Today, Julia was showing interest in the whole potty training idea. Well, maybe not the training part, but she has been labeling the functions lately, and was willing to go sit on the potty chair today.... so I thought, what the heck, I would give it a whirl. First, she is MORE than ready, if she wasn't so stubborn. She labels the functions, tells me when she goes, gets diapers for me. Today I also found out that kid can hold it FOREVER. We are talking 2-3 hours after drinking 2 9oz cups of juice/water. So, we had 2 potty incidents today.... one, she was sitting on the couch in panties, and she gets up, runs to the bathroom and pees on the floor. Now, I understand the floor is not the correct location, however the bathroom is, and I was shocked she knew enough to go do that. Our 2nd incident was this evening...... I knew she had to go, she was doing the pee dance, and holding herself........ so I sat with her. We played her Toy Story computer, we sang, we read a book.... she would not go. Then she gets up, steps in the bathtub and goes. Again, not correct location, but the right room. So, I know she knows when she is going, she is just either too scared or too stubborn to go on the potty. I can live with that. It is a great start and an AWESOME first day.
I am shocked. (knocking on wood).
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Zoo on steroids!
Today we went to Northwest Trek, which is like a zoo, but cool because you see the animals in their habitat. It was a beautiful day, and the animals were out to entertain. It took us quite awhile to get there, but once we did, we had a picnic in the car, and went in and enjoyed what the pacific northwest has to offer. While you are there, you can ride a tram which takes you out and about, the kids were pretty good---except Julia doesn't like being restrained. Here are some pics of our day! And we are now tuckered out.
Friday, August 26, 2011
"The next available representative"
So, the nice parents-in-laws took my older children for a few days, it was a great break. Chris and I took Julia to Toysrus and out to dinner last night to spoil her rotten (she is SUCH a hoot, and super good when it is just her), and then today, Julia and I got up, brought our breakfast in my bed and settled in for a "relaxing morning".
I decided that since I had all the time in the world to be on hold while cuddling with Julia, I would call Expedia. When we went to Vegas we booked through them. They are having an issue with providing us an itemized statement (for business reimbursements). I don't quite understand what the issue is to be honest...... we paid the money, they are a service, if we want to know what we paid for, we should be able to know. However, they don't want to reveal their cheap rates and such. Anyway, I have emailed them consistently the past few weeks to ask them for this itemized statement, and I get a cut and paste answer. Then, they finally came back with a "back door method" of finding out charges since they should be billed separately on the charges (Airline one charge, hotel another). That didn't happen in this case, they billed it as an all inclusive. I have called them prior and waited 62 minutes on hold before my phone died. So, anyway, I decided to call today and just sit here "waiting". Let's make a long story short.... I was on hold for nearly 2 hours (110 minutes), and never did reach a real person because obviously the "next available representative" didn't get to me. During this time, I did 2 loads of laundry, shopped online, did a schedule for the up-coming school year, and swore a lot (silently... Julia snuggling next to me, remember?). After a little over an hour, I had to get up and do stuff, so I took my phone with me, but it wasn't on a charger, so after 110 minutes, it died too. ALMOST 2 HOURS OR WAITING FOR NOTHING. I will never ever ever ever use Expedia again.
Anyway, after I took a deep breath and got over that, I made Julia lunch and we sat at the table and ate together and chatted. She also had a minor interest in potty and toilets today. We were not successful, however, just the mere fact that she shows interest and labels her "activities" while she is doing it give me so much hope! I was just chatting with a friend the other day that I have had a kid in diapers since Lauren was born. I never had a break. I am so so so tired of diapers.
So, after lunch, Julia and I went outside and played with Josie. Then we sat on the swings and just sat. It was so nice and sweet to just hang out with her. She would look at me and just smile a coy smile. Adorable! I am really looking forward to the time alone we are going to have in 12 more days. Her and I have never had much alone time together....... when Joshua was in preschool we did, but so much time was spent taking him back and forth and such, I didn't get to really hang with her.
She then took a nap, I rested and we embarked on a very traffic filled drive to pick up the older kids. I don't know where everyone was going, but it was nuts.
*The older kids were picked up.
*Joshua and Julia showed their love by fighting the whole way home.
*Chris showed his love by having dinner all ready when we got here and since it was pizza and movie night, he didn't have to do much, but I am very thankful he did the ordering! 1 less thing I had to do.
*We watched Tangled while the older kids cuddled up next to us, I think they missed us.
It was a good night. I really adore my family, even when they drive me crazy-mad-nuts a lot of the time!
