Saturday, May 19, 2012

Scooters..... and bandaids :-)

With a mighty hard effort on my part to have a good and happy day with my kids, we (I) chose to take them on a walk for lunch/ice cream, but with the infamous scooters.  (These scooters were bought for christmas, but after they got them, we realized that they weren't as "easy to use" as the standard scooter, so much care has to be taken in order for the kids to use them without bodily harm.)

Anyway, I packaged them all up, and after a morning full of chores, we headed off for our adventure.  Before leaving, I checked my bandaid stash, and realized that we were running low, so I assumed (and assumed correctly) that we would have to make a pit stop along the way for a bandaid stock up purchase!

So, we ventured off, and this is what the adventure started out like:

Then started the bumps and bruises, with Julia being the first casualty.......... she was brave and sucked it up, but eventually we ended up here:

After lunch, we went to baskin robbins for ice cream, but since we were so full, we had to tote it home! 

Then came the next casualty---Lauren.  And she wasn't even riding her scooter, just fooling around, hahahah.  Then Joshua biffed it.  He did the best job of all!  Battle scars all the way!

..............Stopped at Target for our barbie and batman bandaids............

And now we are home---after 2.5 miles, 2.5 hours, a stop at McDonalds, Ice Cream, Target and loads of laughs and fun!  

And then this: 

I think it was a successful outing.  Glad I pushed myself to partake, and the kids were really good too!

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