Thursday, April 21, 2011

A very busy morning.....

So, today turned out to be rather hectic with way too much running around to do.  I was up by 6am, showered, house picked up, kids fed and dressed, lunch packed (Lauren), and out the door at 745.  Then the day went like this:

0810: Starbucks drive thru where I obtained a drink for myself, a drink for Lauren's teacher, a drink for my dear friend who is watching Julia for the morning---(aka bribery coffee), and 3 vanilla scones for the kids.

0810-0830: argue with my arguing kids..... in which the older ones LOST their scones, and made my life miserable for it.  I could have/should have just stuffed them in their face anyway to shut them up, right?

0830: drop Julia and Joshua off at friends house

0840-1130: Volunteer at Lauren's class where I did some academic assessments, and graded over 200 papers (no lie---the teacher was a tad piled up!)

1145: Joshua Preschool Easter Party (which I was suppose to be at at 1115.... oops.)  I kinda got volunteered to help.  Parties are not my thing.  I am more than willing to provide supplies, money, food, etc...... but me and parties are not cool, they cause me anxiety.  I think it has to do with my need to control and keep everything clean.  That is all impossible with 15 4 yr olds...  Luckily, the party went without a hitch because, altho I was late, there were many dutiful parents who were responsible enough to show up promptly and assist.  (I actually knew this was the case before I was tardy..... I wouldn't have left all those kids without a party)

1215-1230: Obtaining "way to fattening and unhealthy" lunch for my kids at BK.  Joshua obtained an icee (bribery for the upcoming event), and proceeded to drop it on my floor.  A full, cherry-icee on my van floor. *sigh

1230:  Was about to leave town, when I happen to see my husband (who was suppose to be at home slaving away at his work) walking out of Walgreens.  I then proceeded to follow him (only to say hi, not for any other reason) and met HIM outside of Burger King.  Funny.... anyway, as he was waiting for his food (they had him park to wait) we chatted, then the guy came out and I made a joke that I found this hot dude waiting fo' his chicken, and I couldn't help but hit on him in my mini-van.  Anyway, it was comical to me............................

1245-115: Driving to Joshua's dr appt

2pm: Dr appt for Joshua to get 2nd series of shots (he has a 3rd in September).  I have spaced out, declined and delayed some of my children's immunizations, (I will explain in another post) and since I am a firm believer in immunizations, just not as much in the hectic 1st year immunization schedule, he has catch up to do....  He was so brave.  Just told her not to shoot him too hard, screamed during it, then hopped down, got his stickers, and haven't heard a thing about them............... Lauren is STILL complaining about hers when she was 5.  :-(

3pm: Home and so tired, I pawned the rest of the nights activities on to Chris..... pick Lauren up at school at 5, get and serve dinner, and I took a nap! :-)  It felt good. 

Tomorrow---shop for our Easter Party Sunday.  I am debating on keeping Lauren home, she looks exhausted, but then that means I will have all 3 kids while shopping, I don't know how productive that will be.

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