I decided that since I had all the time in the world to be on hold while cuddling with Julia, I would call Expedia. When we went to Vegas we booked through them. They are having an issue with providing us an itemized statement (for business reimbursements). I don't quite understand what the issue is to be honest...... we paid the money, they are a service, if we want to know what we paid for, we should be able to know. However, they don't want to reveal their cheap rates and such. Anyway, I have emailed them consistently the past few weeks to ask them for this itemized statement, and I get a cut and paste answer. Then, they finally came back with a "back door method" of finding out charges since they should be billed separately on the charges (Airline one charge, hotel another). That didn't happen in this case, they billed it as an all inclusive. I have called them prior and waited 62 minutes on hold before my phone died. So, anyway, I decided to call today and just sit here "waiting". Let's make a long story short.... I was on hold for nearly 2 hours (110 minutes), and never did reach a real person because obviously the "next available representative" didn't get to me. During this time, I did 2 loads of laundry, shopped online, did a schedule for the up-coming school year, and swore a lot (silently... Julia snuggling next to me, remember?). After a little over an hour, I had to get up and do stuff, so I took my phone with me, but it wasn't on a charger, so after 110 minutes, it died too. ALMOST 2 HOURS OR WAITING FOR NOTHING. I will never ever ever ever use Expedia again.
Anyway, after I took a deep breath and got over that, I made Julia lunch and we sat at the table and ate together and chatted. She also had a minor interest in potty and toilets today. We were not successful, however, just the mere fact that she shows interest and labels her "activities" while she is doing it give me so much hope! I was just chatting with a friend the other day that I have had a kid in diapers since Lauren was born. I never had a break. I am so so so tired of diapers.
So, after lunch, Julia and I went outside and played with Josie. Then we sat on the swings and just sat. It was so nice and sweet to just hang out with her. She would look at me and just smile a coy smile. Adorable! I am really looking forward to the time alone we are going to have in 12 more days. Her and I have never had much alone time together....... when Joshua was in preschool we did, but so much time was spent taking him back and forth and such, I didn't get to really hang with her.
She then took a nap, I rested and we embarked on a very traffic filled drive to pick up the older kids. I don't know where everyone was going, but it was nuts.
*The older kids were picked up.
*Joshua and Julia showed their love by fighting the whole way home.
*Chris showed his love by having dinner all ready when we got here and since it was pizza and movie night, he didn't have to do much, but I am very thankful he did the ordering! 1 less thing I had to do.
*We watched Tangled while the older kids cuddled up next to us, I think they missed us.
It was a good night. I really adore my family, even when they drive me crazy-mad-nuts a lot of the time!
Not necessarily tonight, but a beautiful sunset out of our back window! |
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A week at the lake!
I thought that vacations were suppose to be relaxing? HAHAHA. I am not complaining, the good thing about going there with my Mom is that there is a lot of help. Between my Mom and my niece, they help to keep the kids entertained. However, you also have to mix in "out of sorts" kids, and a house that isn't as set up for escape artists (aka: Julia and running outside............... and near water), it kind of perks your mother protection instincts up a bit.
We got there on Wednesday, and Thursday we allowed the kids to just play, swim, and enjoy the lake.
Friday, we went to Wild Waves, which was an all day event, leaving at 8am and getting back at around 7pm.
Saturday my little sister had set up for us girls (Mom, myself, and 2 of her friends) to go look at Wedding Dresses. So, we got up at 7am, Lauren stayed with Taylor and Grandpa, and Joshua and Julia came with us. My husband very nicely met us in Seattle to "drive around" with the kids so that we could do the first store without the kids. (please remember Julia the day before at Wild Waves...... we didn't have much faith that she would cooperate). Then Chris took Joshua home for a boy-weekend, and Julia came with us for the rest of the day. Back to Olympia we went, had some lunch, and to another store. Julia was A M A Z I N G. She was the sweet easy-going girl I know she can be. She sat in her stroller, played Lauren's Ipod (our secretly brought weapon), and was super cute. It turned out to be a great day, that led my sister to add another dress in the mix. She had been down to 3 prior to Saturday, narrowed it down to 2...was pretty set on 1, and then the Olympia store added another dress that all of us LOVED! I wish her luck in her choosing, but no matter what she will look amazing. :-)
Then Sunday, I woke up just spent. My mom let me go shopping on my own for a little bit (ooohhh, Walmart :-X) which was very much needed, and then I came back and took a nap with Julia---also very needed. Lauren and Taylor were able to go swim themselves out! They are both water-kids.... that water was NOT warm, but they lived in it.
And Monday, we headed home. I was actually kind of ready for going home on Sunday, but driving on a Sunday evening, after the only nice weekend this summer, through Seattle---just seemed dumb to me. So, we waited. :-)
I am glad to be home though. I missed my husband, I was missing Joshua, and missing my normal routine. It was a great time though, and can't wait to do it again next year!
We got there on Wednesday, and Thursday we allowed the kids to just play, swim, and enjoy the lake.
