Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I feel so blessed that we have this option:

So, after a few years of contemplation, my husband and I decided that we were going to send our children to a private school.  We have debated back and forth with the inconvenience of shuttling them everyday, the very noticeable monthly tuition (approx 500 per kid), the lack of "neighborhood kids" since the attending students kind of come from everywhere, etc.  However, for us, the public school in our area did not do it for us.

It all kind of started when Lauren started school.  We knew she was gifted.  We knew we would have to work hard and keep her challenged.  However, we then found out that there really aren't any programs for gifted children at her level at the schools in our area.  This year we lucked out.  She has a wonderful, dedicated, "seasoned" (not old, just experienced..... can't call her old, I think we are the same age! HAHA), understanding, flexible teacher. This particular teacher spends a lot of her extra time developing curriculum specifically for Lauren.  I feel so blessed to have her this year, however, what happens next year, or the year after... will we always be so lucky?  Doubtful. 

I understand about public education funding--and lack there of.  I understand the whole "no child left behind", but with all that, does that mean that MY child is overlooked?  That there are no developed curriculum catered for her and her level?  That she has to be in 3rd grade before gifted classes are even thought of?  I digress a bit, but I am super frustrated.  I am frustrated that we pay taxes, send our kids to school, and they can't provide the education MY child craves.  If she was "behind", she would get special classes, a special teacher to walk with her, special curriculum... all funded and provided by the school.  But, no, she is gifted.  She is in 1st grade and reads fluently at a 5+ grade level.... she is doing 3rd grade math easily...... so I feel that public schools feel "well, they will succeed no matter what we do, so just let them sit there, let them be bored, let them challenge themselves......"

THEN, there are those "kids" that aren't raised with the moral standards we live by.  The ones we instill and expect our children to adhere to.  We have encountered those.  We have encountered the kid who teases my child because she has a friend who is a boy.... who tells her to touch his "private parts (not the term used) and kiss him" because they are in "love".  We have heard our child come home saying words we have never uttered.

So, private school is our choice.  A school that is spiritually based.  A school that, since funded privately, can MAKE children/parents adhere to certain standards and can pick and choose it attendants.  (We and our children had to be interviewed).  A school who mandates uniforms so that the focus is on education not appearance.  A school who can celebrate Easter and Christmas and say "Praise God" without picketers outside.  AND, since we PAY for it, they kind of have to challenge our child.  I don't feel guilty for demanding it.  :-) 

I feel so blessed we are in the financial position to afford this for our children.  What about those kids parents who can't? 


  1. I am getting caught up on all your posts, but chose to comment on this one particularly because the topic weighs heavily on my heart. What ABOUT all those families who don't have the choice or even a choice for a so so public education instead of a completely useless one. So hard. Anyway, I LOVE that you can and will send your kids to a private school. I look forward to hearing about it. I am already researching our options and Oliver is only 8 months. I guess I just want to make sure I have my education about our options before the time comes...and I know it comes fast! Kudos to you!

  2. Thank you, Kristin, for commenting....
    #1) I am glad I am not alone in the plight and struggles of this topic.... and if I can help answer any questions for you, just let me know! and #2) Just to be patted on the back in the sense that someone actually reads my blog ;-) It is actually really hard to have a blog. You want to share, you want to document, you want to be candid....... but then you also feel so vulnerable. I am trying to keep the perspective that I am doing this for myself (I love doing it) and for my kids! They will love going back someday to see what I had to say. Not to be morbid, but I feel this is especially true if something were to happen to me. I want them to know without hesitation that I LOVED everyday of being their Mom---even when they drove me crazy-mad-nuts.

    I digress, but thanks again!
