Even though all we seem to see is rain, rain and more rain.... without it we wouldn't be able to take a short family Sunday drive and see sights like this!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Soaking up the elusive washington sun
After a very entertaining evening of chatting with a new friend, and a very "less than tangible" sleep night, I got up this morning and decided to take my friend up on her invite to meet her and her sister at a local outdoor (heated!) pool.
However, I told myself I could not partake in the festivities unless I partook in my household chores. With Lauren and Joshua's help (and hindrance of Julia by dumping a baggie of cereal on the freshly vacuumed floor), we got the whole upstairs vacuumed, bathrooms cleaned, beds made, rooms cleaned, dishes done, floor mopped, walls in kitchen wiped down, along with molding, and all the garbage out. After all of that, we were cleared to go. Along the way, I had to stop at the store for swim diapers (which you know I question the need for), and some lunch for the kids, and off we drove.
Our friends were already there, and the kids had a great time playing together---as well as the adults chatting. We had a "water-nazi" of a lifeguard, who was like "Keep your kid within arms reach" in reference to Joshua, who I had in a life jacket--------isn't that what a life jacket is for???? But, when Julia was walking chin deep in water without a life jacket, no such warning was made. Anyway, it was kind of comical because when he would "move posts" we could get away with a little more. Now, please don't think I underestimate or undervalue lifeguards and their need to adhere to safety rules, however, he also needs to not underestimate my ability to watch my kid-----in a life jacket----in a non-crowded pool---- in 4 feet of water.
However, it was great fun, and we got home and Julia and I passed out, while the other kids read their bibles. It is hilarious to hear the kids read excerpts out of their bibles to each other. Joshua, who actually reads EXTREMELY well for his age, trying to read things like "Ezekiel" is super cute. I will try to record a video to post for you soon.
However, I told myself I could not partake in the festivities unless I partook in my household chores. With Lauren and Joshua's help (and hindrance of Julia by dumping a baggie of cereal on the freshly vacuumed floor), we got the whole upstairs vacuumed, bathrooms cleaned, beds made, rooms cleaned, dishes done, floor mopped, walls in kitchen wiped down, along with molding, and all the garbage out. After all of that, we were cleared to go. Along the way, I had to stop at the store for swim diapers (which you know I question the need for), and some lunch for the kids, and off we drove.
Our friends were already there, and the kids had a great time playing together---as well as the adults chatting. We had a "water-nazi" of a lifeguard, who was like "Keep your kid within arms reach" in reference to Joshua, who I had in a life jacket--------isn't that what a life jacket is for???? But, when Julia was walking chin deep in water without a life jacket, no such warning was made. Anyway, it was kind of comical because when he would "move posts" we could get away with a little more. Now, please don't think I underestimate or undervalue lifeguards and their need to adhere to safety rules, however, he also needs to not underestimate my ability to watch my kid-----in a life jacket----in a non-crowded pool---- in 4 feet of water.
However, it was great fun, and we got home and Julia and I passed out, while the other kids read their bibles. It is hilarious to hear the kids read excerpts out of their bibles to each other. Joshua, who actually reads EXTREMELY well for his age, trying to read things like "Ezekiel" is super cute. I will try to record a video to post for you soon.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Private School
I get the whole "invest now for the future" and all that...... and that is exactly what we are attempting to do. However, at times, sending the kids to private school seems very inconvenient. (Now, I don't want any lectures, I know it is not about convenience, and for us, we have decided this is what is best for the kids, and we don't mind making those sacrifices).....
However, the thought of having to "bus" them to and from school....every day.... twice a day.... until 12th grade, seems----well, time consuming and annoying. I will miss the afternoon nap, woken up by my phone alarm saying Lauren will be walking in the door in 5 minutes from school, and me being awake long enough to hear her, say hi, give her a hug, and pass back out. (No, I did not do this everyday.... just making a point) I will miss only having to get her ready in the morning to go---and instead getting all 4 of us ready to jump in the car, drive and be there by 8am.
Then, there is the financial stuff.... OH MY. Here is the current breakdown for August just to get them started in school:
Tuition: just shy of 1000.00
Basic Uniforms: (will need to add to it soon) 386.00
School Supplies for both kids: 220.00
Bibles: 100.97
Backpacks/lunch bags: 44.02
PE shoes: 48.64
School Shoes: 92.06
Undershirts/socks/undergarments/belts/hair accessories: 56.09
Coats---luckily their last years fit
That is a total of: 1947.78
For all of this, they had better get a stellar education, get great jobs, and make enough to support our asses when we are old and there isn't any social security, and we have exhausted all our savings on sending them to school. I am thinking: Lauren---a "find a cure for cancer" physician, Joshua---an astronaut, and Julia---child psychologist. We will see :-)
However, the thought of having to "bus" them to and from school....every day.... twice a day.... until 12th grade, seems----well, time consuming and annoying. I will miss the afternoon nap, woken up by my phone alarm saying Lauren will be walking in the door in 5 minutes from school, and me being awake long enough to hear her, say hi, give her a hug, and pass back out. (No, I did not do this everyday.... just making a point) I will miss only having to get her ready in the morning to go---and instead getting all 4 of us ready to jump in the car, drive and be there by 8am.
Then, there is the financial stuff.... OH MY. Here is the current breakdown for August just to get them started in school:
Tuition: just shy of 1000.00
Basic Uniforms: (will need to add to it soon) 386.00
School Supplies for both kids: 220.00
Bibles: 100.97
Backpacks/lunch bags: 44.02
PE shoes: 48.64
School Shoes: 92.06
Undershirts/socks/undergarments/belts/hair accessories: 56.09
Coats---luckily their last years fit
That is a total of: 1947.78
For all of this, they had better get a stellar education, get great jobs, and make enough to support our asses when we are old and there isn't any social security, and we have exhausted all our savings on sending them to school. I am thinking: Lauren---a "find a cure for cancer" physician, Joshua---an astronaut, and Julia---child psychologist. We will see :-)
Liquored with Lemon drops
I awoke yesterday with a raging headache, took some tylenol, a hot shower, and caffeine. It kind of kept it at bay for awhile, but I could feel it percolating all day...... however, sometime during that torture, I came up with the idea that I wanted a date night. Luckily our babysitter was available last minute and she was going to come here at 5.