Julia didn't want to take her swimsuit off... so my mom came up with this. Interesting....... |
Evening Monster Chase |
Friday, we went to Wild Waves, which was an all day event, leaving at 8am and getting back at around 7pm.
Saturday my little sister had set up for us girls (Mom, myself, and 2 of her friends) to go look at Wedding Dresses. So, we got up at 7am, Lauren stayed with Taylor and Grandpa, and Joshua and Julia came with us. My husband very nicely met us in Seattle to "drive around" with the kids so that we could do the first store without the kids. (please remember Julia the day before at Wild Waves...... we didn't have much faith that she would cooperate). Then Chris took Joshua home for a boy-weekend, and Julia came with us for the rest of the day. Back to Olympia we went, had some lunch, and to another store. Julia was A M A Z I N G. She was the sweet easy-going girl I know she can be. She sat in her stroller, played Lauren's Ipod (our secretly brought weapon), and was super cute. It turned out to be a great day, that led my sister to add another dress in the mix. She had been down to 3 prior to Saturday, narrowed it down to 2...was pretty set on 1, and then the Olympia store added another dress that all of us LOVED! I wish her luck in her choosing, but no matter what she will look amazing. :-)
Then Sunday, I woke up just spent. My mom let me go shopping on my own for a little bit (ooohhh, Walmart :-X) which was very much needed, and then I came back and took a nap with Julia---also very needed. Lauren and Taylor were able to go swim themselves out! They are both water-kids.... that water was NOT warm, but they lived in it.
And Monday, we headed home. I was actually kind of ready for going home on Sunday, but driving on a Sunday evening, after the only nice weekend this summer, through Seattle---just seemed dumb to me. So, we waited. :-)
I am glad to be home though. I missed my husband, I was missing Joshua, and missing my normal routine. It was a great time though, and can't wait to do it again next year!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wild Waves!
I was able to finally take my kids to Wild Waves, with the help of many! I ended up recruiting my sister and her fiance... and then my mom and my niece came too. So, it ended up being a kid per adult, which seems to work out really well.
The problem? Julia was not feeling well. That chick cried (ie: screamed) almost the whole day. So, having an adult per kid was really good..... I could listen and try to stop the screaming while the other kids/adults were able to enjoy the park.
Here are some pics!
My mom did allow me to go and enjoy some water slide time with Joshua, while she cuddled with the sleeping Julia. The problem, I had Julia in a swim diaper............... you know the one that doesn't hold liquid? When I came back to check on them, my mom was like "I keep feeling like I pee'd my pants"...... Well, it wasn't hers. Rather funny, although I wasn't the one who had to ride home in urine soaked clothes. :-)
But, luckily the older kids had a BLAST. They are still talking about it, and Joshua was so happy to go on a big water slide with me---and me hold on to him so that I "saved him". I love being my son's saving Hero. I hope he always thinks of me that way ;-)
The problem? Julia was not feeling well. That chick cried (ie: screamed) almost the whole day. So, having an adult per kid was really good..... I could listen and try to stop the screaming while the other kids/adults were able to enjoy the park.
Here are some pics!
My 3 beautiful children |
Joshua and Lauren humoring Julia! |
One of the few smiles we saw that day |
Taylor, Lauren, Auntie Tracey, and Colby |
Joshua, Lauren, Grandma, Auntie Tracey, and Taylor in the splash! |
Joshua and his buddy Colby (in the yellow shirt) |
Julia and Auntie Tracey before the ride started....... |
And after........ |
My mom did allow me to go and enjoy some water slide time with Joshua, while she cuddled with the sleeping Julia. The problem, I had Julia in a swim diaper............... you know the one that doesn't hold liquid? When I came back to check on them, my mom was like "I keep feeling like I pee'd my pants"...... Well, it wasn't hers. Rather funny, although I wasn't the one who had to ride home in urine soaked clothes. :-)
But, luckily the older kids had a BLAST. They are still talking about it, and Joshua was so happy to go on a big water slide with me---and me hold on to him so that I "saved him". I love being my son's saving Hero. I hope he always thinks of me that way ;-)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Here is to hoping we all sleep well!
It has been a very busy day, however, lots of fun and reminding of why I love my family. My hard working husband had to get up at 4am-ish, and be out of the house by 530 to go to a work meeting. Of course, as a dutiful wife would do, I set up his suit and clothes last night (Ok, I did it so he would not wake me up by flashing lights and banging around), but he decided on some different socks, and therefore still thumped around---albeit less than if I hadn't set stuff up for him!
I got up 630am and the rest of my day went like this:
630: up and shower/dressed
700: Kids up, showered, dressed
800: Leave house with dog to take to groomers... drive to Everett, drop off dog at 850am, and drive back home.
940: Home, packed for week trip to the lake house, cleaned the house, did 2 loads of laundry, took out all the garbage, packed the car (or rather directed my KIDS on how to pack the car---that ROCKED!)
