I don't have anything super exciting to blog about, but I have many little things, so I guess I will start rambling!
This week has actually been quite hectic.... we had a death in the family last weekend, so my Mom had to jet out and so I stepped up (as all good eldest (and the only one available :-)) daughters should do) and held down the fort at her house and then eventually ended up back at mine. My niece, Taylor, couldn't miss much school, so I went down there, only to find out they had state testing (akin to WASL), and it wasn't really that important she be there, so I got permission to head home on Tuesday night....... Adding one extra kid, although she is a few years older than Lauren, does kind of disturb the flow---Mostly Lauren, who wants to be all mature, but doesn't really know how, and it instead comes off as some snotty attitude---which is NOT tolerated well by her parental units, so it was kinda rough, however, then the kids all kind of fell into place, and the last few days were great. We baked, we watched movies, we ate pizza, visited a local reptile zoo, had the kids dig a hole for our up and coming garden (I didn't think they would actually do it, I just thought they would do a few shovels and then whine and cry---they actually did it, I was impressed!), they played outside, the kids stayed up late, slept on the couch, ALL the fun stuff you can do when you are little.... I think they had a good time! But, today, Taylor got to go home---I bet she is glad she doesn't have to hear me yell anymore!
Also, in reference to my upcoming garden (from my summer bucket list).... I was able to get some raised cedar planting garden-boxes which are 4ft by 4ft, and I got 2. I am hoping this can get me started on my little gardening adventure---although I admittedly kill all plants, so we will see. I am hoping (cross fingers) to get it done tomorrow because it is suppose to rain the rest of the week, but I just don't know if that is going to happen. I have so many projects this week to do, I don't know if that is going to take precedence or not.
We have also stared the kids on morning chores. They have slowly been introduced to chores for the past year or two, but I think they (Lauren and Joshua) are old enough to partake in morning chores, be accountable for doing them without being asked, and being rewarded for being contributing members of the household---aka allowance. I have counseled both of them (mostly Lauren), that if the chores are not done "to my standards", don't do it to their best abilities, or whine/talk back/complain about doing it, each chore they do any of those; they will be losing $0.25 off their allowance to be subtracted at the end of the week. This may sound harsh, and when I say "my standards" I don't expect perfection---they are only (nearly) 5 and 7---but I expect that they do their best, put things where they belong (books on shelf vs stuffed under bed). I understand they won't do it perfectly, however they need to learn to always put their best foot forward, not do 1/2 ass jobs, all the while learning that they get rewarded for hard work, and penalized for lazy work. Their daily chores will be:
----Pick up rooms
----Take dirty clothes downstairs
----Put away dishes
----Take out garbage/recycle
----"Extra"--- something I have chosen each day
And, ultra bad attitudes will result in 1 warning (along with monetary penalty), and if attitude not fixed, then they will get a "punishment chore" which is something you won't wanna do...... scrub bathtub, rinse out garbage can outside, wash down cabinets, etc....... I hope all of this doesn't sound too harsh, I want them learn lessons and also I would LOVE some help! :-)
*****What I secretly want is for the washer/dryer to break, so I can get front loading one, and they can do the laundry---but until then, I will do it. *sigh
I have also been busy planning parties--- We have an upcoming party for Lauren in celebration to the theater production she is participating in. She used to be SO shy, and still is really hesitant to try new things, and she has worked so hard and dedicated so much of her energy in this production, we wanted her to know how proud we are of her branching out and not giving up! We are having family over for a little celebration party, and then I purchased tickets to enable us to treat all of our guests to the show! It should be really fun and I am probably going to bawl my eyes out to see my baby girl do her thing. I am so proud of her, I really am, does it show????
The 2nd party is for my little man, who turns 5 in a few weeks. He has requested a "Hot Wheels" birthday party, and the invites have been made/ordered, and now I am assimilating the party goodies. Chris and I have made the past few of our kids birthday cakes---using fondant and special icing, and homemade-from scratch-cake and icing mixes. Lauren's last birthday was Littlest Pet Shop theme (which I think we actually did really well at for non-cake decorating people)....
And Julia's was Barney---although I am a tad embarrassed of this one. :-X, but still, we tried and it tasted good, which is the point, right??????
We would love for the cake to look like this:::::::
But because we SUCK, it will probably look worse than this:
Well, I can't think of any more babblings--although I am sure I forgot something imperative. Oh yeah---Miss Mischief (Julia) decided to do some funny stuff today, like carry an "almost" empty can of chocolate syrup upside down around the house (as in I am GLAD we have super dark carpets you can't detect stains in) AND squirt toothpaste on the floor in the bathroom and then use other people's toothbrushes to scrape it up and eat it..... Oh yeah, and climbing on the dining room table and jumping up and down. All this in a matter of 45 minutes---- I am exhausted! HA
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Homemade Granola Bars!
So, I am always battling with making healthy/fun foods that don't have as much preservatives and sugar in them as store bought things--and cheaper is always nice too! I found this recipe, and since these are a staple in our house, I thought I would try it!
The kids happily helped and they actually came out very yummy---perhaps a little sweet, so I may decrease the sugary stuff later, but still---very good! Lauren had the idea to cut them with cookie cutters, which may be great for birthday parties and such :-)
Here is the recipe link.
The kids happily helped and they actually came out very yummy---perhaps a little sweet, so I may decrease the sugary stuff later, but still---very good! Lauren had the idea to cut them with cookie cutters, which may be great for birthday parties and such :-)
The ingredients--note the whole wheat flour :-) |
Just before baking |
And the finished product displayed beautifully on my homemade platter! |
Here is the recipe link.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Cardiac Appt:
So, I had my cardiac appt today.... kind of interesting--in a medical person sorta way. Anyway, I started my day by working my tail off at the gym (I had sweat dripping off my finger tips---talk about super disgusting), then I showered, took Julia to a friends house (other kids home with Julia), drove the 40 minutes to the Dr, couldn't find an adequate parking spot, almost got hit by an old person, parked, hustled in, filled out paperwork, got called back, did a depressing weight check, then into the room for my EKG. They hooked me up, took a BP and---after all that my pulse was 51 and my BP 91/43. Ummm, wonder what happens when I am relaxed. I must survive at half dead.
Anyway, the doctor finally came in, and we chatted about my Halter monitor readings..... basically he said I was having frequent PVC's and PAC's, however, he wasn't all that concerned about it.... He was concerned about my low heartrate. He stated that an average person's heartrate in a 24 hr period is 70-85 (this includes activities/exercise and sleeping)---with the lowest most people go being 60...... My 24 hour average was 54, with it dropping as low as 41 during sleep.
Now, I have always known I have had a slow heartrate and low BP. As a matter of fact, these have presented issues when I had my c-sections with a drastic drop of BP after my spinals.... (with Julia I got as low as 40/17--so I was told, I was very out of it)..... however, I never really thought of having a low heartrate as a major issue.
Then he asked me a series of questions about my workouts... and it went something like this: (Olga will find this funny)
"So, you say you are working out with a trainer, have you had discussions of what the "target heartrate is" and what is it?"
"She would like me to 130-140+ within 5 minutes of starting my cardio, I cannot do it. If I get up that high I legitimately have chest pain and can't breath... it feels like my heart is going to explode."
"So, what heartrate do you notice you are slightly out of breath, starting to sweat, and FEEL that your heart is working hard"
"I generally start feeling that way at around 110-115 which is where I usually stay for a good majority of my workout I have to work very hard to get to 120.... and she wants me to work harder."
So, he felt that there must be something wrong with my hearts ability to increase appropriately. Now, I don't really know if this is a major issue, and I can't seem to find any information on it, so I guess I will have to be patient......
Anyway, then on the the EKG that he did in the office---it basically states I have a 1st Degree Heartblock. Now, this sounds worse than it is, and since I don't have any sign of heart disease, it is most likely just a normal for me that has always been disguised by other things when I have been on a heart machine (IE: surgeries---I was scared, C-sections had increase blood volume with pregnancies, etc)..... I guess 0.65-1.1% of the population just "has" this. Now, as far as serious side effects, it doesn't have any, HOWEVER it explains many many things......
He explained that truly, this is probably a main reason I am overweight. Now, of course, diet choices and lack of exercise are a big contributing factor, but that when your body is functioning at such a S-L-O-W rate it is really hard to exercise, it is really hard to not take naps... and that often people with this condition are "sugar or caffeine addicts" because it gives them an energy boost--enabling them to function semi-normally.