Anyway, I muddled through my headache all day, taking it super easy, resting (as much as possible with 3 kids), and around lunch time took the girls to Target for some school supply shopping (another post), and then got back at around 330. I laid Julia down for a nap (mostly so I could get a quick one :-)), and laid down for some rest myself.
5pm came, and so did our lovely sitter, so Chris and I went out. We first went to Anthony's Seafood Restaurant (I was craving the corn chowder), but upon not being able to find a single parking spot, and seeing people lined up, we decided that it was not the evening for an impromptu Anthony's meal. We, instead, ended up the old fall back---Red Robin. We had a great dinner (surrounded by 7... YES 7 birthday songs during our meal), and then hit the book store for a little browsing. Then we went and got the kids their bibles they need for school (and spiritual growth :-)) and headed towards our house.
Along the way, I got the tickling for some lemon drops. I have never had these (at least I don't recall having done so), and asked the booze lady how to make them and what to buy.
We went home, where I followed her instructions. I honestly don't know if I did something wrong, or if that sh** is strong, but it was POTENT. I cannot say that I will be partaking in such drinks again, unless I find a better way to make it. But, we still had a great time having some drinks, watching TV, talking and such.
Really, a good end to a headache-filled day. I love you Chris, and cannot wait for us to be able to spend a week together---alone---- while frying in Las Vegas. HAHAHA
Anyway, I muddled through my headache all day, taking it super easy, resting (as much as possible with 3 kids), and around lunch time took the girls to Target for some school supply shopping (another post), and then got back at around 330. I laid Julia down for a nap (mostly so I could get a quick one :-)), and laid down for some rest myself.
5pm came, and so did our lovely sitter, so Chris and I went out. We first went to Anthony's Seafood Restaurant (I was craving the corn chowder), but upon not being able to find a single parking spot, and seeing people lined up, we decided that it was not the evening for an impromptu Anthony's meal. We, instead, ended up the old fall back---Red Robin. We had a great dinner (surrounded by 7... YES 7 birthday songs during our meal), and then hit the book store for a little browsing. Then we went and got the kids their bibles they need for school (and spiritual growth :-)) and headed towards our house.
Along the way, I got the tickling for some lemon drops. I have never had these (at least I don't recall having done so), and asked the booze lady how to make them and what to buy.
We went home, where I followed her instructions. I honestly don't know if I did something wrong, or if that sh** is strong, but it was POTENT. I cannot say that I will be partaking in such drinks again, unless I find a better way to make it. But, we still had a great time having some drinks, watching TV, talking and such.
Really, a good end to a headache-filled day. I love you Chris, and cannot wait for us to be able to spend a week together---alone---- while frying in Las Vegas. HAHAHA
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Yesterday I woke up with the itching to take my kids SOMEWHERE, where they could expend energy and not drive me bonkers..... and after some researching, I came up with this:
I had a new friend of mine happily join us with her 2 kids, which are sweet little people that I can actually agree to have my kids around (I am rather particular), and then her sister and her sisters friend joined us for a bit. All the kids seemed to have a great time, with minimal injuries (Joshua slight lip injury and some skinned elbows from slides), and only mild Julia restraining (mainly to sit and eat, rather than take food and run). Overall, I consider it a success.... me, adult interaction.... kids, energy expension. We did have to jet when Julia became a melting-in-progress, and then decided that inside such fun playland was the place to "concentrate" and proceeded to stink up the joint. So, we had to head home.
Then today, I woke up with a start of a migraine--with piercing pain above my left eye. A 4am wake up for THAT really sucks, but some caffeine/tylenol/hot shower, has seemed to fix it, and I am hoping to make it through my day unscathed.
Also, I have my interview tomorrow for facility #1 and I need to ensure I have appropriate clothing. With my weight fluctuating, I can never tell what I have until I try on clothes. I did get an interview with a facility #2, however, I believe that #1 (without viewing the unit yet) is a better fit, it is a closer commute, and has more opportunities as far as relocation if need be and has ties to other hospitals if I need more hours. So, I elected to hold off on #2 until I decide on #1. I do not want to waste their time (nor mine... plus I hate interviews), but keep the option open if I decide #1 isn't as good of a fit as I anticipated.
Also, with the for-certain-prospect of me working, even if occasionally, I need to figure out the childcare situation. I am sure I can find the occasional sitter for here and there, but if it is more frequent than that, I don't want to burn my "helpers" out. Honestly, I really really hate finding childcare providers. It is stressful, it is scary, it is time consuming. *sigh
I had a new friend of mine happily join us with her 2 kids, which are sweet little people that I can actually agree to have my kids around (I am rather particular), and then her sister and her sisters friend joined us for a bit. All the kids seemed to have a great time, with minimal injuries (Joshua slight lip injury and some skinned elbows from slides), and only mild Julia restraining (mainly to sit and eat, rather than take food and run). Overall, I consider it a success.... me, adult interaction.... kids, energy expension. We did have to jet when Julia became a melting-in-progress, and then decided that inside such fun playland was the place to "concentrate" and proceeded to stink up the joint. So, we had to head home.
Then today, I woke up with a start of a migraine--with piercing pain above my left eye. A 4am wake up for THAT really sucks, but some caffeine/tylenol/hot shower, has seemed to fix it, and I am hoping to make it through my day unscathed.
Also, I have my interview tomorrow for facility #1 and I need to ensure I have appropriate clothing. With my weight fluctuating, I can never tell what I have until I try on clothes. I did get an interview with a facility #2, however, I believe that #1 (without viewing the unit yet) is a better fit, it is a closer commute, and has more opportunities as far as relocation if need be and has ties to other hospitals if I need more hours. So, I elected to hold off on #2 until I decide on #1. I do not want to waste their time (nor mine... plus I hate interviews), but keep the option open if I decide #1 isn't as good of a fit as I anticipated.