1050: In car with all the kids, ready to go..... Not a single thing packed prior, and in 1 hour packed and house cleaned----impressive if I do say so myself. :-)
1120: Return to Everett, go to Target, get some things for our trip, get the kids new toys (ok, I will admit.... good-behavior-in-car-bribery)
1200: Pick up the doggie
1225: Get gas
1245: Get lunch for the kids
1:00: FINALLY leave town
Drive and drive and drive... (Ok, only 2 hours, but it seemed like FOREVER this time)
3:10: Get to the lake house! Unpacked car and started to partake in lake life..... swimming, watching to ensure all my kids return home in a week without drowning.... Make sure Josie doesn't get "played with too roughly" by Sage (the 4 month old Golden Retriever) (2lbs vs 40lbs....).
I have to admit though, that the kids were EXCELLENT on the drive up here. All of the things "I will never do when I have kids" were embarked on: eating in car, candy, DVD players, and driving with a doggie in my lap...... Oh yeah, and my music blaring on the "Front/Left side only". BUT, it worked, the kids were great and it made the trip (which like I said earlier just seemed longer than usual) very bearable.
I will try to be better about taking pics tomorrow so I have something to show for, but the kids had a lot of fun swimming, fishing, and making huge messes! :-)
And now, we are all snuggled in bed. Julia fell asleep within 5 minutes..... Lauren keeps wiggling on the blow up mattress (*sigh) and I think Joshua is still playing his ipod!
I hope my husband is enjoying his peace and quiet.
I got up 630am and the rest of my day went like this:
630: up and shower/dressed
700: Kids up, showered, dressed
800: Leave house with dog to take to groomers... drive to Everett, drop off dog at 850am, and drive back home.
940: Home, packed for week trip to the lake house, cleaned the house, did 2 loads of laundry, took out all the garbage, packed the car (or rather directed my KIDS on how to pack the car---that ROCKED!)
1050: In car with all the kids, ready to go..... Not a single thing packed prior, and in 1 hour packed and house cleaned----impressive if I do say so myself. :-)
1120: Return to Everett, go to Target, get some things for our trip, get the kids new toys (ok, I will admit.... good-behavior-in-car-bribery)
1200: Pick up the doggie
1225: Get gas
1245: Get lunch for the kids
1:00: FINALLY leave town
Drive and drive and drive... (Ok, only 2 hours, but it seemed like FOREVER this time)
3:10: Get to the lake house! Unpacked car and started to partake in lake life..... swimming, watching to ensure all my kids return home in a week without drowning.... Make sure Josie doesn't get "played with too roughly" by Sage (the 4 month old Golden Retriever) (2lbs vs 40lbs....).
I have to admit though, that the kids were EXCELLENT on the drive up here. All of the things "I will never do when I have kids" were embarked on: eating in car, candy, DVD players, and driving with a doggie in my lap...... Oh yeah, and my music blaring on the "Front/Left side only". BUT, it worked, the kids were great and it made the trip (which like I said earlier just seemed longer than usual) very bearable.
I will try to be better about taking pics tomorrow so I have something to show for, but the kids had a lot of fun swimming, fishing, and making huge messes! :-)
And now, we are all snuggled in bed. Julia fell asleep within 5 minutes..... Lauren keeps wiggling on the blow up mattress (*sigh) and I think Joshua is still playing his ipod!
I hope my husband is enjoying his peace and quiet.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
GYN appointment update....
So, as my committed followers know, I have been having some GYN problems. I finally made it to the Dr of whom I was referred, and Chris kindly went with me! First, I must say, she was a delight..... I very much enjoyed meeting her. She was really good about explaining everything in detail, but not "you are an idiot detail", I never felt rushed or dumb. It was very refreshing. (I must admit, I have always lucked out on physicians...... pediatricians, not always, but MY doctors, I have done well with! :-))
Anyway, she explained that nothing she saw sprung out at her as "do something now". She felt we had a little time to research and decide what we want to do. My choices were basically all for "comfort measures", since at this time I am not medically symptomatic from the hemorrhage session I embark in every 21 days. But, since it decreases my "quality of life", I can do whatever I feel comfortable in doing at this time. The choices are: (Along with my thoughts on each)
*Medications..... Birth Control Pills, Progesterone etc: I feel I got my tubes tied for a reason---so I wouldn't have to deal with this crap anymore.... plus, I am knowingly/acceptingly not very compliant with medications.... so why try?
*IUD: Again, goes along with the above stated reason.... also, I have never mentally felt comfortable with the thought of an IUD. I don't feel that there is anything wrong with it, but for me---I don't think I would welcome it.