So, it is NOT completely my fault I am fat! :-) I actually have a reason! It wasn't the big macs and oreos (hahahah, I am kidding).
However, I feel vindicated. All my life I have been criticized for being lazy, for being tired, for taking naps or needing more sleep. I have been looked down upon for being overweight and not just "fixing it".... There were specific people in my younger years that would always be mad at me for being a "sleeper" and being lazy----and I feel like saying "See, I told you so". (Ok, so that is not what I want to say, but this is a nice-language blog).
Anyway, so the next step is a heart ultrasound (to ensure it is structurally normal) and a treadmill stress test, and if all those come back normal (which it is anticipated that it will), there is a treatment that helps fix the slow heartrate---Synthroid. (He asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with hypothyroidsim, and I joked that I had been trying to convince Dr's for years that I had it... haha). Anyway, Synthroid will help speed things up a bit, and maybe make me feel less sluggish. It will not stop the PAC/PVC activity, and in all actuality will make them appear to worsen, but it is just the increase in heartrate makes them feel more frequent. Weird.
If the synthroid doesn't work, pacemaker is the other option, however, he feels that that is a tad invasive and would hate to take that approach. (Will it make me skinny? Crank that damn thing to 500 :-))
So, I am freak of nature. With a ultra low heartrate.
Anyway, the doctor finally came in, and we chatted about my Halter monitor readings..... basically he said I was having frequent PVC's and PAC's, however, he wasn't all that concerned about it.... He was concerned about my low heartrate. He stated that an average person's heartrate in a 24 hr period is 70-85 (this includes activities/exercise and sleeping)---with the lowest most people go being 60...... My 24 hour average was 54, with it dropping as low as 41 during sleep.
Now, I have always known I have had a slow heartrate and low BP. As a matter of fact, these have presented issues when I had my c-sections with a drastic drop of BP after my spinals.... (with Julia I got as low as 40/17--so I was told, I was very out of it)..... however, I never really thought of having a low heartrate as a major issue.
Then he asked me a series of questions about my workouts... and it went something like this: (Olga will find this funny)
"So, you say you are working out with a trainer, have you had discussions of what the "target heartrate is" and what is it?"
"She would like me to 130-140+ within 5 minutes of starting my cardio, I cannot do it. If I get up that high I legitimately have chest pain and can't breath... it feels like my heart is going to explode."
"So, what heartrate do you notice you are slightly out of breath, starting to sweat, and FEEL that your heart is working hard"
"I generally start feeling that way at around 110-115 which is where I usually stay for a good majority of my workout I have to work very hard to get to 120.... and she wants me to work harder."
So, he felt that there must be something wrong with my hearts ability to increase appropriately. Now, I don't really know if this is a major issue, and I can't seem to find any information on it, so I guess I will have to be patient......
Anyway, then on the the EKG that he did in the office---it basically states I have a 1st Degree Heartblock. Now, this sounds worse than it is, and since I don't have any sign of heart disease, it is most likely just a normal for me that has always been disguised by other things when I have been on a heart machine (IE: surgeries---I was scared, C-sections had increase blood volume with pregnancies, etc)..... I guess 0.65-1.1% of the population just "has" this. Now, as far as serious side effects, it doesn't have any, HOWEVER it explains many many things......
He explained that truly, this is probably a main reason I am overweight. Now, of course, diet choices and lack of exercise are a big contributing factor, but that when your body is functioning at such a S-L-O-W rate it is really hard to exercise, it is really hard to not take naps... and that often people with this condition are "sugar or caffeine addicts" because it gives them an energy boost--enabling them to function semi-normally.
So, it is NOT completely my fault I am fat! :-) I actually have a reason! It wasn't the big macs and oreos (hahahah, I am kidding).
However, I feel vindicated. All my life I have been criticized for being lazy, for being tired, for taking naps or needing more sleep. I have been looked down upon for being overweight and not just "fixing it".... There were specific people in my younger years that would always be mad at me for being a "sleeper" and being lazy----and I feel like saying "See, I told you so". (Ok, so that is not what I want to say, but this is a nice-language blog).
Anyway, so the next step is a heart ultrasound (to ensure it is structurally normal) and a treadmill stress test, and if all those come back normal (which it is anticipated that it will), there is a treatment that helps fix the slow heartrate---Synthroid. (He asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with hypothyroidsim, and I joked that I had been trying to convince Dr's for years that I had it... haha). Anyway, Synthroid will help speed things up a bit, and maybe make me feel less sluggish. It will not stop the PAC/PVC activity, and in all actuality will make them appear to worsen, but it is just the increase in heartrate makes them feel more frequent. Weird.
If the synthroid doesn't work, pacemaker is the other option, however, he feels that that is a tad invasive and would hate to take that approach. (Will it make me skinny? Crank that damn thing to 500 :-))
So, I am freak of nature. With a ultra low heartrate.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My baby boy graduated today.....
From Preschool. :-) It seemed like just yesterday that I was praying for him to be ok and defeating all odds to have him be, and now, he is almost 5 and just graduated from preschool. As the saying goes, time flies.
I am so proud of how far my little boy has come. We struggled to get him into preschool----fighting potty training in time----him being a very young 3, and not really understanding the whole "listening and following directions of the teacher" vs wanting to just "play"..... Now, he marches around with his head held high, a grown-up appearance to him, and is also wicked-smart. (For his Kindergarten evaluation, they had to assess his academic level, he (at 4.8 yrs of age) tested out at 6.7.... or mid 1st grade level in reading/math.
I remember with Lauren, I was so sad at the prospect of her entering Kindergarten, with Joshua I am just excited. I am partly excited for him---knowing how much fun he is going to have, but I am also excited for me----2 kids in full day school means more free time for ME!
And, as much as I LOVE the preschool, and the teacher my kids have predominately had (Miss D.) is the cat's meow....... I will be very glad to not be driving there anymore. I have driven there 2-4 times a week, for 5 years straight. (3 years for Lauren, 2 years for Joshua). Now, I get 1 year off, then Julia gets to go.
I am so proud of how far my little boy has come. We struggled to get him into preschool----fighting potty training in time----him being a very young 3, and not really understanding the whole "listening and following directions of the teacher" vs wanting to just "play"..... Now, he marches around with his head held high, a grown-up appearance to him, and is also wicked-smart. (For his Kindergarten evaluation, they had to assess his academic level, he (at 4.8 yrs of age) tested out at 6.7.... or mid 1st grade level in reading/math.
I remember with Lauren, I was so sad at the prospect of her entering Kindergarten, with Joshua I am just excited. I am partly excited for him---knowing how much fun he is going to have, but I am also excited for me----2 kids in full day school means more free time for ME!
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(Sorry for the blur... Julia did something to my camera and I couldn't figure out what she did---for any of the graduation. Luckily they tape and photograph for us! :-) |
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He made this all by himself with only a picture as a guide.. Better than I could have done! :-) |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Julia is SO precocious....
So...... this little girl has definitely challenged us. Well, all of our kids have in some way, however, she is DEFINITELY the most precocious..... I cannot believe what this little girl can do. At just 2 years old, she can sneak outside (open any doors or locks), can get food out of the fridge, plays in toilets, steals any toothbrush she can reach (usually her Dad's), can hide and seek like an expert, can prowl around the house with stealthy movements---getting into her siblings stuff without a sound. BUT, our biggest issue (and funniest if you ask me), is her ability to order on Demand movies. She can actually find her own shows on On Demand, but in the effort to find them/start them, she also orders movies..... In one 4 day period, she ordered 4 movies... one of them some subtitled Japanese movie (13 Assassins) which was 9.99 per rental---she ordered it 3 times. So, we smartly put on a lock code to prevent her from having access to the On Demand screen, however, if you are already in it (if she is watching a show and the code unlocked), she can browse---so we have to be ultra careful.
Which leads us to today---where I am at my Mom's house---where there is not a code. This kid has ordered at least 1 movie (luckily I kinda wanna see it, so I will be watching it today). What "barely 2 year old" orders movies?
She is going to keep us busy, I can already tell! There is a reason I have nicknamed her "Mischief" and she smiles happily at the label.
Which leads us to today---where I am at my Mom's house---where there is not a code. This kid has ordered at least 1 movie (luckily I kinda wanna see it, so I will be watching it today). What "barely 2 year old" orders movies?
