Monday, March 31, 2014


So Julia's preschool teacher requested that today the kids wear something supporting their dad's favorite sports team........Chris's favorite team, of course, are the Seahawks.  I just found this out friday, so yesterday Lauren and I went out in search for Seahawks stuff........ since all we have is a hat (that was at Chris work desk) and a shirt that was so huge that we couldn't make a dress out of it.

Here was the dilemma........ Arizona peeps are VERY serious about their sports teams.  VERY SERIOUS.  So, going in stores asking for Seahawks stuff really was---well a joke.  We had lots of people laugh at us, seriously, they laughed! 

Finally we found a store that had a few things:  a womans hat (for 48.00, ummm.  NO), a men's hat (for 37.00... ummm NO), a window flag for a car, a window decal, and some bobbleheads.  My daughter almost went to school decorated with a window decal safety pinned to her shirt and waving a window flag!  Then, just as I was going to the register with said items, I found temporary tattoos.  THAT'S IT! 

So, Julia went to school in a white t-shirt, blue jeans, (princess shoes :-)), and tattoos supporting her favorite team!  Oh, and before she left she went over to her daddy for his approval.  He was on the phone, so a pat on the head showed Julia she had done well, and she gave a big smile and pranced on her merry way!

(Why is my phone so blurry lately--so annoying... and notice no stain on her shirt!)

(Don't mind the stain on her shirt, this was after school and red fruit punch drink!)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I will feel better if I just blog.........

So, I am sitting here, wanting to blog but not wanting to blog.  I guess more of I want there to be a post, but don't want to sit here and make one.  I have procrastinated by reading my old posts (which I must add are hilarious!!!!!  I was cracking myself up) and looking at my old facebook posts and pics (in which my KIDS cracked me up). I really do love my life---most of the time :-)

Today I had to work a little bit, so I went to see my patients.  It is always a surprise when you walk in the doors, you never really know what the day will hold.  My 1st patient I had to have a family discussion on the end of life decisions and hospice discussions.............. and then the 2nd I was schooled for an hour about Jackie Kennedy Onasis jewelry on QVC.   Very interesting variations.

Then I made my way home and took the kids out to the front yard (cul-da-sac) and let them ride their scooters!  It is a beautiful day in Arizona, a warm 85.  The kids came in all out of breath and putting ice packs on their heads!  I guess they still have some acclimating to do.

And now, I am sitting in my husbands super comfy recliner, blogging, and thinking of all the things I should be doing but am not.

I guess I could also talk about yesterday.... Joshua had to have an appt for his congenital hypothyroidism, and since it has been a hectic year+, I have been slightly negligent in getting him looked at, so we went to his new Dr, and of course she ordered labs and then she felt something weird near his thyroid, so also an ultrasound.  He has not had an ultrasound since he was itty bitty, so I am curious to what is happening in there.  He was so funny, he said to the dr "I need my blood checked every year, and we didn't do it in 2013, so I need a blood draw today".    What he really wanted was the ice cream he gets after blood draws or shots....... but still asking to be poked at the age of 7 is pretty good.  So, after the dr office we went to the nearest open lab for the blood draw.  Joshua, still cool as a cucumber, sauntered on in the office.  No worries in the world.  Then as we were sitting there, a little girl (about 4) had to go get labs done, she did not appreciate the process much, and of course they missed so she had to do it twice.  During all this screaming, Joshua got a little concerned, but still put on his brave face when they called him back.  He sat in the seat by himself, put out his arms, held still and only winced when they poked and got the blood.  He watched the entire time and did great!  This is far better than the last time we did this and I had to hold him down, and they had to try 4 times to be successful.  FAR better experience.  LOL, MAYBE I can handle him having his blood drawn every year now.

I will update you on results when they all come in! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Work Situation

So, I said I would explain my work situation and now I have a few minutes, so I will.

As most of you know, I have been a labor and delivery nurse for 15 yrs.  And during those 15 yrs have grown to LOVE that area of expertise.  When we moved to Arizona, we had no support system, so me working a day shift was impossible since we had no way of finding childcare and we didn't really even know enough about the area to feel comfortable in searching.  Also, because of my mental health, I could not work nights, so it just didn't work all the way around.

So, I tried a new adventure---Home Health.  It was something new, something more to learn, and had great hours that enabled me to take my older children to and from school, take Julia to and from preschool..... and with some maneuvering, do school activities and such.

So since October I have been doing Home Health.  And to be perfectly honest, after 6 months I am burnt out.  It isn't the care of the patients that is the problem, it is all the other issues.  Fighting with dr offices to follow patients, dealing with noncompliance of patients and families.  Being argued with, demeaned, and ignored.  And then the fact that work never ends.  I have patients that call at 3am, that call 6 times a day---everyday.  My days off are consumed with phone calls and charting.  It is exhausting.

I have just found out the hard way that L&D is a better fit.  You get a patient, they do their job (deliver).  If they don't do their job then you do it for them (c-section), then you have them for 2-3 days and they go home all happy and healthy.  (We all know there are exceptions.) 

So, the moral of this story is I am an L&D nurse through and through.  And I am awesome at it!  I can give so much to my patients while I am there, and then come home and have some to give to my family and myself to.  My plan is to seek new employment in this field when the kids are in school fulltime and I can find a way to juggle it all.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I think I am back! :-)

I have been bad about blogging.  Horrible.  Terrible.  Neglectful.  And for all of those reasons, I am sorry.  The move to Arizona was a big one, with lots of stress and some struggles, but is working out well and I am LOVING it here. 

Chris had some struggles with a neck issue and surgery followed, but after 3 months he is on the mend, doing well, and our lives are starting to get back to normal.

Lauren is loving school and doing so well!  She is growing up to be a wonderful (and slightly mouthy) young lady, turned 10 in December and I am sure will be taller than me any day now!  She loves crafts and writing, is in the choir and actually has a voice!  I was amazed when I heard that.  HAHAH. 

Joshua is also doing well in school.  I can't say he as much of a fan as the girls are, but he does his job and goes to school, gets good grades, and comes home to his love---xbox.  He (well actually all of them) very much enjoy playing video games, kindles, etc.  He is also into legos and loves to read!  The other day I took all of them to the library, and you would think we were in a candy store, we couldn't care the stuff out when we were done!

Julia.  What to say about Julia.  She just turned 5, is the pride of her preschool teachers eye, and is the most happy, joyful child ever.  She is always dancing, singing, prancing around the house.  I often say "Julia is in Julia's world".  She just lives in such a different world than us---a wonderful and happy world.  I love it!  (Right now she is actually mopping and scrubbing the floor.  There is a lot of water involved in this process, but I must say, she is a mopper in the making!)
And then there is me.  I am doing so well down here!  Arizona was a great move for me.  My depression is quite manageable here, the sun is always shining and I make a point to sit in it for at least an hour a day.  Actually Chris and I sit outside in the afternoons, chatting, and just relaxing.  It has centered me and in a lot of ways helped me heal.  I have worked since October, but decided to take the summer off to spend time with the kids.  They are at wonderful ages, I am in a great mental place, I am going to take advantage of it!  BTW--summers in Arizona start early, and mine actually started last week!  :-)  I have a few more patients I am seeing (I am working home health, which will take another blog post to explain) and I should be done really soon.  But right now I am only working saturdays for a few hours, so it is easy peasy!

Well, that is all for now!  I will try to make more posts so that I can share with you the last years goings on.  But, I tend to do better in the summers, so I am hoping to at the very least, keep up.