*Ablation: This is probably the least invasive of the "acceptable" options..... however, because of my risk factors I have to be in the hospital, under general anesthesia, and this is possibly a temporary fix. Maybe 2 years, 10 years, or forever..........but it won't be known until it proves itself. However, this often will fix the "heavy bleeding" problems, if not halt them all together. (YES!) The recovery is seemingly easy and won't hold me down for too long.
*Hysterectomy: This is, of course, very permanent. Would fix all the problems. BUT, it is major surgery.... again in the hospital and under general. She also doesn't feel that due to the size of my uterus that a complete vaginal hysterectomy can be done, nor do they do the robotic surgery.... so it would be a laproscopic assisted Vaginal hysterectomy. No big deal in my book----I have had 2 laproscopic surgeries, and have no issues. The recovery is tolerable, and what are a few more "holes" (Scars) in my stretch mark ridden stomach? The recovery is longer and impedes more on our daily life. Also, due to my age, and no issues, my ovaries would be left in, so no need replacement hormones! :-)!!!!
So, I guess the choices are between an ablation vs hysterectomy. I think my major dilemma lies between temporary vs permanent (permanent wins), and quick recovery vs longer recovery (quick recovery wins)..... with our life as it is, and 3 young children, would getting an ablation now and if that doesn't fix the problem do a hysterectomy when they are older and are more self-sufficient? Also, since the ablation will have to be done under a general anesthesia, should I just get the hysterectomy instead of risking another surgery....... under general again....... in the future? Going under a general anesthesia is scarier to me than a hysterectomy.................... anesthesia and I are not really good friends.
So, that is where I am at as far as our decision. I will let you know when we decide and the appointments for such dates! Your input and opinions/suggestions are welcome. Criticism, perhaps not so much :-)
Anyway, she explained that nothing she saw sprung out at her as "do something now". She felt we had a little time to research and decide what we want to do. My choices were basically all for "comfort measures", since at this time I am not medically symptomatic from the hemorrhage session I embark in every 21 days. But, since it decreases my "quality of life", I can do whatever I feel comfortable in doing at this time. The choices are: (Along with my thoughts on each)
*Medications..... Birth Control Pills, Progesterone etc: I feel I got my tubes tied for a reason---so I wouldn't have to deal with this crap anymore.... plus, I am knowingly/acceptingly not very compliant with medications.... so why try?
*IUD: Again, goes along with the above stated reason.... also, I have never mentally felt comfortable with the thought of an IUD. I don't feel that there is anything wrong with it, but for me---I don't think I would welcome it.
*Ablation: This is probably the least invasive of the "acceptable" options..... however, because of my risk factors I have to be in the hospital, under general anesthesia, and this is possibly a temporary fix. Maybe 2 years, 10 years, or forever..........but it won't be known until it proves itself. However, this often will fix the "heavy bleeding" problems, if not halt them all together. (YES!) The recovery is seemingly easy and won't hold me down for too long.
*Hysterectomy: This is, of course, very permanent. Would fix all the problems. BUT, it is major surgery.... again in the hospital and under general. She also doesn't feel that due to the size of my uterus that a complete vaginal hysterectomy can be done, nor do they do the robotic surgery.... so it would be a laproscopic assisted Vaginal hysterectomy. No big deal in my book----I have had 2 laproscopic surgeries, and have no issues. The recovery is tolerable, and what are a few more "holes" (Scars) in my stretch mark ridden stomach? The recovery is longer and impedes more on our daily life. Also, due to my age, and no issues, my ovaries would be left in, so no need replacement hormones! :-)!!!!
So, I guess the choices are between an ablation vs hysterectomy. I think my major dilemma lies between temporary vs permanent (permanent wins), and quick recovery vs longer recovery (quick recovery wins)..... with our life as it is, and 3 young children, would getting an ablation now and if that doesn't fix the problem do a hysterectomy when they are older and are more self-sufficient? Also, since the ablation will have to be done under a general anesthesia, should I just get the hysterectomy instead of risking another surgery....... under general again....... in the future? Going under a general anesthesia is scarier to me than a hysterectomy.................... anesthesia and I are not really good friends.
So, that is where I am at as far as our decision. I will let you know when we decide and the appointments for such dates! Your input and opinions/suggestions are welcome. Criticism, perhaps not so much :-)
Bucket List 2011--status update
Wow, I still have a lot to cross off. Procrastination is not my friend.
Update on Summer Bucket List Status
Go to Las Vegas!- Organize my craft room Room is cleaned up, and about 3/4 organized--work in progress
- Plant a small herb/flower garden to hang off my deck Ughh, this has stalled
- Take the kids to the beach for the day
Take the kids to the Children's Museum.- Partake in the "free movie days" at the local theater
- Lose, at least, 20 lbs. Hmmm..... we will see on this one.
- Spend 1 full week at my Mom's Lake House with kids. Yup! Leave soon!