She is going to keep us busy, I can already tell! There is a reason I have nicknamed her "Mischief" and she smiles happily at the label.
Monday, May 23, 2011
2011 Summer Bucket List
I got this idea from another blog, however, I have been thinking of documenting such thing for days---but this is much cuter! :-) Here they are in random order: (although I am sure I will be adding as I remember)
- Go to Las Vegas! (date set! :-)
- Organize my craft room
- Plant a small herb/flower garden to hang off my deck
- Take the kids to the beach for the day
- Take the kids to the Children's Museum (Lauren had been begging for a year!)
- Partake in the "free movie days" at the local theater
- Lose, at least, 20 lbs
- Spend 1 full week at my Mom's Lake House with kids
- Secure a new babysitter and make a regularly-planned date nights with my husband
- Let my kids grow their hair out, even if the long-shaggy look bugs the crud out of me
- Organize the garage for my husband, so he can do his beloved wood working
- Learn how to use my sewing machine in above stated "newly organized" craft room
- Go to the zoo with the kids and not be annoyed because I do not like the zoo
- Pay off all of our credit card debt (which should be done by July!! :-))
- Obstain from buying my kids anymore summer clothes--and instead just do more laundry
- Teach my older kids to ride bikes
- Sign them up for at least 2 extra curricular activities this summer
- Go one full week without any drive thru/fast food
- Talk my husband into allowing the kids to have a trampoline
- Enjoy a weird/special show or fair (one time we went to a tractor show.. it was fun!)
- Go Berry picking and make our seasonal jam
- Get my husband a new grill so he can cook at least 3 nights a week ;-)
- Make a dream board to hang in my bathroom to view everyday
- Go on a bug hunt with my kids
- Get our deck painted (our house if I feel ambitious!)
- Family day to the Amusement Park that is not too far from us
- Take my loud kids to the library
- Completely break my baby of watching Barney! :-)
- Get my kids an amphibean (frog/lizard/etc)
- One day without TV/phone/computer/Facebook/Blogging/Email.......
- Organize and use my label maker to clean out and label my kitchen cabinets
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Lauren Birth Story #2.....
Ok, so where did I leave off.... I think I had just had my beautiful baby!
I actually recovered well from my c-section, except for being very symptomatic from my blood loss, but I was NOT going to consent to a blood transfusion if needed, so I just sucked it up.
Lauren was so quiet and sweet in the hospital.... then we arrived home. My mom and everyone at her house was sick, so I couldn't stay with them to have help, so my little sister, Tracey, came to stay with me. She was a great help, until she went to bed.... that kid could sleep through ANYTHING, even a newborn SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER FROM 11pm-6am. Oh my, that night was horrible. I was super sore, exhausted, anemic, sore udders, and this kid wouldn't chill. I remember my mom showing up at 630am, and I was laying in the recliner with this sleeping baby on my chest, and her asking how the night went.... I think the look just about summed it up. Oh, and then she asked if I wanted her to take her for a bit while I took a nap, I was like "Get out of the house, don't touch her, don't breath hard, don't do ANYTHING"..... And, I had some false sense of security that the night of screaming would be a one time thing... it was only the beginning.
Then, Lauren started turning really really jaundice. I took her to the dr, they had labs drawn and they were in the "need to treat" zone. I convinced them that it was because of breastfeeding not going so hot (and it wasn't), and so I just wanted 12 hrs to stuff her full of food, and if she wasn't better by the next day, I would have her admitted---they obliged, I think mostly because of my background. As we were sitting there convincing them, my mom got ahold of her lactation-friend (who is now a dear friend of mine too...), and she snuck me in within a few minutes, only to determine the kid wasn't getting more than 3 cc's a feeding. No wonder she was so jaundice. So, I went home with a pump, and stuffed that kid with formula (while I pumped every 2-2.5 hrs)... I put so much food in her, it was dripping out of her mouth, but I WASN'T gonna go sit in the hospital and have to sit next to my baby as she sunbathed..... I didn't want to put her down that long. It worked, the next days labs were slightly better (but not worse), so no hospital admit. I continued to supplement, but I was finger feeding
So as to not nipple confuse her and to get her back to nursing when I was able to increase my supply. Regarding my supply, when I first started pumping (every 2 hrs) I would get MAYBE 10ccs out of each side, that is less than an oz total. But I persevered.... so my schedule was something like this (time included for example:)
11pm: Lauren screaming, change diaper, prepare formula and syringe, get her ready to feed
1120: Finger feed specified amounts (recollection foggy on this)
1140: Get Lauren back to content... it was the only time she actually was quiet.
1150: Pump tandem, while holding Lauren, drinking water, and taking drugs (aka pain meds)
1220am: Store breastmilk that was obtained (for next feeding to be given first before formula), clean pump, try to grab a snack.
1240am: Back to bed with Lauren cradled in my arms.....
130am: Starting all over again.........
This was my routine for weeks..... it was hellish. It was horrible... it was SO exhausting. My breastmilk was not improving much at all, I was doing EVERYTHING...hospital grade pump, reglan, domperidone, oatmeal, mother's milk tea, fenugreek, mother's milk tincture, pumping every 2-2.5 hours, drinking 100+ oz water a day, nursing after I pumped (I kinda had to do it this way, I wanted her to still suck, to increase "demand" but because of her lack of growth and such, I had to monitor how much she was getting, so to at least give her what she had to have via measured finger feed)..... I went to my lactation guru mega times.... and the most I pumped in a 24hr period was 11oz. SERIOUSLY, 11 oz. But I kept it up, at least that was 11oz of breastmilk she was getting, the immunity she was obtaining.... it was all I had to give. (FYI--she didn't get back to her birth weight until 7-8 weeks of age)
Then she started screaming. Oh my, that kid screamed. Starting that first night, until she was 4 months old, she screamed (no exaggeration) 18-22 hrs a DAY. Screaming so hard, until she didn't have a scream to scream. It was heartbreaking. The only thing that would help this poor child was taking baths with her (which always made her poop... SO GROSS), but we would take shower/baths multiple times a day. Lay in the bathtub, with her skin to skin (sometimes nursing) while the hot water ran over her back to keep her warm. Luckily we had about 20-30 minutes of hot water each time... so it was a good break. I took her to the doctor, they tried her on zantac---nada. It so sounded like reflux.. her screaming, her projectile vomiting (whole feedings across the room, completely missing your shoulder--impressive), but nothing seemed to help. So, I implemented any and every trick I had to survive the day.
Now, throughout my pregnancy, I had had gallbladder problems... I think that was why I didn't gain any weight (I actually delivered at my preok.... until I went to a Christmas Party at my aunts house... that night I paid the price, I had never felt so much pain, but after about 3-4 hours it went away, and I sucked it up. Who wants to have surgery anyway?
Then Christmas Eve came. I was staying at my mom's house for the traditional Christmas Morning present opening extravaganza, but this time, was going to be super cool---my newborn baby's first Christmas. I was going to be opening presents while cuddling her, it was going to be so cool. And my step-dad made rice crispy treats Christmas Eve, and of course I had to try one. Not good..... 11pm, my gallbladder woke me up. I paced, I walked outside, I puked outside (not wanting to wake up the household), but it only worsened. Finally at around 2am, I woke my Mom up, and she had my stepdad take me to the hospital because she had to stay home with Lauren---whom we did not want to subject to the ER disease factory.
I went to the hospital, it was determined that I had stones, but no one was going to do surgery on Christmas, so it was decided to drug me up (Morphine rocks), and send me home to foggily enjoy my Christmas--knowing I would probably be back. We got home at around 7am. Everyone was exhausted from being up all night, so present opening was pretty mundane. Then I went to go sleep (Morphine, remember?), and I woke up at 430pm and came out and was like "We need to go back".... This time I wanted my Mommy, so Lauren stayed with my Grandma (she had the BEST squishy chest---Lauren ALWAYS passed out on her), and my sister Tracey. The way to the hospital was spent with me hanging out the window hurling, and having some thought that perhaps the car in front of us was also going to the hospital, and they were NOT going to get the bed that was suppose to be mine... hahah. We got there, they tried to draw labs, took God only knows how many tries (5-7), and the Dr wanted labs drawn from the groin (uhhh, fun.), but luckily my mother stuck up for me and he found another alternative..... by the time the lab results were back, I was SUPER sick, puking every few minutes, and in tons of pain---and the labs showed that not only did I have a blocked cystic duct (gallbladder tube), but also severe pancreatitis with "impressive labs" (which when medical people say that, it is impressive!).... so I was admitted and had to stay for a few days to be medicated so the pancreatitis could be treated before they did any operation..... I had to stay, in the hospital, without my baby. It was really really really sad. Oh, but the good thing--some medicine they gave me caused a super huge increase in milk supply (in my drugged state, I called the nurse multiple times saying my IV was leaking, only for her to realize I was leaking milk--haha), the bad part---I had to dump it all cuz of all the medications.