Also, with the for-certain-prospect of me working, even if occasionally, I need to figure out the childcare situation. I am sure I can find the occasional sitter for here and there, but if it is more frequent than that, I don't want to burn my "helpers" out. Honestly, I really really hate finding childcare providers. It is stressful, it is scary, it is time consuming. *sigh
Weekly Weightloss Wednesday
Highest Weight "achieved": 11/09
To date weight loss: -68 lbs (-2 lb since last week! YEEHAW! :-)
Goal weight: 77 more lbs to lose
Daily Average Caloric intake this week: 1000
Average Water intake this week: 24 oz
So, I am still on the losing side, which is making me feel great. I may have finally gotten into my groove, and out of my "eating crap habit". I know this probably won't last forever, however, for now I am, and them ore I am "in the groove" the less likely I will fall out, right?
Sadly, my water intake has decreased quite significantly. I wish this wasn't so, but honestly, the more I drink the more I eat. I will slowly work on this to ensure that I am getting enough hydration, but for now, it is working :-)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Update on Summer Bucket List Status
- Go to Las Vegas! (date set! :-) YES! And I just made the emergency list for the babysitters :-)
- Organize my craft room Room is cleaned up, and about 3/4 organized--work in progress
- Plant a small herb/flower garden to hang off my deck Ughh, this has stalled
- Take the kids to the beach for the day
- Take the kids to the Children's Museum. Yes, we went a week or two ago. It was lots of fun, and with them constantly adding new things (at least it seems like that when we go seldom) the kids had a lot of fun.
- Partake in the "free movie days" at the local theater
- Lose, at least, 20 lbs. I am finally on track, and I can honestly say I may actually do it!
- Spend 1 full week at my Mom's Lake House with kids
- Secure a new babysitter and make a regularly-planned date nights with my husband
- Let my kids grow their hair out, even if the long-shaggy look bugs the crud out of me Still holding strong---and it is driving me NUTS---- Yup, still long and shaggy!
- Organize the garage for my husband, so he can do his beloved wood working YUP! DID IT --- and now it is destroyed again.
- Learn how to use my sewing machine in above stated "newly organized" craft room
- Go to the zoo with the kids and not be annoyed because I do not like the zoo
- Pay off all of our credit card debt (which should be done by July!! :-)) SO CLOSE! 1 payment left ---I am just waiting for my husbands work reinbursements to come in, and then IT IS DONE! THIS IS GOING TO FEEL SOOOO GOOD
- Obstain from buying my kids anymore summer clothes--and instead just do more laundry Doing really well with this
- Teach my older kids to ride bikes
- Sign them up for at least 2 extra curricular activities this summer
- Go one full week without any drive thru/fast food Surely did. Myself, Lauren, Julia all went a week without. It was easier than I anticipated.
- Talk my husband into allowing the kids to have a trampoline
- Enjoy a weird/special show or fair (one time we went to a tractor show.. it was fun!)
- Go Berry picking and make our seasonal jam
- Get my husband a new grill so he can cook at least 3 nights a week ;-) He got a beautiful new grill for Father's Day, and has been expertly cooking! Not quite 3 times a week because of the rain, but I am going to work on that.
- Make a dream board to hang in my bathroom to view everyday
- Go on a bug hunt with my kids
- Get our deck painted (our house if I feel ambitious!)
- Family day to the Amusement Park that is not too far from us
- Take my loud kids to the library
- Completely break my baby of watching Barney! :-) I had her completely broken---no shows for at least 2 months--and then my husband broke down and let her watch it. *sigh... I yelled at him "You screwed up my bucket list :-)" But other than maybe 2 random viewings, she is broken.--She has not watched it since that random viewing. I think we are BROKEN
- Get my kids an amphibean (frog/lizard/etc)
- One day without TV/phone/computer/Facebook/Blogging/Email.......
- Organize and use my label maker to clean out and label my kitchen cabinets I did about 1/2 thus far and still in progress
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Only 8000 steps?
We had a busy day planned today with a birthday bbq planned for Chris and Mimi. My day started at 6am with a shower, cleaning my bedroom/bathroom, getting Julia up, picking up miscellaneous items, cleaning the 2nd and 3rd bathrooms, ensuring the others had "their chores", collecting recycle and garbage, helping Lauren with her chores, frosting cakes, watching my husband vacuum while I chatted on facebook (a priority ya know :-)), cleaning up the dog stuff, scrubbing the deck outside, cleaning up the remnants of my kids/husband water balloon fight today, cleaning the kitchen, and finally laying down at 1pm for a short little eye/body rest.
Our company came, and my husband cooked some delectable New York Steaks on the grill---only his 2nd time and he has perfected the art! The kids then went outside for some more water balloon action-pegging by Chris... then in the house for some AC cool down, and some cake. I made 2 cakes for the 2 birthday peeps:
Mimi: requested carrot, but I couldn't have just boring carrot, so I had Pumpkin Carrot Spice cake with cream cheese frosting. It was really good, very thick, kind of like a cross between a pumpkin pie and a carrot cake.... I guess, hence the name!
Chris: requested apple spice, but again I could be boring, so I added caramel and cream cheese frosting... it was also VERY good.
Definitely a hit among the birthday boy/girl. They both liked their cake more than the other, which was the point, right?
So, a very busy but awesome day with family. The portable AC saved us (I know, us washington people are wimps), and my kids are worn out!
Now, for some hanging out time with my husband, which for whatever reason, I adore more than usual tonight. Maybe it was the vacuuming! :-)
And my pedometer only clocked in 8000 steps.... Oh my. Can't say what it must say on a normal day.
