My kids are "those kids" at the pool that are doing cannonballs and
getting all the adults wet. Shoot, if you don't wanna get wet, don't
come to the pool!
My kids on occasion have worn clothes two days in a row, and just to top
it off, wore them to bed to. I am neglectful, please arrest me :-) Do I get my own cell?
They have had peanut and butter sandwiches 3 lunches in a row, but we are living in a hotel!
4 year old has nightmares and crawls into bed with us. And to be
honest, I would love for her to sleep with us every night.
My son knows what going #1 and #2 means AND he has named 3,4,5,6. (5 being pregnancy....didn't know he even knew that word.)
We don't usually have cable---we don't like the influential commercials
(just to name 1 of the reasons) and 7 days of cable and my kids are
singing the Swiffer commercial (who's that lady??? Sexy lady) and I
don't know whether to laugh or punish.
We accidentally swear in front of our kids..... and Joshua has figured out that "Shit is another name for poop"
Julia announces that she toots whenever one pops out. This is completely our fault, but her being 4 and still poops in a pull up (sore subject), we make her aware of all her functions and congratulates her when anything occurs in the toilet.
But after all that (and many more) I still get random compliments on my kids good, kind, respectful behavior from perfect strangers. Lauren was told she was a sweet and kind girl with great manners from a lady at the continental breakfast today due to her thoughtful ways.
Maybe I am not that bad.
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