Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A week at the lake!

I thought that vacations were suppose to be relaxing?  HAHAHA.  I am not complaining, the good thing about going there with my Mom is that there is a lot of help.  Between my Mom and my niece, they help to keep the kids entertained.  However, you also have to mix in "out of sorts" kids, and a house that isn't as set up for escape artists (aka: Julia and running outside............... and near water), it kind of perks your mother protection instincts up a bit.

We got there on Wednesday, and Thursday we allowed the kids to just play, swim, and enjoy the lake.
Julia didn't want to take her swimsuit off... so my mom came up with this.  Interesting.......

Evening Monster Chase

Friday, we went to Wild Waves, which was an all day event, leaving at 8am and getting back at around 7pm.

Saturday my little sister had set up for us girls (Mom, myself, and 2 of her friends) to go look at Wedding Dresses.  So, we got up at 7am, Lauren stayed with Taylor and Grandpa, and Joshua and Julia came with us.  My husband very nicely met us in Seattle to "drive around" with the kids so that we could do the first store without the kids.  (please remember Julia the day before at Wild Waves...... we didn't have much faith that she would cooperate).  Then Chris took Joshua home for a boy-weekend, and Julia came with us for the rest of the day.  Back to Olympia we went, had some lunch, and to another store.  Julia was A M A Z I N G.  She was the sweet easy-going girl I know she can be.  She sat in her stroller, played Lauren's Ipod (our secretly brought weapon), and was super cute.  It turned out to be a great day, that led my sister to add another dress in the mix.  She had been down to 3 prior to Saturday, narrowed it down to 2...was pretty set on 1, and then the Olympia store added another dress that all of us LOVED!  I wish her luck in her choosing, but no matter what she will look amazing. :-)

Then Sunday, I woke up just spent.  My mom let me go shopping on my own for a little bit (ooohhh, Walmart :-X) which was very much needed, and then I came back and took a nap with Julia---also very needed.  Lauren and Taylor were able to go swim themselves out!  They are both water-kids.... that water was NOT warm, but they lived in it.

And Monday, we headed home.  I was actually kind of ready for going home on Sunday, but driving on a Sunday evening, after the only nice weekend this summer, through Seattle---just seemed dumb to me.  So, we waited.  :-)

I am glad to be home though.  I missed my husband, I was missing Joshua, and missing my normal routine.  It was a great time though, and can't wait to do it again next year! 

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