Sunday, April 17, 2011

3 kids, lotsa popcorn, good movie, and the glaring woman in front....

So, I decided to take my kids to the movie Hop today.  Julia had already had a nap, the other kids were excited,  we had a big bucket of popcorn and sugary drinks!  It was going to be a great time............... then THAT lady.  Here we are at a KIDS movie, Julia is quiet and sweet throughout the whole movie, but gets antsy in the last 10 minutes.  I keep her at bay, mostly.... but a few 2 year old screams emerge.  Now, I am embarrassed enough and feel bad enough that my 2 year old is behaving this way (although, I am actually quite impressed it went as well as it did), but LADY did you have to turn around and glare?  Did you have to roll your eyes, and sigh multiple times?  Did you have to voice your disdain loud enough for the WHOLE theater to hear?  (Mind you, all this occurred at the end of the movie, which was a loud music part.....)  I then proceeded to take Julia out of the theater, I get that people don't want to hear a child screaming............. but then when the credits are rolling and I go back in to retrieve my other two kids, did you have to walk past me, chuck your soda in the garbage can from 3 feet away and state "Well that was a waste of money, couldn't even hear the movie."  Ummmmm..... YOU WENT TO A KID'S MOVIE, ON A SUNDAY, AT 2PM.... SUCK IT UP LADY!  Ok, I feel better now.  *deep breath*

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