him to be ok and defeating all odds to have him be, and now, he is almost 5 and just graduated from preschool.  As the saying goes, time flies.

I am so proud of how far my little boy has come.  We struggled to get him into preschool----fighting potty training in time----him being a very young 3, and not really understanding the whole "listening and following directions of the teacher" vs wanting to just "play"..... Now, he marches around with his head held high, a grown-up appearance to him, and is also wicked-smart.  (For his Kindergarten evaluation, they had to assess his academic level, he (at 4.8 yrs of age) tested out at 6.7.... or mid 1st grade level in reading/math.

I remember with Lauren, I was so sad at the prospect of her entering Kindergarten, with Joshua I am just excited.  I am partly excited for him---knowing how much fun he is going to have, but I am also excited for me----2 kids in full day school means more free time for ME!
(Sorry for the blur... Julia did something to my camera and I couldn't figure out what she did---for any of the graduation.  Luckily they tape and photograph for us!  :-)

He made this all by himself with only a picture as a guide.. Better than I could have done!  :-)
And, as much as I LOVE the preschool, and the teacher my kids have predominately had (Miss D.) is the cat's meow....... I will be very glad to not be driving there anymore.  I have driven there 2-4 times a week, for 5 years straight.  (3 years for Lauren, 2 years for Joshua). Now, I get 1 year off, then Julia gets to go.

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