Sunday, August 28, 2011

Could it really be this easy???

Today, Julia was showing interest in the whole potty training idea.  Well, maybe not the training part, but she has been labeling the functions lately, and was willing to go sit on the potty chair today.... so I thought, what the heck, I would give it a whirl.  First, she is MORE than ready, if she wasn't so stubborn.  She labels the functions, tells me when she goes, gets diapers for me.  Today I also found out that kid can hold it FOREVER.  We are talking 2-3 hours after drinking 2 9oz cups of juice/water.  So, we had 2 potty incidents today.... one, she was sitting on the couch in panties, and she gets up, runs to the bathroom and pees on the floor.  Now, I understand the floor is not the correct location, however the bathroom is, and I was shocked she knew enough to go do that.  Our 2nd incident was this evening...... I knew she had to go, she was doing the pee dance, and holding herself........ so I sat with her.  We played her Toy Story computer, we sang, we read a book.... she would not go.  Then she gets up, steps in the bathtub and goes.  Again, not correct location, but the right room.  So, I know she knows when she is going, she is just either too scared or too stubborn to go on the potty.  I can live with that.  It is a great start and an AWESOME first day. 

I am shocked.  (knocking on wood).

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