I don't have a good excuse for my lack of blogging. I think things just got busy, and then I realized I had SO much to blog about and kept procrastinating and and and...... But, here I am. I will try to do a short update on the goings on.
--In November we embarked on a road trip with the kids (and my little sister Tracey, as our helper) to Disneyland for a week. The kids actually did remarkably well driving all the way down there, and had a great time!
I was so bummed with this... I had matching/coordinating shirts for all the days we were there. Joshua had a Woody shirt, but wouldn't wear it. I was heart broken. :-( |
Then my baby girl actually turned 8. She is definitely blossoming into a sweet young lady and I am so proud of her! She had her first friend party--which was to be an indoor pool party. However, a snafu in the companies scheduling led to a closed pool. I was completely bummed, since this was her first friend party. But the kids had fun, we did art, had cupcakes, pinata, and then played in a play area they had there. I think I was far more upset than she.
The Christmas came, which I will admit was a pure disgrace--in the sense that we are all spoiled rotten. We decided to go to my mom's for Christmas morning, so we got up at 4am, started our trek down there, brought breakfast (french toast cassarole, and frittatas!) and started our 5 hour opening spree.
Julia with her favorite present! Tangled doll and dressup dress. She still plays with both of those daily! |
And of course, we had to have a marshmellow gun fight! (Auntie Tracey is hiding behind the blanket, trying to take cover!) |
Then after our super fun Christmas, school started up again, and it was back to the grind.... which was very short lived, because then we got snowed in....... for a week. It was like 10-12+ inches of snow. It was crazy. Us Western Washingtonians are not used to this!
Our first trip to Target for supplies! It is about a mile away, and the kids and I trekked. It wasn't so bad :-) |
Such a beautiful picture, but not so beautiful memories. This was after 5 ish days. 2nd trip to Target, 3 kids, snow that went up to Julia's knees. And windy--like mild blizzard. Not so much fun. Julia was so uncooperative on the way home that it took almost 2 hours for me to get home. *sigh |
Lauren pulling Joshua on the sled |
Poor Josie. She LOVED the snow, but got all of these ice balls on her. We would have to dunk her in the bath after she came in just to melt them. |
And our Snowman! I have not made a big snowman since young childhood---it was fun. Oh and that middle ball of snow for the body is REALLY heavy! | | |
So, that updates you mostly. The kids are back in school, and doing very well! Julia is hanging out with me mostly and is DEFINTELY the traditional 2-3 year old. We are in the midst of planning her birthday party, which is in mid March.
I did get a new car though. I L O V E it. So does Chris unfortunately. It is a Chrysler 300 5.7 liter, V8 hemi. Goes super faaasssttt. (Chris and I have a bet on who will get the ticket first. We both think it is ourselves ;-))
Well, that's it for now. Off to do my crafts and hang with Julia and do chores.
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