Our company came, and my husband cooked some delectable New York Steaks on the grill---only his 2nd time and he has perfected the art! The kids then went outside for some more water balloon action-pegging by Chris... then in the house for some AC cool down, and some cake. I made 2 cakes for the 2 birthday peeps:
Mimi: requested carrot, but I couldn't have just boring carrot, so I had Pumpkin Carrot Spice cake with cream cheese frosting. It was really good, very thick, kind of like a cross between a pumpkin pie and a carrot cake.... I guess, hence the name!
Chris: requested apple spice, but again I could be boring, so I added caramel and cream cheese frosting... it was also VERY good.
Definitely a hit among the birthday boy/girl. They both liked their cake more than the other, which was the point, right?
So, a very busy but awesome day with family. The portable AC saved us (I know, us washington people are wimps), and my kids are worn out!
Now, for some hanging out time with my husband, which for whatever reason, I adore more than usual tonight. Maybe it was the vacuuming! :-)
And my pedometer only clocked in 8000 steps.... Oh my. Can't say what it must say on a normal day.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Happy Birthday to my Wonderful Husband!
I don't say it often enough, but I truly adore my husband. He is kind, thoughtful, loving, giving, a great husband, and an incredible father.
He works so hard for us to be where we are, to have what we have. I hope for today he realizes how wonderful of a man he is, that we are proud of him, and we wish him a wonderful birthday!
I remember the first time I met him, our first date, I walked up to the restaurant entrance, and there was this TALL man, black dockers, and black leather jacket. He had such kind eyes, reassuring smile, and very apparently nervous---which endeared me even more. He wasn't full of himself, he didn't view me as just another woman, but perhaps THE woman. We had dinner and we talked, and talked and talked. We watched the table across from ours fill and deplete 3-4 times before we waddled (too much food) hoarsely (too much talking) out of the restaurant.
I knew. I knew that he was the one. I knew that someday I would be sharing this, his 38th birthday, with him.
What I didn't know was: how wonderful of a father he would be. How much he would love and adore me every second of every day. How much of a real man he was........ not a cowboy, fix everything, beat up a guy at a bar, type of man... but a treat a woman with respect, love and adore his kids, cry at their births, laugh at their jokes, helps his 2 year old dress in a princess dress, lets his 7 year old put bows in his hair, teaches his son about gross boy bodily functions, works so hard he nearly breaks to provide for us--kind of man.
To this wonderful man who is my husband, I wish you a wonderful birthday, surrounded by the 4 people (and the purse dog) who love you the most!
Thank you for all you do! Enjoy your special day!
He works so hard for us to be where we are, to have what we have. I hope for today he realizes how wonderful of a man he is, that we are proud of him, and we wish him a wonderful birthday!
I remember the first time I met him, our first date, I walked up to the restaurant entrance, and there was this TALL man, black dockers, and black leather jacket. He had such kind eyes, reassuring smile, and very apparently nervous---which endeared me even more. He wasn't full of himself, he didn't view me as just another woman, but perhaps THE woman. We had dinner and we talked, and talked and talked. We watched the table across from ours fill and deplete 3-4 times before we waddled (too much food) hoarsely (too much talking) out of the restaurant.
I knew. I knew that he was the one. I knew that someday I would be sharing this, his 38th birthday, with him.
What I didn't know was: how wonderful of a father he would be. How much he would love and adore me every second of every day. How much of a real man he was........ not a cowboy, fix everything, beat up a guy at a bar, type of man... but a treat a woman with respect, love and adore his kids, cry at their births, laugh at their jokes, helps his 2 year old dress in a princess dress, lets his 7 year old put bows in his hair, teaches his son about gross boy bodily functions, works so hard he nearly breaks to provide for us--kind of man.
To this wonderful man who is my husband, I wish you a wonderful birthday, surrounded by the 4 people (and the purse dog) who love you the most!
Thank you for all you do! Enjoy your special day!
Berry picking |
swingset building |
bowling teaching |
Julia's birth |
Showing us the outdoors |
Teaching the art of fishing |
How to build a bike |
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Letting Lauren beautify him |
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Lauren and Daddy on the Ferry |
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making mud pies |
Thursday, July 21, 2011
New Job Update:
I turned 3 resumes in on Monday the 18th..... and then 1 on the 19th. I heard back from 2 of the 4 within 18 hours of submission, which is pretty awesome!
One of them just encountered lay-offs, so I doubt I am needed :-).
The other has fulltime/parttime positions available for all shifts, which shows their need, and they were the ones that called me back for an interview. In which is a phone interview, scheduled for Friday.
Also, I got verification of all my accreditation dates, and other than 1, it looks like they all have expired, with one expiring at the end of July, so it looks like a lot of classes need to be taken... woo hoo.
But I am glad to be getting back on this path and excited about the prospect. I would have to say that given the hospitals I applied for, this one (except for the commute) was my first choice. I know some physicians there, I have been to that hospital (in the ER and for outpatient treatments... not L&D), and have thus far enjoyed their service. It also has a tie to a pretty large hospital, so it will help if I need to relocate at some time.
I think I will have to treat my husband to a vacation for letting me work.. hmmm, I have an idea where! Now, for when.......
I will update after my phone interview tomorrow..... :-)
One of them just encountered lay-offs, so I doubt I am needed :-).
The other has fulltime/parttime positions available for all shifts, which shows their need, and they were the ones that called me back for an interview. In which is a phone interview, scheduled for Friday.
Also, I got verification of all my accreditation dates, and other than 1, it looks like they all have expired, with one expiring at the end of July, so it looks like a lot of classes need to be taken... woo hoo.
But I am glad to be getting back on this path and excited about the prospect. I would have to say that given the hospitals I applied for, this one (except for the commute) was my first choice. I know some physicians there, I have been to that hospital (in the ER and for outpatient treatments... not L&D), and have thus far enjoyed their service. It also has a tie to a pretty large hospital, so it will help if I need to relocate at some time.
I think I will have to treat my husband to a vacation for letting me work.. hmmm, I have an idea where! Now, for when.......
I will update after my phone interview tomorrow..... :-)
Weekly Weightloss Wednesday...... a day late :-)
Wednesdays Stats:
Highest Weight "achieved": 11/09
To date weight loss: -66 lbs (-2 lb since last week!)
