Friday, August 12, 2011

I am SOOOO sorry

I have been such a neglectful blogger.  Things have been super hectic here...

*Chris and I went to Vegas on a much needed getaway in which I was pretty much on radio silence.  Other than a few texts to a friend, contact with my sister who had the kids, and one credit card call (which they just wanted to let me know their "new benefits" in which I said I was walking in Las Vegas in 105 degree heat and I could wait for the "new benefit" notification).  It felt great.  I will detail our Vegas goings on soon, I promise

*Then we got back and are trying to re-acclimate the kids to "parents" and Julia had diarrhea when we got back (but I thought it was just diet change), but then she spiked a 101-103 fever on Wednesday and has had it ever since (today is Friday :-)).... it goes down to 101 with tylenol and 103 without.  She has no other symptoms:  no rash, not complaining of ears, no "cold symptoms", not crying when peeing... nothing.  She puked once but that was just to expel some milk that didn't sit too well, and now she has been fine.  BUT, on the plus side, she has been SUPER cuddly and calm and I have taken full advantage of it, PLUS, I have been super cold since coming back from Vegas, and she has been my heater :-)............. but cuddling all day does not make for good catching up on chores/phone calls/blogging/laundry/household running.  So, things have been neglected.

*Trying to get everything assimilated for kids to start their new school:  in which we had our first tuition payment (ouch), and the uniforms were ordered, but when I got home from Vegas I found a small package and I was perplexed on how all of it fit in there, opened them up to find 2 sweaters, but nothing else, yet the invoice (and confirmation email) said that everything should have been there.   I was a tad worried on how exactly you prove that to a company, but I sent an email and they are moving quickly to rectify without any question.  I was super happy.  (Who wants to battle over 400.00 worth of uniforms?) Plus, we have "teacher meet and greets", and a meeting with Lauren's new teacher to set up the curriculum plan.

*Went to my GYN appointment, and all is well, will try to get to a better description of goings on in another blog soon. She just gave us some roads to investigate and decisions to be made.

*Still trying to figure out why I am so stinkin tired.  Coming to the conclusion that perhaps it is a lifestyle thing, but I cannot imagine being this tired is really my fault.  I am sure there are things I can improve to help this, but this is all extreme.

*On the job search.  I had a job interview before Vegas....... and I felt it went well, however, they were looking for more of a FTE (scheduled) position vs a per diem (when I am available) position.  Ummm, don't you think they would have KNOWN that prior to both of us wasting our time????  They knew what I was looking for---read the cover letter peeps!  BUT, I have another interview in the works and I am going to reconnect with the old hospital I worked at to see if they foresee openings in the next 3-6 months---if so, I may wait.  I enjoyed working there very much and will forgo all of the training and interviewing and such.

*Finishing up some outdoor maintenance, although I did get a pressure washer yesterday, and since I am MADLY IN LOVE with pressure washing, I am sure I will get some done today :-)  (Seriously, it is rather cathartic to blast sh** away.  I LOVE IT!)

Well, that is all I can think of right now, but I will end by saying I am sorry!  I will get on catching up and posting some pics of our LV vaca!  Sorry for my bad blogging updates :-(

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