Friday, September 2, 2011

Officially offered.

I was officially offered the job that I have known I have had for weeks, but couldn't coordinate with the HR person to do paperwork.  It feels good, yet it feels stressful.  It makes me question how all of my balls are going to be juggled.... how it is all going to mesh.

I know many do it.  Heck, I used to do it.  However, since I am only working occasionally, it feels not like I am just away for 8/12-16/24 hours a week... but that somehow I have to do all I have been doing previous and just FIND those additional hours.  We have 2 kids in a new school with the Bus No. of "Mom and Dad".   We have a 2 year old who still needs to be watched 24/7.... we still have 5 people's laundry, 5 mouths to feed, a carpet to be vacuumed, dishes to be scrubbed, chores to be delegated, a dog to be watered... etc etc etc. 

But, I need this.  I need this outlet.  I need this to feel like I am contributing, to feel like I am something other than a dish washer and snot wiper.  I need to meet more people, maybe find a few more friends..... establish my roots in the city in which we live.  I need to keep my skills up.

After all the worries and doubts.... I am excited.  I am anticipating good things.  The unit is brand new and beautiful, the co-workers I have met seem to be great, the manager is extremely sweet/flexible, and understanding.  My starting pay was more than I thought it was going to be, which is always------AWESOME.

After another day of HR paperwork and a day of hospital orientation, I will get to orient to the unit and I will be off and running very soon!  :-)

On some other notes: 
*Our NEW sleep number bed will be delivered on September 10th!  I am SO EXCITED at the prospect of ditching the back pain.  Now, if only this special bed also had a nitrous oxide deliverance system.  :-)
*We are on the school countdown of 4 days and a few hours!  Tuesday the school is hosting an open house for the younger kids, so we will get to meet the teachers, see their classrooms.  We also have a scheduled meeting with Lauren's new teacher (Miss B.) so we can develop a plan of action for her specialized learning needs. 
*Also, we just made our 2nd private school payment.  Luckily it didn't seem to shock me as much as last time.  It just came and went quickly.
*I am making headway with what kind of "man cave" my man wants.  He is so picky, although I get it... at least with the couch part-------with his tallness, I get why it has to fit him.  But, why can't he just LOVE doilies, potpourri, and country metal chickens? 
*I just finished reading "The Help" on my kindle.... now, if only I can make it to the movie!  It was a really good book, and I have heard wonderful things about the movie.

CRAP, I just remembered the lawn guy said to water the lawn or the stuff he put on it would fry the grass...... oops.  He said that yesterday.  Guess I am off to water the lawn.

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