Sunday, October 2, 2011

Such a long break between blogs

I am really missing my blogging.  I so enjoy doing it and writing/reflecting on my daily activities, my family, struggles, and successes.  Things (as I mentioned in my last blog) have been slightly hectic, but FINALLY they have settled down! 

1) I finished my orientation.  I really could have ended it a few days earlier, but I am so glad for the experiences and I am sure I will do just fine on my own.... and looking forward to finding my own "groove".  Also, it was nice because my orienter in which I was clashing with also realized there was a clash and it was mutually decided to have me work with someone else.  It was great to see so much professionalism in something that could have been so not.  I do have to give myself props as an "adult" for having the balls to go up to her (when I really didn't want to) and just making sure everything was "cool".  It made me feel a lot better to clear the air, and to know it was mutual and all was fine.  The last thing you want to do is to have waves created with someone you may be working with frequently.  So, all is well there.  Also, the 2 main orienters I had after that were super cool and fun.   I was mostly with one gal "M", and she was super funny, sweet, and a great teacher.  She respected my previous skills, my way of doing things that may have been different, but also made suggestions and guided when necessary to aid me in getting back in my "groove".  It was really nice.  I will miss tag-teaming with her bunches.

2)  The kids are doing really well in school, and the routine of all of the "parental bus service" seems to be setting in.  They seem to be coming home with new things everyday, and their work ethic and respect for people and God also growing.  I am very proud of them and only see great things for the future.  I am SO glad we made this decision.  And..... the other day I was reminded of a small reason I am thankful.  I was driving past a High School in the area and saw something similar to this: 

 And then drove into the parking lot of the school and saw this:

Very Very refreshing!

3)  Lately I have been reminded how really lucky I am with my family situation.  A few of my friends are going through hard times for some reason or another, and I am reminded that I have great kids, a very loving/doting husband, and a great support system.  I am very sad for them, but glad I can also be a help to them in their time of need. 

4)  Kind of in tune with my last statement:  I have to give props to my husband through all of this "change" we have had.  He has been awesome, stellar, impressive, shockingly malleable.  I wasn't really sure he could be, but it really enables me to instill that trust that if anything were to happen to me that he could handle things.  I have a very hard time letting others take the lead....... to support me (emotionally), and for me to be the "weak one" or the "troubled one".  But through this job change, he has been a very strong support to me.  He took over a huge majority of the child-rearing/house running for the past 3 weeks.  I never heard a complaint, a groan, or an unkind word.  He just did.  It was great and refreshing.  I am very proud of him and love him dearly.  Thank you honey!

Well, I have so much more to say, however, Julia has been the most effected by all of this life change.... and today, she is just beside herself in angst.  My poor happy sweet baby girl is just hysterically crying and screaming for no reason and she proved it by being up 5 times last night.........  I have to find a way to mitigate this today, for her sake and for MINE!

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