Goal weight: 79 more lbs to lose
Daily Average Caloric intake this week: 1160
Average Water intake this week: 48 oz
My new addiction---for better or worse--pistachios. I eat them when I crave ice cream/chips/carbs. It seems to work wonderfully!
I also just purchased a pedometer, I think you are suppose to have a minimum of 10,000 steps a day? We will see how I do. I FEEL like I do that just with normal daily chores, but we will see.
Highest Weight "achieved": 11/09
To date weight loss: -66 lbs (-2 lb since last week!)
Goal weight: 79 more lbs to lose
Daily Average Caloric intake this week: 1160
Average Water intake this week: 48 oz
My new addiction---for better or worse--pistachios. I eat them when I crave ice cream/chips/carbs. It seems to work wonderfully!
I also just purchased a pedometer, I think you are suppose to have a minimum of 10,000 steps a day? We will see how I do. I FEEL like I do that just with normal daily chores, but we will see.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I secretly love it.
I secretly love that my son crawls into bed with me at night. I find it sweet that he wakes up for whatever reason, and the first thing he things of is that he wants a snuggle from me.
We have never really let our kids sleep with us on a consistant basis, other than when they were super little, they slept in a bassinet hooked to the bed. However, occasionally one of them will end up in bed with us---usually Joshua.
Chris hates when Joshua gets in our bed, he tells him every night that he needs to sleep in his OWN bed. And I agree, for private time purposes, he needs to GO to sleep in his own bed, but at 3am??? I don't mind a sweet-little-boy voice saying "Mommy, can I have a short cuddle with you?"
And, I have a secret.......(sssshhhhh)..... when my husband goes away on business trips, I almost ALWAYS have a kid snuggled up next to me ;-)!
We have never really let our kids sleep with us on a consistant basis, other than when they were super little, they slept in a bassinet hooked to the bed. However, occasionally one of them will end up in bed with us---usually Joshua.
Chris hates when Joshua gets in our bed, he tells him every night that he needs to sleep in his OWN bed. And I agree, for private time purposes, he needs to GO to sleep in his own bed, but at 3am??? I don't mind a sweet-little-boy voice saying "Mommy, can I have a short cuddle with you?"
And, I have a secret.......(sssshhhhh)..... when my husband goes away on business trips, I almost ALWAYS have a kid snuggled up next to me ;-)!
TMI: Beware
If there was ever a day that I was "looking forward to the possible prospect of having a uterine removal" today is THE day. Oh my....... When do the booze stores open so I can snow myself today? I can hardly stand up because of the horrible cramps that shoot down my legs, I can't lay down because of the aching back, I can't go anywhere because---well, I have to live on towels.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Oh my, this was SO MUCH FUN!
I had heard recently from a cousin that there was this new recreational center nearby that was pretty neato....... today, I decided to partake in it.
The website specifically said "arrive early and wait in line". I was like, for a rec center??? Ok, so be it. I misread the website, thought it opened at 1:15pm, so we got there at 1250. I am glad I was early, as it was I was one of the last set of people to make it in, and it didn't actually open until 1:45. Craziness.... Will we be doing this again this summer? I don't know, the line waiting is a bear with 3 kids. But, this is what the kids got to do! (No, these are not my kids--I wasn't bringing my new camera to a pool ;-))
Overall, it was a very very fun day for me and the kids---and I am sure Chris enjoyed being able to work in peace and quiet!
The website specifically said "arrive early and wait in line". I was like, for a rec center??? Ok, so be it. I misread the website, thought it opened at 1:15pm, so we got there at 1250. I am glad I was early, as it was I was one of the last set of people to make it in, and it didn't actually open until 1:45. Craziness.... Will we be doing this again this summer? I don't know, the line waiting is a bear with 3 kids. But, this is what the kids got to do! (No, these are not my kids--I wasn't bringing my new camera to a pool ;-))
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Julia's Favorite |
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Lauren's favorite---the lazy river! |
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The bucket dumping on his head was Joshua's favorite part! |
Monday, July 18, 2011
Some of the things I would never do---then I had kids
I was reading a friends blog and she was stating how she was never going to be the parent who bent down an inch from their kids face and reprimand them in public------- then she had a son. There was definitely more to it than that, and she wrote it much better than me, however, it reminded me of today...... I decided to take my kids for a nice afternoon stroll, with the destination of quiznos for dinner (take out, and walk home to eat). I thought they would enjoy the outing, change of scenery, and to grab dinner on the way---an adventure.
Then we got to quiznos. Where my eldest child proceeded to run around in circles, my middle child was grabbing chip bags and attempting to pop them (and succeeded on one in which he then got on the floor to eat the crumbs), and my baby was laying on the floor screeching because she wanted to eat chips. I was thoroughly mortified. I saw the lady looking at me---but she was laughing---at my kids eating chips off of the floor. I saw the man look at me when I bent down and told my middle child his behavior was embarrassing, and my son looked me in the eye and said "I am very disappointed in you for saying that to me". I saw the worker-lady stumble with trying to grasp our order---as she looked at my kids acting like freaks.
Which leads me to the few things that I swear I would never do. (The first 3 I did today!)
1) Let my kids go out in mismatched/stained clothes--- Julia was truly fashionable today!
2) Have my kid wear a "leash"--- Then I had 3 kids with one of them a non-listening/runner--she has a leash of which we have named "Her Pretty"
3) Have my kids behave like non-disciplined animals--- above stated scene.
--I would never let my kid just "cry"... but then one day I had to actually pee.
--I would never use generic diapers, but HELL it is just there to absorb things.
--I would not sit my kid in front of the TV, but again----- had to pee
--Would only use special, liner-filled bottles with cute pictures---but my baby didn't like them!
--I would never let my kids wear pajamas all day---I have actually on occasion let my kids where pajamas all night, all day, and all the next night... (Very rarely, but it has happened)
--I would bath my child every day....
