So, my workout was really good... 45 minutes of more-than-detested elliptical, and 45 minutes of makin' some stellar biceps (aka arm workout)
Then, went--all sweaty and smelly---to the grocery store, where Julia and I had fun singing songs and grabbing food! She didn't whine and was instead charming all the people "Hi, how are you?"... super cute!
Came home to a clean house---courtesy of the house cleaner person. I hate spending money on something I am more than capable of doing myself, HOWEVER, I think my family reaps more off of my great mood when I walk into a clean house than they would be able to reap from the wasted cash.
So.... onto how kids make bodily functions funny. I have run into many pee and poop incidents with my kids, kinda comes with the territory....
--Lauren was probably the easiest, there was only 1 poop incident of her taking off her poopy diaper and then falling asleep with her head next to the log........ super gross, but kinda funny.
--Joshua was inventive with his poop. He would stick his fingers down the back of his diaper, get some on his finger, and make lines on his carpet for "car roads"..... ingenious (and disgusting). But, when you don't have ready access to a road constructing medium, what is a boy to do???
--And Julia..... she is the "undress myself cuz I can, and diapers are for babies" type of kid. She has been taking off her PJ's for awhile now, and when she was in her crib, I would sometimes go find her, stark naked, freezing cold, and in a puddle----talk about maternal guilt. So, I got smart. I utilized all my previous experiences as an expert-diaper-keeper-on Mom. And went and bought pretty purple duct tape. For months I would tape her diapers, and never did we have a problem. Then, recently, I lost the precious duct tape, and she seemed to grow out of the undressing stuff, so I let her be. Well, today she got a little frisky--took off all her clothes--- "birthed a Texan" (aka a log of poop) on the floor, and crawled in her bed and slept. I walked in her room after her nap to find the present, and her saying "icky, Momma, icky" and pointing. Bathtime! :-)
Onto the dog--- since a few weeks after we got him, he has had some skin thing. Dandruff, with some scabs and such. Went to the vet, and they said it just "was" and gave us medicated shampoo. Only, the problem is his fur is so thick, it is hard to get the shampoo to his skin...... so after many baths and little headway---and because of the skin issues, a smelly dog---- he got a hair cut. Now, my forte' is not as a dog groomer, and the poor dog looks pathetic, BUT, he got a good bath and seems super happy, so it was worth it. Oh, and the dog also has a little issue with what I label "Happy piddle".... when he is excited he leaks. I have been smelling "dog" in my house lately, and have always vowed my house would NEVER be THAT house..... so I have scrubbed the carpet and became one of those people----my dog wears a diaper. I bought my damn dog a diaper. Poor pathetic-sad dog.
Then I made enchiladas for dinner. My husband is a happy man, he loves my enchiladas! :-)
Then my Dr finally called back in regards to some of my test results. I do not have an auto-immune issue (kinda figured), but she did have some info on my heart monitor results.
--Basically I am having "moderate ectopic ventricular activity" with more than one place causing them. Now, cardiac stuff is not my strong point, but this is how I understand it. So, there are 3 main parts of the heart electrical system... the SA nodes, which are the main "heartbeat maintainer", then the AV nodes, which are you backup of the SA nodes fail, and then I think the Perkinji fibers.... which are you last line of defense. Generally speaking the SA nodes do all the work and the others are only "emergency generators if the power goes out" so to speak. However, I have some overzealous AV nodes.... so there are some parts of the ventricles that are just firing just cuz they wanna. My Dr. admitted this is not her area of expertise, and that she didn't necessarily feel that it was life threatening, but in all actuality wasn't 100% sure, so I will be going to a cardiologist. (Link to ectopic premature ventricular complex info). (More reader-friendly version of info) My understanding is if there are no underlying factors (such as heart disease, lung disease, high BP, structure issues etc---which I show NO sign of) that the odds of things turning sour (aka me dying) are very slim, and that they can just "happen". But all of that has to be ruled out, SO, off to a cardiologist I go.
So, all of that is a little scary, and yet slightly reassuring (believe it or not) because now I know what it is...... I will update more when I see the cardiologist, which I will call for an appt tomorrow. So, what am I doing to relax? I am laying in the bathtub---blogging! HAHAHAH Queen of multitasking! :-)
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NOT me... but it looks like my computer :-) |
And, when I am done, I am going to go and watch American Idol... GO HALEY! I think she deserves to win because:
1) She has fought the hardest to be there, in the sense that she has been in the bottom week after week, and been criticized mercilessly, and still is there singing her heart out!
2) Scotty and Lauren (and James) all, no matter what, have a contract----they are marketable. Haley I can see possibly getting lost if she doesn't have the American Idol label behind her, because her voice is so unique!
3) Because she has rockin' teeth and great legs! :-)
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