- Secure a new babysitter and make a regularly-planned date nights with my husband Nope.
- Let my kids grow their hair out, even if the long-shaggy look bugs the crud out of me Still holding strong---and it is driving me NUTS---- Yup, still long and shaggy! YES, and haircuts are to soon follow! YEAH
- Organize the garage for my husband, so he can do his beloved wood working YUP! DID IT --- and now it is destroyed again.
- Learn how to use my sewing machine in above stated "newly organized" craft room
- Go to the zoo with the kids and not be annoyed because I do not like the zoo
- Pay off all of our credit card debt (which should be done by July!! :-)) SO CLOSE! 1 payment left ---I am just waiting for my husbands work reinbursements to come in, and then IT IS DONE! THIS IS GOING TO FEEL SOOOO GOOD---- Still waiting for those reinbursements
Obstain from buying my kids anymore summer clothes--and instead just do more laundry- Teach my older kids to ride bikes
- Sign them up for at least 2 extra curricular activities this summer We did get swimming in!
- Go one full week without any drive thru/fast food Surely did. Myself, Lauren, Julia all went a week without. It was easier than I anticipated.
- Talk my husband into allowing the kids to have a trampoline FAILED
- Enjoy a weird/special show or fair (one time we went to a tractor show.. it was fun!)
- Go Berry picking and make our seasonal jam
Get my husband a new grill so he can cook at least 3 nights a week ;-) He got a beautiful new grill for Father's Day, and has been expertly cooking! Not quite 3 times a week because of the rain, but I am going to work on that.- Make a dream board to hang in my bathroom to view everyday
- Go on a bug hunt with my kids
Get our deck painted (our house if I feel ambitious!) DONE- Family day to the Amusement Park that is not too far from us
- Take my loud kids to the library
Completely break my baby of watching Barney! :-)I had her completely broken---no shows for at least 2 months--and then my husband broke down and let her watch it. *sigh... I yelled at him "You screwed up my bucket list :-)" But other than maybe 2 random viewings, she is broken.--She has not watched it since that random viewing. I think we are BROKEN- Get my kids an amphibean (frog/lizard/etc)
- One day without TV/phone/computer/Facebook/Blogging/Email.......
- Organize and use my label maker to clean out and label my kitchen cabinets I did about 1/2 thus far and still in progress
Monday, August 15, 2011
Caesars Palace Statue |
We had a really nice hotel room. One of the newer hotels called the Vdara---which is a non-smoking, non-casino hotel, however is attached to the Belagio (which is connected to Caesars Palace), Aria, and Monte Carlo, so we definitely had many we could get to---yet steer clear of the smoke, crowds, and some of the "clientele" that go with Vegas.
A normal day would go: Go to breakfast/Starbucks together, then he would go work while I gambled some slot machines or walked the strip to see the sights! It was SUPER hot there (102-105) so walking outside was at times limited, but I managed, and one day did a 4.5 mile total trek in that heat. (I did swirl in and out of casino AC though so not to melt). Then we would meet up for dinner, maybe him take a short snooze, then we would find a nice place for dinner and just sit. Sip a cocktail, relish in delicious food, and lose our selves in actual conversation..... while gazing into each others eyes, blah blah blah---hurl. But it
was really nice to be able to hold a conversation, whether silly or serious, without interruption.
We were able to take in 2 shows (well 3, but one of them Chris couldn't make, so I went alone). The first show was Absinthe. It was amazing! First, I heard it was risque (and having never gone to Vegas, I didn't exactly know what that meant...... Seattle risque and Vegas risque are slightly different). And when the host guy comes out and is like "If the words Sh**, Pu**y, d**k, or f**k offend you, you are in the wrong place. Then some girl comes from the ceiling singing some sexy song and takes off her clothes except for pasties. I could HEAR Chris' mouth drop! But after that, they did some unique variety acts and such with some "little girl" (she looked it, but wasn't) doing a little comedy thing about certain acts that would have contained the above words. VERY entertaining. I think the most entertaining were the 2 men across from us with their VERY APPARENT escort dates.
Anyway, the 2nd show was an illusionist show. A German guy who there is akin to David Copperfield, and he was actually very good, however, his "venue" was very much to be desired. And I think the low budget of his show took away from the fact that he actually was really good. When you go from the glam and glimmer of some of the strip hotels, to a "comfort inn" off the strip that used to be something like the "gold mine" or something---it is very different.
The 3rd show that I had to do by myself was the Price is Right--Vegas. The TV show is actually taped in LA (or Burbank or something), but this is the Vegas version. I had seats so close I could touch the stage, but didn't get called up. I had a great time anyway, and I wish I could have shared it with my man.
I think we all need those vacations with our spouse. Of course I felt super guilty, but once I was there, I realized how much we needed it, and it helps me remember why I married the man I did.