--I would make all my baby's food, no food from a jar. (I actually did pretty well with this--about 95%)
--I was WAY beyond hand-me-downs. Now, Julia is LUCKY if she gets clothes with tags!
--NEVER let them eat a cheerio off the ground.... now, I think I just pour the box there, they end up there anyway
--I would never drive a MINI-VAN.... and then I begged for one.
--No character shirts or parties..... Can we say BARNEY????
--Serve ice cream from dinner
--Use my spit and finger as a washcloth ;-)
--Have a child in public with a messy face...
I am sure to be continued........
Then we got to quiznos. Where my eldest child proceeded to run around in circles, my middle child was grabbing chip bags and attempting to pop them (and succeeded on one in which he then got on the floor to eat the crumbs), and my baby was laying on the floor screeching because she wanted to eat chips. I was thoroughly mortified. I saw the lady looking at me---but she was laughing---at my kids eating chips off of the floor. I saw the man look at me when I bent down and told my middle child his behavior was embarrassing, and my son looked me in the eye and said "I am very disappointed in you for saying that to me". I saw the worker-lady stumble with trying to grasp our order---as she looked at my kids acting like freaks.
Which leads me to the few things that I swear I would never do. (The first 3 I did today!)
1) Let my kids go out in mismatched/stained clothes--- Julia was truly fashionable today!
2) Have my kid wear a "leash"--- Then I had 3 kids with one of them a non-listening/runner--she has a leash of which we have named "Her Pretty"
3) Have my kids behave like non-disciplined animals--- above stated scene.
--I would never let my kid just "cry"... but then one day I had to actually pee.
--I would never use generic diapers, but HELL it is just there to absorb things.
--I would not sit my kid in front of the TV, but again----- had to pee
--Would only use special, liner-filled bottles with cute pictures---but my baby didn't like them!
--I would never let my kids wear pajamas all day---I have actually on occasion let my kids where pajamas all night, all day, and all the next night... (Very rarely, but it has happened)
--I would bath my child every day....
--I would make all my baby's food, no food from a jar. (I actually did pretty well with this--about 95%)
--I was WAY beyond hand-me-downs. Now, Julia is LUCKY if she gets clothes with tags!
--NEVER let them eat a cheerio off the ground.... now, I think I just pour the box there, they end up there anyway
--I would never drive a MINI-VAN.... and then I begged for one.
--No character shirts or parties..... Can we say BARNEY????
--Serve ice cream from dinner
--Use my spit and finger as a washcloth ;-)
--Have a child in public with a messy face...
I am sure to be continued........
On the search for a job.
I finally dedicated myself to doing my resume/cover letter today. It is annoying. I don't enjoy it at all. The most annoying part is that my experience kind of speaks for itself, 11 years in a nursing specialty area is just icing on the cake for units. BUT, it has to GET to the unit manager. It has to jump through all the annoying hoops of HR and pass all their wording tests.
I am just in search of a per diem (on call) shift with 2-4 shifts per month. I do not want an actual FTE position (a certain number of hours per week). I just want to keep my skills current, give myself an outlet, and the money is always nice. Chris and I have worked very hard to enable me to not "have" to work, and instead, stay home with the kids..... but I just need that outlet.
I know that being a stay at home mom is the "most important job ever", but sometimes when all you do is yell, clean up bodily functions, and wash laundry, you don't feel very important or appreciated. At my job I do (although I yell there too, clean up bodily functions too, and fool with linens.... so same job, different people!). It just makes me feel like I am a contributing member of society, and since we have worked so hard to enable me to stay home, I can cater my work around our life, rather than my life around work. I can go on vacations when we want to, I can ensure I won't miss my kids school production or sporting event. It is a really really nice professional place to be in.
Also, I have this issue with being dependant on a man. I never want to be in that position that some woman find themselves in... man leaves/passes away and they are stuck at home, 3 kids, no career, no training, and no money. I worked hard at school to obtain my degree and worked even harder at work to obtain my experience, so I need to find ways to keep it current so if anything happens I can jump right in.
It feels so good to have the applications in. Now to wait. I don't want to start until mid-late September, however, I have many re-certification classes I have to attend before returning, so I am sure that can fill up my time! (ACLS, NRP, BLS).
I am just in search of a per diem (on call) shift with 2-4 shifts per month. I do not want an actual FTE position (a certain number of hours per week). I just want to keep my skills current, give myself an outlet, and the money is always nice. Chris and I have worked very hard to enable me to not "have" to work, and instead, stay home with the kids..... but I just need that outlet.
I know that being a stay at home mom is the "most important job ever", but sometimes when all you do is yell, clean up bodily functions, and wash laundry, you don't feel very important or appreciated. At my job I do (although I yell there too, clean up bodily functions too, and fool with linens.... so same job, different people!). It just makes me feel like I am a contributing member of society, and since we have worked so hard to enable me to stay home, I can cater my work around our life, rather than my life around work. I can go on vacations when we want to, I can ensure I won't miss my kids school production or sporting event. It is a really really nice professional place to be in.
Also, I have this issue with being dependant on a man. I never want to be in that position that some woman find themselves in... man leaves/passes away and they are stuck at home, 3 kids, no career, no training, and no money. I worked hard at school to obtain my degree and worked even harder at work to obtain my experience, so I need to find ways to keep it current so if anything happens I can jump right in.
It feels so good to have the applications in. Now to wait. I don't want to start until mid-late September, however, I have many re-certification classes I have to attend before returning, so I am sure that can fill up my time! (ACLS, NRP, BLS).
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Oh Julia.... Please be kind.
It has been a very long day with the cherub, Julia. It started at 4am with her standing at her door screaming her head off, but she put herself back to bed, only to whine at 515 and 535, and then up for good at 6am.
She was in a superb mood this morning, went on the coffee (and subsequent donut) run with Daddy, picked out a super chocolatey-messy one (that her Daddy couldn't say no to, because he didn't want to break her adorable heart). She had lots of fun making a royal mess with above described chocolate donut, as a matter of fact, I just recently found some more chocolate coated sprinkles on the wall near the kitchen.................
