Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Here is to hoping we all sleep well!

It has been a very busy day, however, lots of fun and reminding of why I love my family.  My hard working husband had to get up at 4am-ish, and be out of the house by 530 to go to a work meeting.  Of course, as a dutiful wife would do, I set up his suit and clothes last night (Ok, I did it so he would not wake me up by flashing lights and banging around), but he decided on some different socks, and therefore still thumped around---albeit less than if I hadn't set stuff up for him!

I got up 630am and the rest of my day went like this:
630: up and shower/dressed
700: Kids up, showered, dressed
800: Leave house with dog to take to groomers... drive to Everett, drop off dog at 850am, and drive back home.
940: Home, packed for week trip to the lake house, cleaned the house, did 2 loads of laundry, took out all the garbage, packed the car (or rather directed my KIDS on how to pack the car---that ROCKED!)
1050: In car with all the kids, ready to go.....  Not a single thing packed prior, and in 1 hour packed and house cleaned----impressive if I do say so myself.  :-)
1120: Return to Everett, go to Target, get some things for our trip, get the kids new toys (ok, I will admit.... good-behavior-in-car-bribery)
1200: Pick up the doggie
1225: Get gas
1245: Get lunch for the kids
1:00: FINALLY leave town
Drive and drive and drive... (Ok, only 2 hours, but it seemed like FOREVER this time)
3:10: Get to the lake house!  Unpacked car and started to partake in lake life..... swimming, watching to ensure all my kids return home in a week without drowning.... Make sure Josie doesn't get "played with too roughly" by Sage (the 4 month old Golden Retriever)  (2lbs vs 40lbs....).

I have to admit though, that the kids were EXCELLENT on the drive up here.  All of the things "I will never do when I have kids" were embarked on:  eating in car, candy, DVD players, and driving with a doggie in my lap......  Oh yeah, and my music blaring on the "Front/Left side only".   BUT, it worked, the kids were great and it made the trip (which like I said earlier just seemed longer than usual) very bearable.

I will try to be better about taking pics tomorrow so I have something to show for, but the kids had a lot of fun swimming, fishing, and making huge messes!  :-)

And now, we are all snuggled in bed.  Julia fell asleep within 5 minutes..... Lauren keeps wiggling on the blow up mattress (*sigh) and I think Joshua is still playing his ipod!

I hope my husband is enjoying his peace and quiet.

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