Belagio Flower Garden |
Marshmallow Train! |
M&M store |
New York New York |
Statue of Liberty made of jelly beans, I think |
I think this is hilarious.... they made a beach! HAHA |
Ever had one of those mind-swirling days?
I often do...... those days where your mind is racing with all the (unrealistic to be done in a day) ideas just racing around in your head. Where you can't quit twitching because things are driving you nuts, but they are things like redecorating the downstairs family room, or painting the kids playhouse at the end of the summer---only for it to look like crap by next summer?
I wish I knew why I did this. I know there is a happy medium, but sometimes I wish I was a "messy house, play with your kids without feeling obligated to do the dishes; so what if you don't have clean laundry, I want to go for a walk" type of person.
But I am not.
I wish I knew why I did this. I know there is a happy medium, but sometimes I wish I was a "messy house, play with your kids without feeling obligated to do the dishes; so what if you don't have clean laundry, I want to go for a walk" type of person.
But I am not.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Happy 24th Birthday to me ;-)
Today is my birthday, and I have had a great day! We all got up after a VERY bad sleeping night for all, Chris took the older kids out for coffee and doughnuts while Julia and I cuddled. (She is finally on the mend, thank goodness, I was starting to worry a bit.....) I then got some "gumption" and decided to do a speed clean of the house, so I could spend the rest of the day doing NOTHING. So, I ran around (Julia followed) and broke into a sweat while cleaning, and then took a nice long shower (Julia again followed) and when my family got home, I was ready to chill. And so I did.
*I played on facebook
*I took a nap
*I got up and did more facebook
*My husband went and got me jamba juice for dinner and cheesecake and peanut butter ice cream for dessert.
*I had each one of my children come up to me and whisper (Ok, Julia doesn't whisper) in my ear they love me and happy birthday!
*I then watched my ubber sexy husband do the dishes! That was SOOOOOO cool.
Now we are headed downstairs to watch some family shows and hang out. Ahhhh, nice relaxing day!
Also, thank you all SO much for the wonderful birthday wishes! I feel very special today :-)
*I played on facebook
*I took a nap
*I got up and did more facebook
*My husband went and got me jamba juice for dinner and cheesecake and peanut butter ice cream for dessert.
*I had each one of my children come up to me and whisper (Ok, Julia doesn't whisper) in my ear they love me and happy birthday!
*I then watched my ubber sexy husband do the dishes! That was SOOOOOO cool.
Now we are headed downstairs to watch some family shows and hang out. Ahhhh, nice relaxing day!
Also, thank you all SO much for the wonderful birthday wishes! I feel very special today :-)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Pressure washing the grime away
I had so much fun today pressure washing! (although my husband did come out and blast some grime away too). It was amazing to see how dirty things really are, when you see them next to the clean part. Now, I do "kinda" wish I had splurged more on a more powerful washer, the more pressure, the more grime comes off with less work-----however, with patience and some slow movements it works wonderfully and I am very happy. I kind of want to bring it in to blast off the grime off my cabinets, but I think a wet messy house wouldn't be too fun to clean up. Here are some grime to shine pics.....
Now, for the downstairs cement and all the white outside chairs :-) Tomorrow may also get to be a fun blasting day.
Now, for the downstairs cement and all the white outside chairs :-) Tomorrow may also get to be a fun blasting day.
I am SOOOO sorry
I have been such a neglectful blogger. Things have been super hectic here...
*Chris and I went to Vegas on a much needed getaway in which I was pretty much on radio silence. Other than a few texts to a friend, contact with my sister who had the kids, and one credit card call (which they just wanted to let me know their "new benefits" in which I said I was walking in Las Vegas in 105 degree heat and I could wait for the "new benefit" notification). It felt great. I will detail our Vegas goings on soon, I promise
*Then we got back and are trying to re-acclimate the kids to "parents" and Julia had diarrhea when we got back (but I thought it was just diet change), but then she spiked a 101-103 fever on Wednesday and has had it ever since (today is Friday :-)).... it goes down to 101 with tylenol and 103 without. She has no other symptoms: no rash, not complaining of ears, no "cold symptoms", not crying when peeing... nothing. She puked once but that was just to expel some milk that didn't sit too well, and now she has been fine. BUT, on the plus side, she has been SUPER cuddly and calm and I have taken full advantage of it, PLUS, I have been super cold since coming back from Vegas, and she has been my heater :-)............. but cuddling all day does not make for good catching up on chores/phone calls/blogging/laundry/household running. So, things have been neglected.