Then the day went down hill. We are currently going through "5th Disease take 2 and 3", but luckily Joshua and Julia both have the rash, so they are no longer contagious, but I wonder if it is making Lil' J not feel so good. She screamed, cried, and slammed doors instead of taking a nap. She dumped cups of water out of the bathtub all over the floor, she almost sat on the dog (on purpose), she calmly climbed on the couch just to kick her sister in the stomach---for no reason.
Then bedtime came. Which I thought would go super easy considering the 6am wake up, the no nap, and the walk to the park we did earlier today----but I was mistaken. She turned on her light, read copious amounts of books in bed, and then started screaming bloody murder---like someone was truly harming her. I went in her room, and took her into our bed (something VERY rarely done). I had ideations of her just laying down and going to sweet slumber. I was wrong. It was 830pm when she climbed into bed with me....... and then she started to scream... and scream... and scream. She went downstairs and cuddled with Daddy for awhile, and then came upstairs to scream some more. Even the mention of "Elmo" (the CD she listens to) or "Bedtime" sent her into 2 year old/body flinging/head rammed into my nose/hitting/kicking/screeching fit. She didn't want milk, she didn't want to cuddle, she didn't want to watch a show, she didn't want anything, but to scream.
Finally, it is 1045pm. She is in bed (awake still), but quiet and relaxed.
It is nights like this that challenge me. That make me struggle to find the positives. However, today, I got to watch Julia tell her Daddy she wanted to be a princess, go get a dress and him attempt to make her as she requested. :-) Joshua came to me and stated I was the bestest Mommy ever and he wanted me to tuck him in so he could hug me and smell my hair before he went to bed. (Ok, kinda weird, but also super cute!) And watch Lauren hold her brothers hand as they crossed the street and state that she was the big sister and it was her job to keep him safe.
I "think" those 3 things can make up for the all day scream fest I have survived. :-)
She was in a superb mood this morning, went on the coffee (and subsequent donut) run with Daddy, picked out a super chocolatey-messy one (that her Daddy couldn't say no to, because he didn't want to break her adorable heart). She had lots of fun making a royal mess with above described chocolate donut, as a matter of fact, I just recently found some more chocolate coated sprinkles on the wall near the kitchen.................
Then the day went down hill. We are currently going through "5th Disease take 2 and 3", but luckily Joshua and Julia both have the rash, so they are no longer contagious, but I wonder if it is making Lil' J not feel so good. She screamed, cried, and slammed doors instead of taking a nap. She dumped cups of water out of the bathtub all over the floor, she almost sat on the dog (on purpose), she calmly climbed on the couch just to kick her sister in the stomach---for no reason.
Then bedtime came. Which I thought would go super easy considering the 6am wake up, the no nap, and the walk to the park we did earlier today----but I was mistaken. She turned on her light, read copious amounts of books in bed, and then started screaming bloody murder---like someone was truly harming her. I went in her room, and took her into our bed (something VERY rarely done). I had ideations of her just laying down and going to sweet slumber. I was wrong. It was 830pm when she climbed into bed with me....... and then she started to scream... and scream... and scream. She went downstairs and cuddled with Daddy for awhile, and then came upstairs to scream some more. Even the mention of "Elmo" (the CD she listens to) or "Bedtime" sent her into 2 year old/body flinging/head rammed into my nose/hitting/kicking/screeching fit. She didn't want milk, she didn't want to cuddle, she didn't want to watch a show, she didn't want anything, but to scream.
Finally, it is 1045pm. She is in bed (awake still), but quiet and relaxed.
It is nights like this that challenge me. That make me struggle to find the positives. However, today, I got to watch Julia tell her Daddy she wanted to be a princess, go get a dress and him attempt to make her as she requested. :-) Joshua came to me and stated I was the bestest Mommy ever and he wanted me to tuck him in so he could hug me and smell my hair before he went to bed. (Ok, kinda weird, but also super cute!) And watch Lauren hold her brothers hand as they crossed the street and state that she was the big sister and it was her job to keep him safe.
I "think" those 3 things can make up for the all day scream fest I have survived. :-)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Raspberries, where are you???
I took my husband first berry picking with Lauren when she was around 18 months old... (So June 2004). We very easily decided to make it a tradition. Go out as a family, pick berries (generally raspberries, but on occasion it has been strawberries and blackberries), make jam as a family and give out at Christmas.
Raspberries are suppose to be out..... Early July, raspberries should be hangin so I can go-a pickin. But they aren't. There are some places that they are selling them, but due to the lack of harvest, they are not opening the u-pick fields yet. This is sad. I am ready to make my jam.
For now, I will just have to think back to all the previous glorious memories we have obtained, while awaiting our this year tradition.
Raspberries are suppose to be out..... Early July, raspberries should be hangin so I can go-a pickin. But they aren't. There are some places that they are selling them, but due to the lack of harvest, they are not opening the u-pick fields yet. This is sad. I am ready to make my jam.
For now, I will just have to think back to all the previous glorious memories we have obtained, while awaiting our this year tradition.
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Lauren---18 months old |
Joshua 1 year old |
Lauren 3.5 years old |
Joshua 2 years old |
Good day---Bad day
The day started off so good.... up at 6am, went down and scanned somethings for Chris, got treated to Starbucks by my man, cleaned out the garage and filled up the truck for Chris to go on a dump run, fed kids, took a shower, got kids dressed, and conned convinced my husband to take the older kids out for the day and end up at Cars 2...... and then out of the house with Julia to shop Target and Grocery story-------all before 11am.
Then I got home. Somehow I got some horrid heartburn and nausea----12 tums later, I was starting to feel better, then I started with some mild lower abdominal pain which very quickly evolved into stabbing pain that radiated to my lower back and I started having sweats/chills. I have never been one who suffered much from bladder infections, but I know what they feel like, and other than the pain upon potty breaks, I had all the symptoms.....