So, I had surgery on the 29th of December, and went home the 31st..... I stayed at my mom's house after to recovery (BTW, recovering from gallbladder surgery and fresh c-section---kinda conflicting "get out of bed" movements). I had a drain in as well, that is what sucked the most. But, I still took care of Lauren, still pumped every 2.5 hrs. Oh, and found out on my day of surgery I had lost 32 lbs in 2.5 weeks, since delivery--that was pretty cool!
But, courtesy of the hospital, I got bronchitis. Which, for me, was bronchitis... for Lauren wasn't so "friendly". She started coughing and her mouth would start drooling mucous. I took her in to the pediatrican (it was a Wednesday) , but of course, she wasn't coughing in the office---so we were sent home. Thursday, she was still coughing and acting strangely (not crying as much :-)), so I took her back in.... we sat in the a room for 2 hrs with the door propped open so the dr could "hear her if she coughed".... nothing. And were sent home. Thursday night she was coughing so much, I didn't sleep at all, afraid she would stop breathing, so she laid on my chest all night, while I just watched her.... it was really scary. Friday she was still sick---called the office, but they didn't really see a need to see her, so I stayed home. Friday evening, 10pm, the kid turned blue. Ummm, can we say ER???? So, I rushed her into the ER, they did labs, they started an IV on my 6lb baby (she hadn't even reached her birth weight yet) while I held her down... they stuck swabs up her nose to test for RSV.... and finally the ER Dr asked what I thought the plan should be and my answer, "Well, we have a baby who has turned blue at home, has all the symptoms of RSV, is 4 weeks old.... if I take her home and she dies, you can just sign the check".... he asked me if "such-a-such room was ok".... yup, sure was, and she was admitted.
After 3 days, she was having to be increased on her oxygen levels, she was gasping, she had had coughing spells that made her O2 saturation's drop to 60%, so it was decided to transfer her to the ICU at children's hospital. We got to ride in an ambulance (her all pathetic in a carseat in the back) with lights on.
We got there, she was admitted to a room with just her warmer/bed, and a hard wooden rocking chair.... but I wasn't leavin'. By golly gee, I wasn't. I sat there, hour after hour, watching her gasp and struggle, rubbing her back and crying when she would cough so much she would turn blue..... I was still recovering from both my surgeries, my bronchitis, pumping (although my milk supply completely dried up while there from the stress/lack of sleep/etc). They did give me a room to sleep in in some apartments for parents across the street, and my mom stayed with Lauren---but I couldn't sleep. I think I stayed away for 2-3 hrs then I was back.
Finally on day 6 (3 days at first hospital, 3 days at 2nd) she was improving and moved from the ICU to the medical unit. At least there, I had a bed..... so I could sleep. She started eating again, screaming again, back to my little girl.
My mom came back up and relieved me so I could go home, bleach the heck out of my house, and do laundry, and maybe shower in my own house.... I come back 4 hrs later to a buttload of people in my daughters room, surrounding her crib... a ventilator outside.... picture that panicked mom pushing people aside to get in to her baby---that was me. She had had a horrible desaturation episode after coughing... and it was determined that her sinuses were almost swollen shut from all the aggressive suctioning they had done to help her breath prior..... So we had this humidified oxygen tube that had to be by her.... I would sit there, with her on my shoulder with the tube under my bra strap and blowing at her face--just so she would sleep and breathe. Or, if she was in bed, there was this really weird 1/2 sitting position she had to be in to not cough..... yeah, we perfected that too with rolled blankets and pillows (which were ok since she was on oxymetry anyway, we would know if she laid wrong). Finally she again, started improving... and we skirted the vent. And on the 9th day, we were preparing for discharge the next day. I remember that night, after Lauren had been screaming for 6 hrs straight, I finally got her to sleep at 11pm..... and laid down to sleep myself. The nurse came in at 1130 and did a blood pressure and woke her up. I was SO annoyed. I finally just yelled "You woke her up, you fix her" and laid back down. (Please consider my lack of sleep for freaking 5 weeks).... the nurse was so nice, she came in, she walked with her, she bounced with her, she finally brought in a swing. We had tried a swing at home, she hated it, so I wasn't too supportive, but whatever. She put her in it, and Lauren slept 4 straight hours. I called my mom the next morning and was like "go get a swing and have it set up at home when we get there".... I have a great Mommy and she did just that.
Lauren slept in a swing for every nap/night until she was 6+ months old. If I went somewhere, I brought that swing. It saved me... and I had a super big stash of batteries, cuz god forbid I run out of batteries... if that thing stopped, she screamed. And at that point, I would get about 2.5 hrs of straight sleep at a time. *AWESOME!!!!
Finally at 4 months old, with screaming still being an issue, with her projectile vomiting still being an issue, different formulas attempted, the inability for her to suck on slow flow bottles (which would have helped with swallowing air), she went in for a suck/swallow study. It was determined that not only did she have severe reflux, but also a very very weak suck.... so the breastfeeding issues were probably for many reasons: my lack of production ability as well as her lack of sucking ability. She was placed on Prevacid powder, and I was told she would show improvement in 7 days..... exactly 7 days later, she woke up one morning actually smiling. I cried and cried and cried. My poor baby had been in so much pain for so long. How could I have not known? Why did I not fight harder-sooner? I felt like a complete failure.
I mourned the lack of a vaginal delivery---every woman is suppose to be able to do it, right? It is natural. I am suppose to be able to do it while in the forest, and then go and continue picking berries after she plops out, right? But I failed. I coach woman to birth all the time, and yet I had to do it the "easy way".
I mourned the lack of breastfeeding---another thing that mother's are suppose to do. "It is best" "Formula is rat poison" blah blah blah...... but my udders were defective. I tried EVERYTHING. I did EVERYTHING. Yet another thing I teach woman how to breastfeed everyday I work.... and I can't even do it for my own baby.
I started doubting that I was even in the right profession. If I couldn't do these things, how could I tell others they could? I felt a fraud. It was majorly depressing. I had so many thoughts, so many days of sadness, so many days of tears.
Then I realized: If I hadn't had a c-section, my baby probably wouldn't have been ok. If I had succeeded easily in breastfeeding, I wouldn't have the empathy for my patients.... if my baby hadn't had RSV or reflux perhaps I wouldn't have appreciated as much the gift I was given. All these things made me a stronger person, a better Mom, a fantastic-empathetic-supportive-commiserating-nurse. I can sit with my hysterically devastated-fearful "going into c-section" patient and know exactly how they feel..... I can tell them what it is like, I can help them and relate to them when they are done. I can cry with them as they mourn things don't go as they had planned.
That little girl has taught me SO much throughout the years... and made me a much better person. And after all that, look at her! ;-) An ubber smart, sweet, caring, loving, entertaining, funny, uncoordinated, young lady....
***Updated as I promised :-)
I actually recovered well from my c-section, except for being very symptomatic from my blood loss, but I was NOT going to consent to a blood transfusion if needed, so I just sucked it up.
Lauren was so quiet and sweet in the hospital.... then we arrived home. My mom and everyone at her house was sick, so I couldn't stay with them to have help, so my little sister, Tracey, came to stay with me. She was a great help, until she went to bed.... that kid could sleep through ANYTHING, even a newborn SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER FROM 11pm-6am. Oh my, that night was horrible. I was super sore, exhausted, anemic, sore udders, and this kid wouldn't chill. I remember my mom showing up at 630am, and I was laying in the recliner with this sleeping baby on my chest, and her asking how the night went.... I think the look just about summed it up. Oh, and then she asked if I wanted her to take her for a bit while I took a nap, I was like "Get out of the house, don't touch her, don't breath hard, don't do ANYTHING"..... And, I had some false sense of security that the night of screaming would be a one time thing... it was only the beginning.
