Friday, February 10, 2012

Mommy and Julia day

Last week I took Julia out for a special day.  Yes, we spend nearly every day together, hanging out and such, however, usually she is conforming to MY schedule of errands and cleaning.  But this day was HER day.  She had a special breakfast, got yummy scones at Starbucks (I did not. :-)), she picked all the songs in the car, and dictated turns (go left here, right here etc.  Although I will admit, they were highly influenced ;-)).  Then we trekked up to the Children's Museum.  I wanted to go to the local one, but it is closed on Mondays, so we went to another one.  She had a great time and admittedly so did I.

She drove a big rig

Played dollhouse and restaurant

Her FAVORITE room, the really really loud/wall padded/ music room

And then arts and crafts.  I made her this necklace, some hokey thing I came up with.......... she melted my heart all day by telling everyone we passed "This is a pretty heart, Mommy Loves Julia".  She kissed it, and loved on it, and held it as delicately as any 2 year old can.

What a fun day we had!  My baby is getting so big---almost 3.  Her conversations are hilarious, her attitude is troubling, her brute is amazing, and cuddles are melting.  I love you baby girl! 

OH YEAH, and can I say P-O-T-T-Y----T-R-A-I-N-E-D??

And funny story:  So, I have been very "anatomically correct" with word usage on body parts.  I think this is very important...... I want her to know the parts, be able to label them, tell me if something happened, and also respect them.  I mean, can you really respect your "Flower" or "Boobies"??  Anyway, just a personal opinion......... no attack on anyone who chooses different.  ANYWAY:  So, although Julia is potty trained, she has difficulty with the pooping on the potty, so she asks for a diaper.  I don't really mind, she tells me when she needs one, it is only like every other day--no big deal.  I will not complain one bit!   But the other day, she comes up and is naked, and says "Mommy, please put my 'gina (vagina with out the va) in a diaper"   Chris and I just about died laughing.  When do you ever anticipate your almost 3 year old will say that???

Also, another lesson from Ms. Julia.   Before kids, and even after Joshua and Lauren, I would hear people say "My kid will NOT hold still".  I didn't judge them, but always felt it was maybe a bit of an exaggeration....... THANK YOU JULIA FOR GIVING ME THE EMPATHY I NEEDED.

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