Monday, August 1, 2011

I had a really wonderful day!

When days start off so sluggish and without ambition to get moving, it is great to finally have it take off and end up being a great day!

I had a wonderful friend willing to watch Julia while Chris kept the older kids, and I had the opportunity to meet up with another friend to relish in a small birthday celebration.  Also, her kids were gone for a few days, and she was a little sad, so we had to try to squash some of that too.

We had super-relaxing pedicures with gorgeous flowers---although to be quite honest, I remember very little of the pedicure because all we did was talk and talk and laugh and talk.  It was awesome and well needed.

Then we met up for lunch, did some more conversing, had great food, I presented her with her birthday cake to take home and demolish.  (Although my kids have been requesting we go "get some from her' as they watched me make it and now want to eat it! hahahah) and I ventured home to hang with my kids.

A little later, my sister and her fiance' came over and entertained us all----especially Joshua who basically kidnapped Colby for HOURS hypnotizing him with cars and legos.  Secretly I think Colby was in heaven, but doesn't want to admit it.  During that time, my sister, Lauren, and Julia, and I proceeded to hang out, Julia showed off all her stellar dance moves to my sister, I was able to sneak away and do some chores, and then cook some dinner.

Then I had a hot bath, a good book, and a fuzzy cuddle with my puppy.  My eyes are now crossing, I have to be up in a few hours to start my tomorrow-day, and I will bid you a good night!

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