Then, Lauren started turning really really jaundice. I took her to the dr, they had labs drawn and they were in the "need to treat" zone. I convinced them that it was because of breastfeeding not going so hot (and it wasn't), and so I just wanted 12 hrs to stuff her full of food, and if she wasn't better by the next day, I would have her admitted---they obliged, I think mostly because of my background. As we were sitting there convincing them, my mom got ahold of her lactation-friend (who is now a dear friend of mine too...), and she snuck me in within a few minutes, only to determine the kid wasn't getting more than 3 cc's a feeding. No wonder she was so jaundice. So, I went home with a pump, and stuffed that kid with formula (while I pumped every 2-2.5 hrs)... I put so much food in her, it was dripping out of her mouth, but I WASN'T gonna go sit in the hospital and have to sit next to my baby as she sunbathed..... I didn't want to put her down that long. It worked, the next days labs were slightly better (but not worse), so no hospital admit. I continued to supplement, but I was finger feeding
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Not Lauren :-) |
11pm: Lauren screaming, change diaper, prepare formula and syringe, get her ready to feed
1120: Finger feed specified amounts (recollection foggy on this)
1140: Get Lauren back to content... it was the only time she actually was quiet.
1150: Pump tandem, while holding Lauren, drinking water, and taking drugs (aka pain meds)
1220am: Store breastmilk that was obtained (for next feeding to be given first before formula), clean pump, try to grab a snack.
1240am: Back to bed with Lauren cradled in my arms.....
130am: Starting all over again.........
This was my routine for weeks..... it was hellish. It was horrible... it was SO exhausting. My breastmilk was not improving much at all, I was doing EVERYTHING...hospital grade pump, reglan, domperidone, oatmeal, mother's milk tea, fenugreek, mother's milk tincture, pumping every 2-2.5 hours, drinking 100+ oz water a day, nursing after I pumped (I kinda had to do it this way, I wanted her to still suck, to increase "demand" but because of her lack of growth and such, I had to monitor how much she was getting, so to at least give her what she had to have via measured finger feed)..... I went to my lactation guru mega times.... and the most I pumped in a 24hr period was 11oz. SERIOUSLY, 11 oz. But I kept it up, at least that was 11oz of breastmilk she was getting, the immunity she was obtaining.... it was all I had to give. (FYI--she didn't get back to her birth weight until 7-8 weeks of age)
Then she started screaming. Oh my, that kid screamed. Starting that first night, until she was 4 months old, she screamed (no exaggeration) 18-22 hrs a DAY. Screaming so hard, until she didn't have a scream to scream. It was heartbreaking. The only thing that would help this poor child was taking baths with her (which always made her poop... SO GROSS), but we would take shower/baths multiple times a day. Lay in the bathtub, with her skin to skin (sometimes nursing) while the hot water ran over her back to keep her warm. Luckily we had about 20-30 minutes of hot water each time... so it was a good break. I took her to the doctor, they tried her on zantac---nada. It so sounded like reflux.. her screaming, her projectile vomiting (whole feedings across the room, completely missing your shoulder--impressive), but nothing seemed to help. So, I implemented any and every trick I had to survive the day.
Now, throughout my pregnancy, I had had gallbladder problems... I think that was why I didn't gain any weight (I actually delivered at my preok.... until I went to a Christmas Party at my aunts house... that night I paid the price, I had never felt so much pain, but after about 3-4 hours it went away, and I sucked it up. Who wants to have surgery anyway?
Then Christmas Eve came. I was staying at my mom's house for the traditional Christmas Morning present opening extravaganza, but this time, was going to be super cool---my newborn baby's first Christmas. I was going to be opening presents while cuddling her, it was going to be so cool. And my step-dad made rice crispy treats Christmas Eve, and of course I had to try one. Not good..... 11pm, my gallbladder woke me up. I paced, I walked outside, I puked outside (not wanting to wake up the household), but it only worsened. Finally at around 2am, I woke my Mom up, and she had my stepdad take me to the hospital because she had to stay home with Lauren---whom we did not want to subject to the ER disease factory.
I went to the hospital, it was determined that I had stones, but no one was going to do surgery on Christmas, so it was decided to drug me up (Morphine rocks), and send me home to foggily enjoy my Christmas--knowing I would probably be back. We got home at around 7am. Everyone was exhausted from being up all night, so present opening was pretty mundane. Then I went to go sleep (Morphine, remember?), and I woke up at 430pm and came out and was like "We need to go back".... This time I wanted my Mommy, so Lauren stayed with my Grandma (she had the BEST squishy chest---Lauren ALWAYS passed out on her), and my sister Tracey. The way to the hospital was spent with me hanging out the window hurling, and having some thought that perhaps the car in front of us was also going to the hospital, and they were NOT going to get the bed that was suppose to be mine... hahah. We got there, they tried to draw labs, took God only knows how many tries (5-7), and the Dr wanted labs drawn from the groin (uhhh, fun.), but luckily my mother stuck up for me and he found another alternative..... by the time the lab results were back, I was SUPER sick, puking every few minutes, and in tons of pain---and the labs showed that not only did I have a blocked cystic duct (gallbladder tube), but also severe pancreatitis with "impressive labs" (which when medical people say that, it is impressive!).... so I was admitted and had to stay for a few days to be medicated so the pancreatitis could be treated before they did any operation..... I had to stay, in the hospital, without my baby. It was really really really sad. Oh, but the good thing--some medicine they gave me caused a super huge increase in milk supply (in my drugged state, I called the nurse multiple times saying my IV was leaking, only for her to realize I was leaking milk--haha), the bad part---I had to dump it all cuz of all the medications.
So, I had surgery on the 29th of December, and went home the 31st..... I stayed at my mom's house after to recovery (BTW, recovering from gallbladder surgery and fresh c-section---kinda conflicting "get out of bed" movements). I had a drain in as well, that is what sucked the most. But, I still took care of Lauren, still pumped every 2.5 hrs. Oh, and found out on my day of surgery I had lost 32 lbs in 2.5 weeks, since delivery--that was pretty cool!
But, courtesy of the hospital, I got bronchitis. Which, for me, was bronchitis... for Lauren wasn't so "friendly". She started coughing and her mouth would start drooling mucous. I took her in to the pediatrican (it was a Wednesday) , but of course, she wasn't coughing in the office---so we were sent home. Thursday, she was still coughing and acting strangely (not crying as much :-)), so I took her back in.... we sat in the a room for 2 hrs with the door propped open so the dr could "hear her if she coughed".... nothing. And were sent home. Thursday night she was coughing so much, I didn't sleep at all, afraid she would stop breathing, so she laid on my chest all night, while I just watched her.... it was really scary. Friday she was still sick---called the office, but they didn't really see a need to see her, so I stayed home. Friday evening, 10pm, the kid turned blue. Ummm, can we say ER???? So, I rushed her into the ER, they did labs, they started an IV on my 6lb baby (she hadn't even reached her birth weight yet) while I held her down... they stuck swabs up her nose to test for RSV.... and finally the ER Dr asked what I thought the plan should be and my answer, "Well, we have a baby who has turned blue at home, has all the symptoms of RSV, is 4 weeks old.... if I take her home and she dies, you can just sign the check".... he asked me if "such-a-such room was ok".... yup, sure was, and she was admitted.
Holding Lauren just prior to her transport |
My Mom getting some cuddles.... |
After 3 days, she was having to be increased on her oxygen levels, she was gasping, she had had coughing spells that made her O2 saturation's drop to 60%, so it was decided to transfer her to the ICU at children's hospital. We got to ride in an ambulance (her all pathetic in a carseat in the back) with lights on.
Her in the ambulance being transported to Children's |
We got there, she was admitted to a room with just her warmer/bed, and a hard wooden rocking chair.... but I wasn't leavin'. By golly gee, I wasn't. I sat there, hour after hour, watching her gasp and struggle, rubbing her back and crying when she would cough so much she would turn blue..... I was still recovering from both my surgeries, my bronchitis, pumping (although my milk supply completely dried up while there from the stress/lack of sleep/etc). They did give me a room to sleep in in some apartments for parents across the street, and my mom stayed with Lauren---but I couldn't sleep. I think I stayed away for 2-3 hrs then I was back.
