Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First day of school!

I have SO been looking forward to today.  I am sure there are a few reasons like my kids are embarking on a new academic beginning..... that they will be making forever friends and learning new skills.... but mostly it is to RELISH in the QUIET day, nearly alone.

This morning was rough, as I anticipated it would be.  Lauren is a good "woken-up" person, and also dislikes certain textures.... so you compound that with being woken up at 630am, and having to wear a uniform------things were very rough.  (nearly an hour of hysterical crying)  But, Chris and I managed to get all the kids out of the house by 735am, and got to school with plenty of time to spare!

We walked our little cherubs to their classrooms, and got to witness their eyes light up at the prospect of a new year!  Lauren got right down to business doing her "about me" packet, she is an expert ya know ;-).  Joshua was the one that stood there with his eyes glazed and a silly-happy smirk on his face.  He WAS so in his element.  Saying hi to all the kids, reading their names on their name tags, telling them where to sit as they came in.  "What is your name??? I am Joshua, and you sit right here!"

Chris and I ventured home, he went to work and I hung out with Julia.  She was very very much enjoying Mommy time..... we cleaned bedrooms (and by cleaned, I mean I got a bag-o-garbage out of each kids room), we played trains, we watched shows, we colored,  we shared crackers, and we snuggled.  I don't think I heard her screech at all----until the bigger kids came home. ;-)

I got in a short nap, before Chris and I fought the disoriented crowds at the school.  It is chaos, but I am sure MUCH easier after everyone gets all acclimated to the routine.

2 SUPER happy, bundles of excited energy were picked up at the school.  2 non-stop chatterboxes.  We asked Joshua what he did, but he didn't want to really share, so Lauren started.  We got to hear about every second of every minute of her first day.  (Not really an exaggeration..... she talked the whole 30 minutes home).

----The funniest thing:  Lauren said that she put her extra school supplies in her cubby at school, and realized that there was a better way to place them so that there was more room and it was more organized...... so she asked the teacher if she could organize all the cubbies, and spent 2 hours organizing.  How funny!  I love my OCD little girl.

----Joshua did notify us that he had a new girlfriend named "Veronica".  She sits across from him and he likes her a lot.  My little son, the flirt.

Now, we are home, trying to get into the evening routine.  Thus far, we have embarked on snack, doggie outside play time, chores,  Lauren has packed their lunches for tomorrow, I have set out uniforms, and I am starting to get dinner underway!

A GREAT first day!  I think tomorrow, I am going SHOPPING!  ;-)!!!!

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