It was requested by the birthday girl and birthday boy (my husbands lil' bro and his girlfriend) that they partake in a banana cake with chocolate frosting. I, truly, wasn't looking that forward to this combo, it sounded kinda weird and disgusting to me.... but it was a birthday request, so how can I say no? (I have been known to serve cherry cake with cherry frosting for Lauren's birthday---upon request. Yeah, that was G R O S S)
So, I went about with the requested order, but decided to change a few things---to make it my own. I make the banana cake (VERY similar to banana bread) and add some cocoa, to make it Chocolate banana cake...... Then I cut it in half, cover the bottom with cream cheese frosting/fresh bananas and mini chocolate chips, then apply the top half, cover the whole thing with cream cheese frosting, drizzle chocolate ganache, and mini chocolate chips. If I do say so myself, it looked really good------but yet to be determined on the taste-success.
I, admittedly, cheated a bit, and due to the risk of not everyone wanting that specific cake, I bought some specialized cupcakes (I know, next time I will make them :-))
Anyway, turns out the cake was DELICIOUS. It is a new found recipe that I will be making again. I am so glad the birthday kids enjoyed it as well as the other attendees!
it was yummy. just enough banana taste with the chocolate.