Finally on day 6 (3 days at first hospital, 3 days at 2nd) she was improving and moved from the ICU to the medical unit. At least there, I had a bed..... so I could sleep. She started eating again, screaming again, back to my little girl.
Never have I been so happy to hear her sceam! :-) |
This picture makes me cry.... |
My mom came back up and relieved me so I could go home, bleach the heck out of my house, and do laundry, and maybe shower in my own house.... I come back 4 hrs later to a buttload of people in my daughters room, surrounding her crib... a ventilator outside.... picture that panicked mom pushing people aside to get in to her baby---that was me. She had had a horrible desaturation episode after coughing... and it was determined that her sinuses were almost swollen shut from all the aggressive suctioning they had done to help her breath prior..... So we had this humidified oxygen tube that had to be by her.... I would sit there, with her on my shoulder with the tube under my bra strap and blowing at her face--just so she would sleep and breathe. Or, if she was in bed, there was this really weird 1/2 sitting position she had to be in to not cough..... yeah, we perfected that too with rolled blankets and pillows (which were ok since she was on oxymetry anyway, we would know if she laid wrong). Finally she again, started improving... and we skirted the vent. And on the 9th day, we were preparing for discharge the next day. I remember that night, after Lauren had been screaming for 6 hrs straight, I finally got her to sleep at 11pm..... and laid down to sleep myself. The nurse came in at 1130 and did a blood pressure and woke her up. I was SO annoyed. I finally just yelled "You woke her up, you fix her" and laid back down. (Please consider my lack of sleep for freaking 5 weeks).... the nurse was so nice, she came in, she walked with her, she bounced with her, she finally brought in a swing. We had tried a swing at home, she hated it, so I wasn't too supportive, but whatever. She put her in it, and Lauren slept 4 straight hours. I called my mom the next morning and was like "go get a swing and have it set up at home when we get there".... I have a great Mommy and she did just that.
Lauren slept in a swing for every nap/night until she was 6+ months old. If I went somewhere, I brought that swing. It saved me... and I had a super big stash of batteries, cuz god forbid I run out of batteries... if that thing stopped, she screamed. And at that point, I would get about 2.5 hrs of straight sleep at a time. *AWESOME!!!!
Finally at 4 months old, with screaming still being an issue, with her projectile vomiting still being an issue, different formulas attempted, the inability for her to suck on slow flow bottles (which would have helped with swallowing air), she went in for a suck/swallow study. It was determined that not only did she have severe reflux, but also a very very weak suck.... so the breastfeeding issues were probably for many reasons: my lack of production ability as well as her lack of sucking ability. She was placed on Prevacid powder, and I was told she would show improvement in 7 days..... exactly 7 days later, she woke up one morning actually smiling. I cried and cried and cried. My poor baby had been in so much pain for so long. How could I have not known? Why did I not fight harder-sooner? I felt like a complete failure.
I mourned the lack of a vaginal delivery---every woman is suppose to be able to do it, right? It is natural. I am suppose to be able to do it while in the forest, and then go and continue picking berries after she plops out, right? But I failed. I coach woman to birth all the time, and yet I had to do it the "easy way".
I mourned the lack of breastfeeding---another thing that mother's are suppose to do. "It is best" "Formula is rat poison" blah blah blah...... but my udders were defective. I tried EVERYTHING. I did EVERYTHING. Yet another thing I teach woman how to breastfeed everyday I work.... and I can't even do it for my own baby.
I started doubting that I was even in the right profession. If I couldn't do these things, how could I tell others they could? I felt a fraud. It was majorly depressing. I had so many thoughts, so many days of sadness, so many days of tears.
Then I realized: If I hadn't had a c-section, my baby probably wouldn't have been ok. If I had succeeded easily in breastfeeding, I wouldn't have the empathy for my patients.... if my baby hadn't had RSV or reflux perhaps I wouldn't have appreciated as much the gift I was given. All these things made me a stronger person, a better Mom, a fantastic-empathetic-supportive-commiserating-nurse. I can sit with my hysterically devastated-fearful "going into c-section" patient and know exactly how they feel..... I can tell them what it is like, I can help them and relate to them when they are done. I can cry with them as they mourn things don't go as they had planned.
That little girl has taught me SO much throughout the years... and made me a much better person. And after all that, look at her! ;-) An ubber smart, sweet, caring, loving, entertaining, funny, uncoordinated, young lady....
***Updated as I promised :-)
What to blog about.....
I need to find a topic to blog about, and I am running a blank. Maybe my goings on today?
---My husband, my son, and now me are sick. Wicked sore throat, headache, body ache..... kinda sucks.
---I went to the store JUST to get Dayquil, but in my haste to try to get a flavor my husband wouldn't spew all over the kitchen---I got Nyquil. Ooops, oh and I forgot the "Puffs with a Potion" for my husbands delicate schnauze.... I guess I was a little off today.
---Then we had a death in the family last night, so I packed up to go to my Mom's to take care of my niece..... (she can't miss school, my kids can.......), so after the house was clean, the dog all set up, my husband lectured on how to "be alone" (just in case he forgot!), the kids and I ventured out. It was an uneventful few hour drive, until I look in the back to see blood dripping off my sons face---benign bloody nose from his cold and perhaps a bit of "digging for gold", but needless to say, I was glad that he was dressed in a red shirt. Poor kid, looked like he had been punched (maybe he had---I hadn't been watching Lauren ;-) just kidding)
---I got to my Mom's, retained my niece from the neighbors, and settled in for a stay.
---After I was able to get Julia to take a nap (so what if I had to take one too.... hahah) my niece wanted to practice her culinary skills and cook dinner for everyone! HAVE FUN! :-)
---So, my kids are happily fed, very entertained, and super excited to be here. Oh, and Julia has made a mortal enemy out of the cat. Oops
Of course, after I volunteered to stay here and keep my niece in school, I realized that this week was actually a very busy week for my kids....preschool graduation, last play practices before production, etc....... And me, being the OCD-planner-freak, am trying to figure out how I am going to accomplish it all. Oh well, such is life!
Oh yeah, and I am tired. Super super tired. I know, that is a constant complaint of mine, but I am. I am glad my niece is so willing and able to help with my kids. Right now, they are eating ice cream outside while alternating jumping on the trampoline---and I am too tired to tell them not to do such activity after eating. To quote Lauren once when asked if she could play her DS at bedtime, "My mom doesn't care what I do or when I go to bed, as long as I don't bug her...." Pretty much sums it up, good observation Lauren!
---My husband, my son, and now me are sick. Wicked sore throat, headache, body ache..... kinda sucks.
---I went to the store JUST to get Dayquil, but in my haste to try to get a flavor my husband wouldn't spew all over the kitchen---I got Nyquil. Ooops, oh and I forgot the "Puffs with a Potion" for my husbands delicate schnauze.... I guess I was a little off today.
---Then we had a death in the family last night, so I packed up to go to my Mom's to take care of my niece..... (she can't miss school, my kids can.......), so after the house was clean, the dog all set up, my husband lectured on how to "be alone" (just in case he forgot!), the kids and I ventured out. It was an uneventful few hour drive, until I look in the back to see blood dripping off my sons face---benign bloody nose from his cold and perhaps a bit of "digging for gold", but needless to say, I was glad that he was dressed in a red shirt. Poor kid, looked like he had been punched (maybe he had---I hadn't been watching Lauren ;-) just kidding)
---I got to my Mom's, retained my niece from the neighbors, and settled in for a stay.
---After I was able to get Julia to take a nap (so what if I had to take one too.... hahah) my niece wanted to practice her culinary skills and cook dinner for everyone! HAVE FUN! :-)
---So, my kids are happily fed, very entertained, and super excited to be here. Oh, and Julia has made a mortal enemy out of the cat. Oops
Of course, after I volunteered to stay here and keep my niece in school, I realized that this week was actually a very busy week for my kids....preschool graduation, last play practices before production, etc....... And me, being the OCD-planner-freak, am trying to figure out how I am going to accomplish it all. Oh well, such is life!
Oh yeah, and I am tired. Super super tired. I know, that is a constant complaint of mine, but I am. I am glad my niece is so willing and able to help with my kids. Right now, they are eating ice cream outside while alternating jumping on the trampoline---and I am too tired to tell them not to do such activity after eating. To quote Lauren once when asked if she could play her DS at bedtime, "My mom doesn't care what I do or when I go to bed, as long as I don't bug her...." Pretty much sums it up, good observation Lauren!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Playin Hookie!