*Trying to get everything assimilated for kids to start their new school: in which we had our first tuition payment (ouch), and the uniforms were ordered, but when I got home from Vegas I found a small package and I was perplexed on how all of it fit in there, opened them up to find 2 sweaters, but nothing else, yet the invoice (and confirmation email) said that everything should have been there. I was a tad worried on how exactly you prove that to a company, but I sent an email and they are moving quickly to rectify without any question. I was super happy. (Who wants to battle over 400.00 worth of uniforms?) Plus, we have "teacher meet and greets", and a meeting with Lauren's new teacher to set up the curriculum plan.
*Went to my GYN appointment, and all is well, will try to get to a better description of goings on in another blog soon. She just gave us some roads to investigate and decisions to be made.
*Still trying to figure out why I am so stinkin tired. Coming to the conclusion that perhaps it is a lifestyle thing, but I cannot imagine being this tired is really my fault. I am sure there are things I can improve to help this, but this is all extreme.
*On the job search. I had a job interview before Vegas....... and I felt it went well, however, they were looking for more of a FTE (scheduled) position vs a per diem (when I am available) position. Ummm, don't you think they would have KNOWN that prior to both of us wasting our time???? They knew what I was looking for---read the cover letter peeps! BUT, I have another interview in the works and I am going to reconnect with the old hospital I worked at to see if they foresee openings in the next 3-6 months---if so, I may wait. I enjoyed working there very much and will forgo all of the training and interviewing and such.
*Finishing up some outdoor maintenance, although I did get a pressure washer yesterday, and since I am MADLY IN LOVE with pressure washing, I am sure I will get some done today :-) (Seriously, it is rather cathartic to blast sh** away. I LOVE IT!)
Well, that is all I can think of right now, but I will end by saying I am sorry! I will get on catching up and posting some pics of our LV vaca! Sorry for my bad blogging updates :-(
*Chris and I went to Vegas on a much needed getaway in which I was pretty much on radio silence. Other than a few texts to a friend, contact with my sister who had the kids, and one credit card call (which they just wanted to let me know their "new benefits" in which I said I was walking in Las Vegas in 105 degree heat and I could wait for the "new benefit" notification). It felt great. I will detail our Vegas goings on soon, I promise
*Then we got back and are trying to re-acclimate the kids to "parents" and Julia had diarrhea when we got back (but I thought it was just diet change), but then she spiked a 101-103 fever on Wednesday and has had it ever since (today is Friday :-)).... it goes down to 101 with tylenol and 103 without. She has no other symptoms: no rash, not complaining of ears, no "cold symptoms", not crying when peeing... nothing. She puked once but that was just to expel some milk that didn't sit too well, and now she has been fine. BUT, on the plus side, she has been SUPER cuddly and calm and I have taken full advantage of it, PLUS, I have been super cold since coming back from Vegas, and she has been my heater :-)............. but cuddling all day does not make for good catching up on chores/phone calls/blogging/laundry/household running. So, things have been neglected.
*Trying to get everything assimilated for kids to start their new school: in which we had our first tuition payment (ouch), and the uniforms were ordered, but when I got home from Vegas I found a small package and I was perplexed on how all of it fit in there, opened them up to find 2 sweaters, but nothing else, yet the invoice (and confirmation email) said that everything should have been there. I was a tad worried on how exactly you prove that to a company, but I sent an email and they are moving quickly to rectify without any question. I was super happy. (Who wants to battle over 400.00 worth of uniforms?) Plus, we have "teacher meet and greets", and a meeting with Lauren's new teacher to set up the curriculum plan.
*Went to my GYN appointment, and all is well, will try to get to a better description of goings on in another blog soon. She just gave us some roads to investigate and decisions to be made.
*Still trying to figure out why I am so stinkin tired. Coming to the conclusion that perhaps it is a lifestyle thing, but I cannot imagine being this tired is really my fault. I am sure there are things I can improve to help this, but this is all extreme.
*On the job search. I had a job interview before Vegas....... and I felt it went well, however, they were looking for more of a FTE (scheduled) position vs a per diem (when I am available) position. Ummm, don't you think they would have KNOWN that prior to both of us wasting our time???? They knew what I was looking for---read the cover letter peeps! BUT, I have another interview in the works and I am going to reconnect with the old hospital I worked at to see if they foresee openings in the next 3-6 months---if so, I may wait. I enjoyed working there very much and will forgo all of the training and interviewing and such.
*Finishing up some outdoor maintenance, although I did get a pressure washer yesterday, and since I am MADLY IN LOVE with pressure washing, I am sure I will get some done today :-) (Seriously, it is rather cathartic to blast sh** away. I LOVE IT!)
Well, that is all I can think of right now, but I will end by saying I am sorry! I will get on catching up and posting some pics of our LV vaca! Sorry for my bad blogging updates :-(
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Am I the only one that finds this disturbing?
Lauren came to me the other day and said "his head popped off, can you put it back on please?" I asked how his popped off, and she replied "Oh, they do that so it is easier to dress them.......... Hmmm
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