Then today came, my sister and fiance' kindly came up last night to help with kids today and my plan was to have them out by 730 so that they didn't see the toys I was selling.
That didn't really happen. Everyone except me slept in (I was up at 530 putting stuff out), everyone got up at 730, husband and sister fiance' hung signs, helped bring stuff out and at 800 the "fun" began.
I am not an expert on garage sales. I don't know all the tricks of advertising, and obviously our lack of sales proves that. I first put an ad on Craigslist that I forgot to put the address on. OOPS.
Then, we put up signs, but (as I slightly anticipated) DOT didn't like their locale, and tore them down swiftly.
Also, I didn't think of (until it was too late) to list specific items individually on craigslist instead of relying on one ad of a garage sale. I ended up doing this, but think it was too late.
However, it was a beautiful day! Chris was able to help me and the kids go to got to the zoo, and donation got a lot of new merchandise to help support disabled people or something.
We did make a few hundred, but nothing that I expected---bummer. BUT, my crap is G O N E!!!! SOOOO freeing.
Now, what is swirling in my head---next week. It is going to be a very busy busy week. House cleaners, work stuff, and cleaning yard on Monday, Appts and kids pics taken on Tuesday, House on market on Wednesday, Appt on Thursday and Friday.... I start work sometime next week or the week after.
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