We all got up today, with the plans of a normal day. I rose to start my morning chores, make my list of "to do" things, get kids ready for school, Chris was downstairs already starting his day.....
We were all ready/showered/fed, and the bus for Lauren is coming up the hill, and Chris comes upstairs, "Let's go do something today".... so we all jumped at the idea, and we all played Hookie!
---Lauren put down all of her stuff with a smile
---I forwent all my things on the "to do list" and instead, packed us a lunch
---Joshua went squealing and skipping through the house as we ran around to get last minute stuff
A beautiful, sunny, 70 degree day awaited us, and we were off--destination unknown.
The kids in the back, playing on their elected electronic devices, Chris rocking out to his music, and me relishing in the fact that, at that moment, no one was fighting! :-)
We ended up at an ocean park that is fairly close to our house. Here are some of the things that kept us entertained:
We were all ready/showered/fed, and the bus for Lauren is coming up the hill, and Chris comes upstairs, "Let's go do something today".... so we all jumped at the idea, and we all played Hookie!
---Lauren put down all of her stuff with a smile
---I forwent all my things on the "to do list" and instead, packed us a lunch
---Joshua went squealing and skipping through the house as we ran around to get last minute stuff
A beautiful, sunny, 70 degree day awaited us, and we were off--destination unknown.
The kids in the back, playing on their elected electronic devices, Chris rocking out to his music, and me relishing in the fact that, at that moment, no one was fighting! :-)
We ended up at an ocean park that is fairly close to our house. Here are some of the things that kept us entertained:
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......being silly........ |
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......feeling the wind in our hair..... |
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.....finding sea snails....... |
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.........finding the perfect stone....... |
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........hurling rocks...... |
.......playing in the ocean..... |
........searching tide pools...... |
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.......feeling the cold nip of ocean water in May on our toes...... |
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...........just running around being........ |
.......making level 1 Angry Birds obstacles courses....... |
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.........level 2........ |
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......level 96....... |
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........level 100, the Angry Bird finale... |
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...........posing....... |
..... and taking in the beautiful sites! |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Little bit of something, a whole lotta nothing.....
So, today has been an interesting day filled with a good workout, cathartic grocery shopping, a clean house, some reminders of how kids make bodily functions funny, a silly looking dog, a homemade yummy enchilada dinner, a medical update, a bath, a blog, and soon American Idol.
So, my workout was really good... 45 minutes of more-than-detested elliptical, and 45 minutes of makin' some stellar biceps (aka arm workout)
Then, went--all sweaty and smelly---to the grocery store, where Julia and I had fun singing songs and grabbing food! She didn't whine and was instead charming all the people "Hi, how are you?"... super cute!
Came home to a clean house---courtesy of the house cleaner person. I hate spending money on something I am more than capable of doing myself, HOWEVER, I think my family reaps more off of my great mood when I walk into a clean house than they would be able to reap from the wasted cash.
So.... onto how kids make bodily functions funny. I have run into many pee and poop incidents with my kids, kinda comes with the territory....
--Lauren was probably the easiest, there was only 1 poop incident of her taking off her poopy diaper and then falling asleep with her head next to the log........ super gross, but kinda funny.
--Joshua was inventive with his poop. He would stick his fingers down the back of his diaper, get some on his finger, and make lines on his carpet for "car roads"..... ingenious (and disgusting). But, when you don't have ready access to a road constructing medium, what is a boy to do???
--And Julia..... she is the "undress myself cuz I can, and diapers are for babies" type of kid. She has been taking off her PJ's for awhile now, and when she was in her crib, I would sometimes go find her, stark naked, freezing cold, and in a puddle----talk about maternal guilt. So, I got smart. I utilized all my previous experiences as an expert-diaper-keeper-on Mom. And went and bought pretty purple duct tape. For months I would tape her diapers, and never did we have a problem. Then, recently, I lost the precious duct tape, and she seemed to grow out of the undressing stuff, so I let her be. Well, today she got a little frisky--took off all her clothes--- "birthed a Texan" (aka a log of poop) on the floor, and crawled in her bed and slept. I walked in her room after her nap to find the present, and her saying "icky, Momma, icky" and pointing. Bathtime! :-)
Onto the dog--- since a few weeks after we got him, he has had some skin thing. Dandruff, with some scabs and such. Went to the vet, and they said it just "was" and gave us medicated shampoo. Only, the problem is his fur is so thick, it is hard to get the shampoo to his skin...... so after many baths and little headway---and because of the skin issues, a smelly dog---- he got a hair cut. Now, my forte' is not as a dog groomer, and the poor dog looks pathetic, BUT, he got a good bath and seems super happy, so it was worth it. Oh, and the dog also has a little issue with what I label "Happy piddle".... when he is excited he leaks. I have been smelling "dog" in my house lately, and have always vowed my house would NEVER be THAT house..... so I have scrubbed the carpet and became one of those people----my dog wears a diaper. I bought my damn dog a diaper. Poor pathetic-sad dog.
Then I made enchiladas for dinner. My husband is a happy man, he loves my enchiladas! :-)
Then my Dr finally called back in regards to some of my test results. I do not have an auto-immune issue (kinda figured), but she did have some info on my heart monitor results.
--Basically I am having "moderate ectopic ventricular activity" with more than one place causing them. Now, cardiac stuff is not my strong point, but this is how I understand it. So, there are 3 main parts of the heart electrical system... the SA nodes, which are the main "heartbeat maintainer", then the AV nodes, which are you backup of the SA nodes fail, and then I think the Perkinji fibers.... which are you last line of defense. Generally speaking the SA nodes do all the work and the others are only "emergency generators if the power goes out" so to speak. However, I have some overzealous AV nodes.... so there are some parts of the ventricles that are just firing just cuz they wanna. My Dr. admitted this is not her area of expertise, and that she didn't necessarily feel that it was life threatening, but in all actuality wasn't 100% sure, so I will be going to a cardiologist. (Link to ectopic premature ventricular complex info). (More reader-friendly version of info) My understanding is if there are no underlying factors (such as heart disease, lung disease, high BP, structure issues etc---which I show NO sign of) that the odds of things turning sour (aka me dying) are very slim, and that they can just "happen". But all of that has to be ruled out, SO, off to a cardiologist I go.
So, all of that is a little scary, and yet slightly reassuring (believe it or not) because now I know what it is...... I will update more when I see the cardiologist, which I will call for an appt tomorrow. So, what am I doing to relax? I am laying in the bathtub---blogging! HAHAHAH Queen of multitasking! :-)
And, when I am done, I am going to go and watch American Idol... GO HALEY! I think she deserves to win because:
1) She has fought the hardest to be there, in the sense that she has been in the bottom week after week, and been criticized mercilessly, and still is there singing her heart out!
2) Scotty and Lauren (and James) all, no matter what, have a contract----they are marketable. Haley I can see possibly getting lost if she doesn't have the American Idol label behind her, because her voice is so unique!
3) Because she has rockin' teeth and great legs! :-)
So, my workout was really good... 45 minutes of more-than-detested elliptical, and 45 minutes of makin' some stellar biceps (aka arm workout)
Then, went--all sweaty and smelly---to the grocery store, where Julia and I had fun singing songs and grabbing food! She didn't whine and was instead charming all the people "Hi, how are you?"... super cute!
Came home to a clean house---courtesy of the house cleaner person. I hate spending money on something I am more than capable of doing myself, HOWEVER, I think my family reaps more off of my great mood when I walk into a clean house than they would be able to reap from the wasted cash.
So.... onto how kids make bodily functions funny. I have run into many pee and poop incidents with my kids, kinda comes with the territory....
--Lauren was probably the easiest, there was only 1 poop incident of her taking off her poopy diaper and then falling asleep with her head next to the log........ super gross, but kinda funny.
--Joshua was inventive with his poop. He would stick his fingers down the back of his diaper, get some on his finger, and make lines on his carpet for "car roads"..... ingenious (and disgusting). But, when you don't have ready access to a road constructing medium, what is a boy to do???
