Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A little worried.............

Now, for those of you that know me well, I have been labeled as a slight hypochondriac.  The ironic thing is that I have often been right in the long run.... so I ask you, am I a hypochondriac OR just super in tuned to my body and can find things before they can be medically found................ I will let you decide.

However, a few weeks ago I started having heart palpitations.  I was/am due for my yearly exam anyway, so my Dr. ordered a bunch of labs while awaiting my appointment.  I had them drawn on a Friday at 9am, but the lab doesn't receive them until 3pm to do the testing.  4:46pm, on a Friday, I get a personal call from my physician with a "Do you have a few minutes to talk, and maybe move rooms?" (kids in the background).  Now, my heart drops...... I have NEVER had good personal calls from a physician.  Never had a call on a Friday evening (when I had an appt the next Wednesday to go over lab results anyway).... and then the whole "move rooms" thing.  NOT A GOOD SIGN. 

Anyway, so I oblige, and hide out in the bathroom.  Awaiting the "news".  She goes over "heart labs are fine, kidneys are fine, liver enzymes are fine, cholesterol high---but we can chat about that later, etc etc etc............ but, we have a concern about your white blood cells.  They are very low.  My head starts going all fuzzy, and all I can think of is CANCER.... CANCER... CANCER...  She chats a little bit about what it could be (yes cancer is in there, but so is
---hyperthyroidism (don't have, labs say no),
---nutritional deficits of some sort (labs don't support that),
---a lab fluke (please!),
---severe anemia (H&H completely normal)
---an immune suppression disease (lupus, HIV (negative---been tested many times due to my high risk work),
---severe viral infections (haven't been sick)
---or just an abnormal norm for me----which you would THINK I would have found out before now.

I have battled a host of emotions this past few weeks.  From, "hurry up get life insurance", to feeling like I have to write letters of my wishes to my husband and kids (ie: Chris, I want you to find love again... blah blah blah), to thinking "hey, this is a way I could become skinny, and wear wigs so I don't have to style my hair"......  to "Dude, you always think you have everything, it is your medical background--you know too much and google doesn't help"

Tomorrow is my follow up appointment.  I have organized a list of weird things that have been noticed within the past year.  Things that I have always felt were unrelated, but maybe they aren't!?!?!  (TMI alert: a few of them: weird periods (long/heavy/and too frequent), extreme fatigue, insensitivity to cold with cold spells that leave my toes and fingers numb, heart palpitations, bowel problems..... etc).  I have listed my diet intake/exercise regime.  I want to throw everything out there.  I pray there is an easy answer.  That there isn't anything really wrong.  When I dig deep, I don't think it is cancer... I am secretly hoping for some "weight-gain causing tumor" they can remove and all my problems will be solved-------but I really think it is some kind of fluke or nutritional issue.  Easily rectified.

But, I can't say I am not a little scared.  Oh, but I get a yearly-girlie exam out of it all.. Yeah!!! (NOT! ugh.)  Gonna be a super fun day.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect picture! Oh the internet. Thanks for being so open about your health challenges. Hoping everything ends up being OK. You are clearly taking great care of yourself. Great example to the kids!
