Thursday, April 28, 2011

Weekly Wednesday Weightloss

Sorry this is posting Thursday morning, I was a tad sick yesterday.  I have been having evening heart palpitations, and Tuesday night was really bad (approx every 17-20 beats for a few hours), and then Wednesday I woke up with horrid migraine that lasted all day.  Needless to say, I did only what I had to do to survive.  And, it goes without saying that I will be calling the doctor about the heart issues, and it just reiterates why I am on this weightloss/health journey:

Wednesdays Stats:
Highest Weight "achieved": 11/09
To date weight loss: -58 lbs (5lb gain from last week, but I have a monthly visitor who likes to hoard water :-))
Goal weight: 88 more lbs to lose
Caloric intake today: 600
Water intake: 84 oz
Exercise: 20 min moderate treadmill and 55 min weight training

I have definitely accepted within the past few weeks that I am an addict.  I am addicted to food.  I crave it, I find solace in it, I actually have LOVE for it.  However, it doesn't really love me back, so I need to dump it.  I need to ditch my love for food.  I can use it for its good points (health and sustenance) but I need to find other "things/people" to obtain my love/acceptance/pleasure from.  There are so many in my life who are deserving and willing to have that, so why not give it to them?  I came across this article the other day "10 tips for overcoming emotional eating"  Here are some:
1)  Write it away  (ie: journal/blog)
2)  Take 2 bites (if you HAVE to have that cheesecake, take 2 bites and dump the rest)
3)  Food can be wasted (dump the mentality that you must clean your plate.)
4)  Set up tiny goals (most of us have an all or nothing attitude. "I ate a cookie, I might as well eat the whole bag"  or  "I have to walk 10 miles everyday"... and when failure hits, we stop.....)
5)  Identify what do you really want to chew on?  (When you crave food, is it "food" you need, or is something in life bothering you..... finances, kids, deadlines, messy house etc)
6) Eat in the presence of others  (it helps keep you accountable)
7)  Small wins (write 5 things you did today that were small accomplishments)
8)  No more deprivation (instead of thinking that you can't have ice cream and you feel deprived, think of how this weight is depriving you of your life/dreams etc)

So, this week my tiny goal:

---Keep all my appointments with my trainer *"Olga", which was today (wednesday), Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday. 

* My trainer's real name is not "Olga", but it makes her sound so mean and torturous!  She is actually super sweet, kind, loving, supportive........ but she pushes me and sometimes I wish I could hate her.  :-)  But, I actually adore her, and KNOW that without her, I would be hard pressed to accomplish my goals.

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