--And Julia..... she is the "undress myself cuz I can, and diapers are for babies" type of kid. She has been taking off her PJ's for awhile now, and when she was in her crib, I would sometimes go find her, stark naked, freezing cold, and in a puddle----talk about maternal guilt. So, I got smart. I utilized all my previous experiences as an expert-diaper-keeper-on Mom. And went and bought pretty purple duct tape. For months I would tape her diapers, and never did we have a problem. Then, recently, I lost the precious duct tape, and she seemed to grow out of the undressing stuff, so I let her be. Well, today she got a little frisky--took off all her clothes--- "birthed a Texan" (aka a log of poop) on the floor, and crawled in her bed and slept. I walked in her room after her nap to find the present, and her saying "icky, Momma, icky" and pointing. Bathtime! :-)
Onto the dog--- since a few weeks after we got him, he has had some skin thing. Dandruff, with some scabs and such. Went to the vet, and they said it just "was" and gave us medicated shampoo. Only, the problem is his fur is so thick, it is hard to get the shampoo to his skin...... so after many baths and little headway---and because of the skin issues, a smelly dog---- he got a hair cut. Now, my forte' is not as a dog groomer, and the poor dog looks pathetic, BUT, he got a good bath and seems super happy, so it was worth it. Oh, and the dog also has a little issue with what I label "Happy piddle".... when he is excited he leaks. I have been smelling "dog" in my house lately, and have always vowed my house would NEVER be THAT house..... so I have scrubbed the carpet and became one of those people----my dog wears a diaper. I bought my damn dog a diaper. Poor pathetic-sad dog.
Then I made enchiladas for dinner. My husband is a happy man, he loves my enchiladas! :-)
Then my Dr finally called back in regards to some of my test results. I do not have an auto-immune issue (kinda figured), but she did have some info on my heart monitor results.
--Basically I am having "moderate ectopic ventricular activity" with more than one place causing them. Now, cardiac stuff is not my strong point, but this is how I understand it. So, there are 3 main parts of the heart electrical system... the SA nodes, which are the main "heartbeat maintainer", then the AV nodes, which are you backup of the SA nodes fail, and then I think the Perkinji fibers.... which are you last line of defense. Generally speaking the SA nodes do all the work and the others are only "emergency generators if the power goes out" so to speak. However, I have some overzealous AV nodes.... so there are some parts of the ventricles that are just firing just cuz they wanna. My Dr. admitted this is not her area of expertise, and that she didn't necessarily feel that it was life threatening, but in all actuality wasn't 100% sure, so I will be going to a cardiologist. (Link to ectopic premature ventricular complex info). (More reader-friendly version of info) My understanding is if there are no underlying factors (such as heart disease, lung disease, high BP, structure issues etc---which I show NO sign of) that the odds of things turning sour (aka me dying) are very slim, and that they can just "happen". But all of that has to be ruled out, SO, off to a cardiologist I go.
So, all of that is a little scary, and yet slightly reassuring (believe it or not) because now I know what it is...... I will update more when I see the cardiologist, which I will call for an appt tomorrow. So, what am I doing to relax? I am laying in the bathtub---blogging! HAHAHAH Queen of multitasking! :-)
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NOT me... but it looks like my computer :-) |
And, when I am done, I am going to go and watch American Idol... GO HALEY! I think she deserves to win because:
1) She has fought the hardest to be there, in the sense that she has been in the bottom week after week, and been criticized mercilessly, and still is there singing her heart out!
2) Scotty and Lauren (and James) all, no matter what, have a contract----they are marketable. Haley I can see possibly getting lost if she doesn't have the American Idol label behind her, because her voice is so unique!
3) Because she has rockin' teeth and great legs! :-)
Weekly Weightloss Wednesday
Wednesdays Stats:
Highest Weight "achieved": 11/09
To date weight loss: -63 lbs (-2 lb from last week!!!!!!)
Goal weight: 82 more lbs to lose
Daily Average Caloric intake this week: 900
Average Water intake this week: 76 oz
Total Cardio This week: 115 minutes
Total Weightlifting this week: 140
So, this was a pretty good week. I LOST weight, which is always nice! My diet has been actually pretty commendable. I am definitely happy!
Goal this next week: Increase my Cardio minutes per week.
Highest Weight "achieved": 11/09
To date weight loss: -63 lbs (-2 lb from last week!!!!!!)
Goal weight: 82 more lbs to lose
Daily Average Caloric intake this week: 900
Average Water intake this week: 76 oz
Total Cardio This week: 115 minutes
Total Weightlifting this week: 140
So, this was a pretty good week. I LOST weight, which is always nice! My diet has been actually pretty commendable. I am definitely happy!
Goal this next week: Increase my Cardio minutes per week.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Invasion of the Grumpy Bug.......
I am ultra grumpy.... so I have nothing to type that is nice, so I will just post some of my favorite pics! :-) That will help me to be happy, and spare your the whining!
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Lauren and Joshua |
Julia in her Jumperoo! (Which she lived in for a LONG time!) |
Lauren meeting Julia for the first time! |
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Bestest Buddies! |
My 3 beautiful children |
My adorable blue-eyed Julia |
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I was grumpy this day, so to cheer myself and Joshua up, we colored :-) |
Julia not likin' her hat |
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Julia's 1st Birthday Sundae |
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Lauren and Joshua at Disneyland |
They are all so stinkin' cute! |
Sunday, May 15, 2011
But want is different than need.
Yes, I am the "mom with a minivan". I begged for this minivan when we found out we were having Julia. I begged, and pleaded, and fantasized. Then, in the December before we had Julia, Chris got into an accident (not his fault, and no serious injuries!), but it totalled the car. So, since we had to get a new one anyway, I was to GET MY VAN! :-)
I have had this van for 2.5 years. I am over it. I don't really like it much. There is no trunk space, it is an older/basic model, so it doesn't have automatic doors, the seats aren't that comfy.... I am over it. I want a new car. But how do you rationalize getting a new car when you have other things that should take priority? Want is so different than need...........
We just recently had to get Chris a new truck---the SUV we had prior was dying a slow and painful death. And it was his turn to get a new vehicle... .so he got one. BUT, while we were waiting for them to fix all the little things on our new toy and get it all spiffy, we got a loaner car. Ummm, I liked it way too much..... So, I am pondering this:
I have had this van for 2.5 years. I am over it. I don't really like it much. There is no trunk space, it is an older/basic model, so it doesn't have automatic doors, the seats aren't that comfy.... I am over it. I want a new car. But how do you rationalize getting a new car when you have other things that should take priority? Want is so different than need...........
We just recently had to get Chris a new truck---the SUV we had prior was dying a slow and painful death. And it was his turn to get a new vehicle... .so he got one. BUT, while we were waiting for them to fix all the little things on our new toy and get it all spiffy, we got a loaner car. Ummm, I liked it way too much..... So, I am pondering this:
Friday, May 13, 2011
Bright Bright, Sunshiney Day!
It is beautiful here.... our last day of beauty this week. So, even though I was SO tired this morning, and ultra grumpy, I sucked it up and had an outdoor day.
I have my niece "E" for a few days, and poor Joshua has been feeling a little left out, so Chris took the day off and took him for some "boy time"---including a reptile zoo and lunch. Joshua is glowing!
I, then, took the girls out for the day. We traveled to return my heart monitor thing, then made our way back, and stopped at the park. There were some really nice kids there today (sometimes not the case) and they all had fun running around with new playmates (aka: evil pirates, hide and seekers, chase-ees, new students for teacher "Miss Lauren", sous chefs, etc). Here are some pics: (I cannot include my niece, because I don't have permission to do so! :-) But trust me, she is adorable!)
Now, it is pizza/movie night. Trying to go con my husband into going to go pick up the pizza.... I refuse to pay 35.00 for a delivery pizza, when I can pick one up for 10. :-)
I have my niece "E" for a few days, and poor Joshua has been feeling a little left out, so Chris took the day off and took him for some "boy time"---including a reptile zoo and lunch. Joshua is glowing!
I, then, took the girls out for the day. We traveled to return my heart monitor thing, then made our way back, and stopped at the park. There were some really nice kids there today (sometimes not the case) and they all had fun running around with new playmates (aka: evil pirates, hide and seekers, chase-ees, new students for teacher "Miss Lauren", sous chefs, etc). Here are some pics: (I cannot include my niece, because I don't have permission to do so! :-) But trust me, she is adorable!)
The flowers my niece gave me! :-) |
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Julia jumping! |
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This is Julia trying to play hide and seek with the girls... she is counting (and covering her face like they did). HAHA |
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My big girl! |
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