Friday, May 13, 2011

My Dr appt 5/12/11

So, I went to go to see my doctor to follow up with all my wacky labs/symptoms.  I feel kind of bad, I probably made her completely late for the day! (She is usually very very on time!).... anyway, we discussed many things:

We started off with my cholesterol:  Yes the actual number is high, HOWEVER, the good cholesterol is high as well, so that makes the HDL/LDL ratio super low---- that of an athlete :-), that of which is in the excellence category---that that can actually reverse heart disease if there was any to begin with.  This makes me feel super good.  So, my body is taking care of itself, and no meds needed.  That is nice.  At least eating all this healthy crap is helping something :-)

Then we moved to my “girlie problems”..... she ordered an ultrasound to make sure there aren’t any fibroids or such..... my uterus is quite enlarged, which can contribute to my constipation/periods/back pain etc.  So, we are going to rule that out.

We addressed my cold intolerance.  She is testing me for auto-immune issues----which also follow suit with the low white blood cells.  The ones that fall into these categories are very weird illnesses, and I highly doubt I have them.... but better safe to check.  After that, we can recheck my WBC levels and see how they are.

My Vitamin D levels have increased from 1.7  (yes 1.7) last year to 27 this year.  :-)  (Normal is 30+).   So, that is good!

Then my heart palpitations: I am now wearing a Holter monitor.  Very benign machine, just annoying, and makes you VERY aware of heart palpitations.  However, I must say that my heart has cooperated extensively and given them lots of fluttering data to evaluate.  So, I should have an answer next week.

Then I kind of broke down........ again, because I have been working so hard.  I eat well, I exercise enough (maybe I should more, but I am definitely doing a lot), I drink a freakin’ buttload of water a day, I have lost 1/2+ inch in measurements in all areas, but gained 11 lbs since January.  WTF?  I know the whole “muscle weighs more than fat” but ummmm... that is disturbing.  So, then to cheer me up, she says “I can tell you have been working out, your calves are ripped”... LMAO.... I don’t know if it really encouraged me, but it made me laugh.  Dudes’ I have HOT RIPPED CALVES!  Haven’t you always dreamed of such a compliment. HAHAHAHAH

So, now I am in the waiting game.  Waiting for everything to come back and to rule a ton of stuff out.  I am feeling hopeful that we are at least trying to figure stuff out, and will allow me to have answers---even if it is that I am super healthy and I need to work harder.  *sigh

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