I called my mom for sympathy (isn't that what Mommy's are for????) and started chugging the cranberry juice. 36 oz of cranberry juice in an hour....... and texting my husband to bring me back some more (along with pistachios :-)) I actually started getting a little concerned... Saturday evening, stabbing back pain, starting chills and hot flashes, it was going to either be 1) a long weekend, or 2) a very expensive "pee on a stick and draw some blood" ER visit. Now, one thing I need to be ultra careful of is that since my WBC's are so low, a semi-benign bladder infection that I would previously try to self treat, could QUICKLY go very bad......
But after 4 hours, 48+ oz of cranberry juice, and lotsa of peeing, I am doing much better. I hope it only continues to improve and this is not just a honeymoon period.
On a brighter note, on my Target shopping trip, I was able to obtain stuff for the 3 birthdays I have coming for peeps in my life---in the next 2ish weeks...... Now, all I have to do is assemble and give! I love giving gifts, it makes me feel good, and gives me an excuse to shop ---WIN WIN!
Then I got home. Somehow I got some horrid heartburn and nausea----12 tums later, I was starting to feel better, then I started with some mild lower abdominal pain which very quickly evolved into stabbing pain that radiated to my lower back and I started having sweats/chills. I have never been one who suffered much from bladder infections, but I know what they feel like, and other than the pain upon potty breaks, I had all the symptoms.....
I called my mom for sympathy (isn't that what Mommy's are for????) and started chugging the cranberry juice. 36 oz of cranberry juice in an hour....... and texting my husband to bring me back some more (along with pistachios :-)) I actually started getting a little concerned... Saturday evening, stabbing back pain, starting chills and hot flashes, it was going to either be 1) a long weekend, or 2) a very expensive "pee on a stick and draw some blood" ER visit. Now, one thing I need to be ultra careful of is that since my WBC's are so low, a semi-benign bladder infection that I would previously try to self treat, could QUICKLY go very bad......
But after 4 hours, 48+ oz of cranberry juice, and lotsa of peeing, I am doing much better. I hope it only continues to improve and this is not just a honeymoon period.
On a brighter note, on my Target shopping trip, I was able to obtain stuff for the 3 birthdays I have coming for peeps in my life---in the next 2ish weeks...... Now, all I have to do is assemble and give! I love giving gifts, it makes me feel good, and gives me an excuse to shop ---WIN WIN!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Something that I have always questioned.........
The purpose of swim diapers. Why do we use them? You put the kid in water, they fill up with water, they pee and the pee just flows out the sides because the diaper can only hold "so much water". And, if you are lucky enough to have your kid make "logs" then it can help with that, except "logs" start dissolving in water and.... well, they are swimming. BUT, my baby doesn't make "logs", she makes "pudding".... so swim diapers? Not helpful.
And that is all the pondering I have done today.
And that is all the pondering I have done today.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
3 kids always equals a busy day!
The household woke up in a grump. I didn't sleep well, and was grumpy....... Joshua didn't wake up on the right side of the bed, and was grumpy...... Lauren didn't want to do her hair, and was grumpy.... and Julia didn't sleep well last night either, and was grumpy. Poor Chris, all he heard this morning before we jetted out was screaming, crying, yelling (mine)................but I was bound and determined to have a good day with my kids.
We HAD planned on going to the free movie at the theater today, but with Julia in a "mood", and even on her best days, movie theaters are an iffy place, so I decided to partake in the membership I recently bought, and take them to the Children's Museum. Enjoy some pictures:
Then, when we were done, we did a fast food run and got the kids some food.... and I decided I wanted to tackle the mall--with 3 kids. (Yes, I am insane). The kids were actually really really good..... Julia got a Woody doll (Toy story which she is REALLY into right now), Joshua got a Cars 2 car, and Lauren (who stated she was growing up and needed a grown up item) went and got a brand new purple purse and a journal.
After 2 hours at the museum, and 2 hours at the mall, we headed home...... and after getting in and out of my car so many times today and seeing how dirty my car was, I decided to detail it. I put Julia to bed, got the dog and put her on the leash to enjoy the grass and brought out my vacuum and my steam cleaner and went to town. And all I have to say is THAT WAS GROSS. But I love that I did it, and that my car is all sparkly ;-)
Now, I am exhausted. I have a nerve in my hip that I agitated during my days goings on, so I am a little sore. BUT, my goal was accomplished. My kids had a great day, I had a great day, my husband didn't have to hear yelling all day, and a bonus of my car being clean!
We HAD planned on going to the free movie at the theater today, but with Julia in a "mood", and even on her best days, movie theaters are an iffy place, so I decided to partake in the membership I recently bought, and take them to the Children's Museum. Enjoy some pictures:
Wow, she is getting tall! |
Pretty much what I saw of Joshua the whole time |
Talking to Lauren who was upstairs in the tree house |
Julia was on stage, watching herself in a TV screen----she is SUCH a ham. |
Lauren was her fashion designer |
The upper level outdoor play area |
Julia buckling in for flight! |
Then, when we were done, we did a fast food run and got the kids some food.... and I decided I wanted to tackle the mall--with 3 kids. (Yes, I am insane). The kids were actually really really good..... Julia got a Woody doll (Toy story which she is REALLY into right now), Joshua got a Cars 2 car, and Lauren (who stated she was growing up and needed a grown up item) went and got a brand new purple purse and a journal.
After 2 hours at the museum, and 2 hours at the mall, we headed home...... and after getting in and out of my car so many times today and seeing how dirty my car was, I decided to detail it. I put Julia to bed, got the dog and put her on the leash to enjoy the grass and brought out my vacuum and my steam cleaner and went to town. And all I have to say is THAT WAS GROSS. But I love that I did it, and that my car is all sparkly ;-)
Now, I am exhausted. I have a nerve in my hip that I agitated during my days goings on, so I am a little sore. BUT, my goal was accomplished. My kids had a great day, I had a great day, my husband didn't have to hear yelling all day, and a bonus of my car being clean!
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